Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Tveteraas, Sigbjørn Landazuri"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
20 Years of Nordic tourism economics research: a review and future research agenda
Falk, Martin; Tveteraas, Sigbjørn Landazuri; Xie, Jinghua (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10)The number of economics-related articles in the Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism (SJHT) has recently increased considerably. Despite this increase, the research efforts of Nordic economists on tourism issues ... -
Agglomeration and performance in Norwegian tourism
Skrede, Oddne (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-10)Natural-based attractions are central for Norwegian tourism. Northern lights, rugged arctic landscapes, fjords and mountains, rural areas with culture landscapes are all part of the Norwegian experience. However, Norwegian ... -
An exploratory case study on the opportunities of how Artificial Intelligence can contribute to reduce the communication gap and streamline the distribution of resources.
Bakker, Soma; Laaouar, Nassiba (Master thesis, 2022)Executing a project successfully requires companies to initiate the right processes and implement the correct tools. Project management depends on good planning to achieve its strategic goals. It is necessary to have ... -
An exploratory case study on the opportunities of how Artificial Intelligence can contribute to reduce the communication gap and streamline the distribution of resources.
Bakker, Soma; Laaouar, Nassiba (Master thesis, 2022)Executing a project successfully requires companies to initiate the right processes and implement the correct tools. Project management depends on good planning to achieve its strategic goals. It is necessary to have ... -
Bedre utnyttelse av eksisterende strømnett gjennom tilknytning med vilkår
Litlekalsøy, Jarle Smeland; Runshaug, Alexander Brudvik (Master thesis, 2023)Tilknytning med vilkår om utkobling er en avtale som tillater kunder raskere og billigere tilknytning til strømnettet, men risikerer å bli koblet ut i perioder med høy last. Tidligere har alle nettselskap måtte operert ... -
The development of resource rent in Norwegian pelagic and coastal fisheries
Husain, Sheerin Agha (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-12-10)This thesis investigates the development of the resource rent in the pelagic and coastal fisheries in Norway from 2003 to 2018. Two methods are presented in this thesis, but only one of them is used to calculate the resource ... -
Earnings Forecasts, Surprises and Share Price Movements: A Comparison Between US and Norwegian Analysts and Large-Cap Firms
Ødegården, Ruben Johnsen (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-15)How accurate financial analysts are in their earnings forecasts, and how share prices are affected by whether a company is able to outperform market expectations or not, has been researched extensively in the US. This ... -
Economic Decline and the Birth of a Tourist Nation
Xie, Jinghua; Tveteraas, Sigbjørn Landazuri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01)Price competitiveness is key for tourists’ destination choice. In the study, we evaluate the effects of an economic decline caused by non-tourism industry on a tourist destination’s price competitiveness. An econometric ... -
Economic drivers for the Chinese tourists
Xie, Jinghua; Tveteraas, Sigbjørn Landazuri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03)Asia, particularly China, has become an attractive market that receives much attention in the Norwegian tourism industry. This raises relevant questions about the sustainability of the Chinese tourism boom. If the Norwegian ... -
Effects of management practices for using the SaaS system on performance of hospitality firms in Norway
Alemayehu, Fikru Kefyalew; Tveteraas, Sigbjørn Landazuri; Kumbhakar, Subal Chandra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The earlier literature either measured management practices in terms of the general management traits or did not account for the effects on firm performance. However, the transformation of the Enterprise Resource Planning ... -
Efficiency in Chinese large yellow croaker aquaculture: Implication for sustainable aquaculture in China
Liu, Yiyang; Tveteraas, Sigbjørn Landazuri; Xie, Jinghua (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12)Aquaculture supply from China has been a remedy to meet the growing global demand for seafood in the last decades. However, output growth has decreased dramatically in China in the 2000s. Previous literature focuses on the ... -
Estimation of staff use efficiency: Evidence from the hospitality industry
Alemayehu, Fikru Kefyalew; Kumbhakar, Subal Chandra; Tveteraas, Sigbjørn Landazuri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We analyze the extent to which hospitality firms overuse staff using a production function model which considers firm heterogeneity and accounts for environmental variables in staff use. We decompose overall staff use ... -
Flytende havvind, hvilke teknologiske utfordringer må løses for å få LCOE ned på et økonomisk bærekraftig nivå?
Veholmen, Håkon Bentsen (Master thesis, 2022)Flytende havvind har den klart høyeste LCOE-kostnaden av alle de ulike segmentene av vindproduksjon. Teknologien er også den yngste i vindmarkedet og er i liten grad kommersialisert/industrialisert. Samtidig ligger fornybar ... -
Hva fører til kundetilfredshet i ERP-implementeringsprosjekter?
Genthner, Lars Andreas Flesjå; Westre, Petter Nesse (Master thesis, 2024)I dagens digitale tidsalder kan bedrifter investere i ERP-systemer (Enterprise Resource Planning) for å oppnå sømløs integrasjon av bedriftsfunksjoner som innkjøp, salg, produksjon, prosjektstyring, lager og logistikk, noe ... -
Hvilke drift og vedlikeholds oppgaver må gjennomføres under vann på den flytende vindparken Utsira Nord, og hva vil være kostnaden?
Austreim, Anders Hetland (Master thesis, 2023)Operation and maintenance of floating wind turbines are a major cost and account for approximately 20% of the cost of a floating wind turbine over its lifetime. Since floating wind turbines are relatively new in the market, ... -
Inputs Management in Hospitality Operations
Alemayehu, Fikru Keyfalew (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2020-01)Inputs management is a central issue in hospitality because of the characteristics of service production (e.g. perishability and face to face interaction) and the fact that hospitality companies adapt inputs to the demand ... -
Investeringsanalyse av en Unmanned Surface Vessel til subseaoperasjoner
Jørgensen, Henrik; Høiland, Andreas Vangdal (Master thesis, 2021)I 2015 signerte 196 parter Parisavtalen, en juridisk bindende internasjonal traktat om klimaendringer. Formålet med denne pakten er å holde den globale oppvarmingen godt under 2 ° C, og helst til 1,5 ° C, med nasjoner som ... -
Investeringsanalyse av en Unmanned Surface Vessel til subseaoperasjoner
Høiland, Andreas Vangdal; Jørgensen, Henrik (Master thesis, 2021)I 2015 signerte 196 parter Parisavtalen, en juridisk bindende internasjonal traktat om klimaendringer. Formålet med denne pakten er å holde den globale oppvarmingen godt under 2 ° C, og helst til 1,5 ° C, med nasjoner som ... -
Kan havvind bli lønnsomt for Norge de neste 10-20 årene? En analyse av faktorene som påvirker lønnsomhet innenfor havvind
Trede, Cicilie (Master thesis, 2024) -
Optimalisering og markedsanalyse av energimaskinen WorldPower Energy.
Peskovic, Sadid Gagi; Peskovic, Admir (Master thesis, 2021)Del 1 (1) av denne oppgaven tar for seg en teoretisk og eksperimentell forskning om Archimedes Buoyancy Principle (ABP). Spesielt fokuserer forskningen på den nåværende definisjonen av størrelsen (magnitude) og retningen ...