Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Sareen, Siddharth"
Now showing items 21-40 of 57
E-scooter regulation: The micro-politics of market-making for micro-mobility in Bergen
Sareen, Siddharth; Remme, Devyn Helen Avhild; Haarstad, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Micro-mobility market-making represents an under-studied but important aspect of urban transport sustainability transitions. Micro-mobility roll-out combines several critical elements: decarbonisation, digitalisation and ... -
Editorial: Urban energy poverty and positive energy districts.
Sareen, Siddharth; Robinson, Caitlin; Thomson, Harriet; Ochoa, Rigoberto García (Journal article, 2022)Cities are important actors in low-carbon energy transitions. They matter as front-runners, trend-setters and decision-makers. They matter as daily settings for over half of humanity. As cities continue to evolve, urban ... -
Electric Vehicle Paradise? Exploring the Value Chains of Green Extractivism
Remme, Devyn; Sareen, Siddharth; Haarstad, Håvard; Rommetveit, Kjetil (Chapter, 2023)Norway has the world-class ambition to make transport more sustainable and climate friendly. Its electric vehicle (EV) rollout is celebrated by and aspirational for other countries, manifesting the imaginary of technological ... -
Enabling a just energy transition through solidarity in research
Sareen, Siddharth; Girard, Bérénice; Lindkvist, Peter Mathias; Sveinsdóttir, Anna Guðbjört; Kristiansen, Silje; Laterza, Vito; Støen, Mariel Cristina; Langhelle, Oluf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-05)A just energy transition is as much about acknowledging and acting on the socio-material needs of marginalised classes and groups as about informing inclusive and deliberative policy-making towards more equitable energy ... -
Extracting Users: Regimes of Engagement in Norwegian Smart Electricity Transition
Rommetveit, Kjetil; Foss Ballo, Ingrid; Sareen, Siddharth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10)Recent efforts to involve digital technologies and renewables in the electricity grid have placed users at center stage in the legitimation of energy transitions. This move has been paralleled by an emphasis on users and ... -
Financially-constrained solar development: A comparative analysis of urban fabrics and scalar expression in Portugal and Rajasthan
Sareen, Siddharth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-06)Solar energy takes many varied forms in and beyond the urban infrastructure. Compared to large-scale plants, small-scale solar forms have received little attention, yet arguably hold more hope for just energy transitions ... -
Getting profitable CCU off the ground: Contingent pathways and Bergen Carbon Solutions
Sareen, Siddharth; Sagmo, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) gains policy traction and pilot project funding, CCS usually gets the limelight, whereas CCU is often overlooked. CCU, if feasible, has two potential advantages: it obviates ... -
Global sustainability, innovation and governance dynamics of national smart electricity meter transitions
Sovacool, Benjamin K.; Hook, Andrew; Sareen, Siddharth; Geels, Frank W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Smart electricity meters are a central feature of any future smart grid, and therefore represent a rapid and significant household energy transition, growing by our calculations from less than 23.5 million smart meters in ... -
Hydrogen, Kultur og Nord-Norge: kulturell bærekraft av hydrogenutvikling i det Norske Arktis
Ponthieu, Caroline (Master thesis, 2024)Overgangen til bærekraftige energisystemer er en global nødvendighet, drevet av behovet for å dempe klimaendringer og sikre energisikkerhet. Hydrogen har dukket opp som en lovende energibærer, spesielt grønt hydrogen ... -
Individual agency in the social construction of Green Public Procurement: Emergence and implications in Stavanger Municipality
Edland, Andrea (Master thesis, 2023)Given the urgent global climate challenges we face today, it is imperative for actors at all levels - international, national, and local - to take decisive action. In this context, green public procurement (GPP) emerges ... -
Inkluderende nabolagssentrum - Medvirkningsmetoder i kommunale planprosesser
Espelid, Natasha (Master thesis, 2022)Medvirkningsmetoder i kommunale planprosesser er sentrale for å skape et inkluderende og bærekraftig samfunn. Strand kommune er i gang med kommunesplanens arealdel for 2023-2035, der de har satt som mål å utvikle et ... -
Legitimating power: Solar energy rollout, sustainability metrics and transition politics
Sareen, Siddharth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Increasing recognition of the irrefutable urgency to address the global climate challenge is driving mitigation efforts to decarbonise. Countries are setting targets, technological innovation is making renewable energy ... -
Leisure mobility: Situating emotional geographies of friluftsliv in urban mobility transitions
Tråsavik, Helene S.; Loe, Morten Ryen; King, Katrina Starr Rose; Sareen, Siddharth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In Norwegian culture, outdoor recreation in nature – such as hiking – is an important activity tied to the production of identity and aspirations of a ‘good life’. ‘Friluftsliv’ (outdoor life) in Norwegian entails a ... -
Livssyklusanalyser og bærekraftige omstillinger
Kvitrud, Erlend Kulander (Master thesis, 2022)The social and political barriers to sustainability are often presumed to boil down to misalignments of power and motivation. If only those who have the power to initiate sustainability transitions could be motivated to ... -
Looking back to look forward: Reflections from networked research on energy poverty
Jiglau, George; Bouzarovski, Stefan; Dubois, Ute; Feenstra, Mariëlle; Gouveia, João Pedro; Grossmann, Katrin; Guyet, Rachel; Herrero, Sergio Tirado; Hesselman, Marlies; Robic, Slavica; Sareen, Siddharth; Sinea, Anca; Thomson, Harriet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Energy poverty is a far-reaching concept that intrinsically bridges numerous fields of study, ranging from engineering to anthropology and medical science to social psychology. The profound implications of energy poverty ... -
The maintenance of carbonscapes: Enacting Net Zero in Stavanger, Norway
Müller, Anders Riel; Sareen, Siddharth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)As a stable, democratic petrostate, Janus-faced Norway balances fossil fuel incumbency (profitable oil and gas exports) with leadership in green transitions (domestic hydropower supply and transport electrification) and ... -
A matter of time: Explicating temporality in science and technology studies and Bergen's car-free zone development
Sareen, Siddharth; Remme, Devyn; Wågsæther, Katinka; Haarstad, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08)In their article on ‘sociotechnical matters’, Hess and Sovacool (2020) draw on extant STS scholarship to unpack ‘the black box’ of sociotechnical contributions to social science studies of energy. Notably absent in their ... -
Multiscalar Practices of Fossil Fuel Displacement
Sareen, Siddharth; Grandin, Jakob Olof; Haarstad, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02)As renewable energy sources increasingly outcompete fossil fuels on cost and efficiency, novel questions arise around how, when, and where renewables can displace fossil energy. We need to understand fossil fuel displacement ... -
Nature trails and urban inclusion: The integration of city spaces into Sweden's long trekking trails
King, Katrina (Master thesis, 2023)Cities have long been poorly integrated into nature trails, which are popularly associated with rural areas. Yet these trails can be seen as places of connection between the urban and the rural, constituting a mélange of ... -
Navigating implementation dilemmas in technology- forcing policies: A comparative analysis of accelerated smart meter diffusion in the Netherlands, UK, Norway, and Portugal
Geels, Frank W.; Sareen, Siddharth; Hook, Andrew; Sovacool, Benjamin K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper addresses the implementation of technology-forcing policies in open-ended diffusion processes that involve companies and regulators as well as consumers and civil society actors. Mobilising insights from the ...