Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Bergerød, Inger Johanne"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Developing a Next-of-Kin Involvement Guide in Cancer Care—Results From a Consensus Process
Bergerød, Inger Johanne; Braut, Geir Sverre; Fagerdal, Birte; Gilje, Bjørnar; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background In hospital cancer care, there is no set standard for next-of-kin involvement in improving the quality of care and patient safety. There is therefore a growing need for tools and methods that can guide this ... -
Developing Methods to Support Collaborative Learning and Co-creation of Resilient Healthcare—Tips for Success and Lessons Learned From a Norwegian Hospital Cancer Care Study
Bergerød, Inger Johanne; Clay-Williams, Robyn; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01)Background There is a growing attention on the role of patients and stakeholders in resilience, but there is lack of knowledge and methods on how to support collaborative learning between stakeholders and co-creation of ... -
External inspection approaches and involvement of stakeholders’ views in inspection following serious incidents - a qualitative mixed methods study from the perspectives of regulatory inspectors
Øyri, Sina Furnes; Wiig, Siri; Anderson, Janet; Bergerød, Inger Johanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-03)Objective The objective was to gain knowledge about how external inspections following serious incidents are played out in a Norwegian hospital context from the perspective of the inspectors, and whether stakeholders’ ... -
Helsekompetanse og styrket mestring hos barn og unge som pårørende
Stenberg, Una; Bergerød, Inger Johanne; Fredriksen, Kari; Bossy, Dagmara; Bøckmann, Kari; Haugstvedt, Karen Therese Sulheim; Vågan, Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)I denne litteraturgjennomgangen har vi samlet og oppsummert resultater fra internasjonal forskning i perioden 2010-2020 om opplevd utbytte og/eller effekt av deltakelse i lærings- og mestringstilbud for barn og unge som ... -
Involving patients and next of kin to mitigate adverse events related to systemic anticancer treatment
Haukland, Ellinor Christin; Bergerød, Inger Johanne (Chapter, 2022)Medication safety in cancer care is an inherently complex field, with a potentially high risk for adverse events. Medication harm is the most common type of adverse event in cancer patients, and is often related to both ... -
Ledelse, kvalitet og pasientsikkerhet : sammenlignende case studie av to norske sykehus
Bergerød, Inger Johanne (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IH/2012;, Master thesis, 2012-11-15)Kvalitet og pasientsikkerhet blir betraktet som en av de store internasjonale og nasjonale satsingsområdene innen helsesystemer. Nasjonalt ble dette bekreftet i 2011 da Nasjonal helse- og omsorgsplan (2011 -2015) ble vedtatt ... -
Measuring next of kin satisfaction with hospital cancer care: using a mixed‐method approach as basis for improving quality and safety
Bergerød, Inger Johanne; Dalen, Ingvild; Braut, Geir Sverre; Gilje, Bjørnar; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aim/s To explore next of kin satisfaction with cancer care, map next of kin suggestions for involvement and combine this information to create a basis for improving quality and safety in hospitals. Design Convergent ... -
Motivasjonens betydning for kvalitet i pårørendearbeidet – en kvalitativ studie av ledere og ansatte i kommunehelsetjenesten
Aarrestad Godeset, Ingvil; Bergerød, Inger Johanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Bakgrunn: Ifølge sentrale politiske føringer og gjeldende lovverk er det viktig at arbeidet som rettes mot pårørende, inngår som en del av kommunehelsetjenesten i Norge. Forskning viser imidlertid at motivasjonen for ... -
Next-of-kin involvement in improving hospital cancer care quality and safety – a qualitative cross-case study as basis for theory development
Bergerød, Inger Johanne; Gilje, Bjørnar; Braut, Geir Sverre; Wiig, Siri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05)Background Next-of-kin are an extension of healthcare professionals in all stages of cancer care. They offer care activities such as interpretations of symptoms, and reporting of negative or adverse effects of treatment, ... -
Quality and safety in hospital cancer care : A mixed methods study of next of kin involvement
Bergerød, Inger Johanne (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021-04)Introduction: Next of kin involvement in cancer care services is complex, challenging and influenced by factors related to the organisation of the healthcare service, the resources of the next of kin, and the patient’s ...