Blar i UiS Brage på forfatter "Ueland, Venke Irene"
Aspects of well-being when struggling with obesity
Haga, Britt Marit; Furnes, Bodil; Dysvik, Elin; Ueland, Venke Irene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12)Purpose: We aimed to gain deeper insight into how people struggling with obesity handle their life situation by addressing how well-being might unfold. For many people, obesity becomes a lifelong condition characterized ... -
Binge Eating Disorders – Experience of Change in the Relationship with Food and the Body during Treatment
Salte, Ole Morten; Rørtveit, Kristine; Ueland, Venke Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Binge eating disorder is a multidimensional mental health condition associated with a complicated relationship to food and the body. Non-pharmacological treatments such as psychoeducation are common, but there ... -
Developing and testing the EPICC Spiritual Care Competency Self-Assessment Tool for student nurses and midwives
Giske, Tove; Schep-Akkerman, Annemiek; Bø, Bodil; Cone, Pamela H.; Kuven, Britt Moene; McSherry, Wilfred; Owusu, Benson; Ueland, Venke Irene; Lassche-Scheffer, Joanne; van Leeuwen, Rene; Ross, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Aims and objectives To develop and psychometrically test a self-assessment tool that measures undergraduate nursing and midwifery students’ perceptions of spiritual care competence in health care practice. Background ... -
Erfaringer med treningsmetoden Lightning Process ved Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgisk Encephalopati
Sandal, Karianne (Masteroppgave/UIS-HV/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)Sammendrag CFS/ME er preget av langvarig og til tider invalidiserende utmattelse. Det finnes pr i dag ingen kurativ behandling for tilstanden. Treningsmetoden Lightning Process har fått mye omtale i media og i ulike ... -
Experiences of longing in daily life and associations to well-being among frail older adults receiving home care: a qualitative study
Hemberg, Jessica; Nyqvist, Fredrica; Ueland, Venke Irene; Näsman, Marina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: All over the world, communities face the challenge of maintaining well-being among older adults. More specifically, understanding the resources required to establish and maintain well-being among community-dwelling ... -
Health professionals' reflections on existential concerns among people with obesity
Haga, Britt Marit; Furnes, Bodil; Ueland, Venke Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-07-05)Abstract Purpose This study aimed to describe health professionals' reflections on existential concerns among people with obesity when attempting to support them in their lifestyle change processes. For many of those ... -
Homeworld/Alienworld: a qualitative study about existential experiences after cancer treatment
Ueland, Venke Irene; Dysvik, Elin; Rørtveit, Kristine; Furnes, Bodil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07)Background As a group, cancer survivors experience significant vulnerability and existential challenges. The biomedical approach dominating health care is insufficient to meet such existential challenges in an individualistic, ... -
How elderly residents in nursing homes handle loneliness – from the nurses’ perspective
Naik, Prathima; Ueland, Venke Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11)Introduction: Elderly people who leave their home environment and move to a nursing home enter a phase in life with diminishing contact with family and friends. This situation often results in a feeling of loneliness with ... -
«Jeg er hele meg» En kvalitativ studie om opplevelsen av å leve med overvekt med særlig fokus på skamaspektet.
Bruåsdal, Lena Thomsen (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IH/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Overvekt er et økende problem globalt og nasjonalt. Personer med overvekt blir utsatt for stigmatisering som kan føre til følelse av skyld og skam. Skyld og skam kan føre til vedlikehold av overvekt, ... -
Kunnskapsstatus om mennesker som har anlagt colostomi i forbindelse med kreftsykdom. En studie om ulike elementer som påvirker helsen i etterkant av behandling, basert på kvalitativ metasyntese
Bjelland, Ida Viktoria (Master thesis, 2022)Bakgrunn: Antall mennesker som blir diagnostiert tarmkreft i Norge øker stadig, og i løpet av 2022 igangsettes det et nasjonalt screeningprogram som skal kartlegge bedre utredning og behandling for pasientgruppen. Hensikt: ... -
Life after cancer treatment – existential experiences of longing
Ueland, Venke Irene; Rørtveit, Kristine; Dysvik, Elin; Furnes, Bodil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10)Purpose: The study aimed to gain insight into existential longing as experienced by people treated for cancer. Method: An exploratory phenomenological–hermeneutical design was used, and data were collected through in-depth ... -
Living with obesity — existential experiences
Ueland, Venke Irene; Furnes, Bodil; Dysvik, Elin; Rørtveit, Kristine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08)Aims and objectives: The aim was to gain in-depth understanding about individuals’ existential experiences of living with obesity. Background: People living with obesity face great vulnerability and existential challenges. ... -
Living With Obesity: Expressions of Longing
Ueland, Venke Irene; Dysvik, Elin; Furnes, Bodil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01)Abstract Those who are obese experience complex moral distress. The norm in Western societies is to be slim, and people living with obesity experience challenges under the gaze of society. They feel great vulnerability and ... -
The meaning of reflection for understanding caring and becoming a caring nurse
Jaastad, Turid Anita; Ueland, Venke Irene; Koskinen, Camilla Ann-Louise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Reflection is essential for students to learn and understand caring, their formation as human and caring beings, and their ability to meet patients in a caring way. Consequently, to facilitate nurse students’ ... -
Organizational structures influencing timely recognition and acknowledgment of end-of-life in hospitals – A qualitative study of nurses' and doctors’ experiences
Bakken, Janet; Wallgren, Gry Ciekals; Furnes, Bodil; Kørner, Hartwig; Ueland, Venke Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Healthcare personnel's timely recognition and acknowledgment of end-of-life (EOL) is fundamental for reducing futile treatment, enabling informed decisions regarding the last days or weeks of life, and focusing on high-quality ... -
Patients' experience of attending a binge eating group treatment program - qualitative evaluation of a pilot study
Rørtveit, Kristine; Furnes, Bodil; Dysvik, Elin; Ueland, Venke Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06)We developed a group program for patients with binge eating disorders (BED), comprising cognitive therapy, affect consciousness, and therapeutic writing. We wished to investigate how therapeutic writing and affect consciousness ... -
Putting life on hold: lived experiences of people with obesity
Haga, Britt Marit; Furnes, Bodil; Dysvik, Elin; Ueland, Venke Irene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10)Obesity presents challenges in everyday life, one of which involves the existential aspects of living life as a person with obesity. There is a need for understanding the existential experiences, but there is limited ... -
Reassured on a background of vulnerability - people with microvascular angina 12 months after high-intensity physical exercise program
Røysland, Ingrid Ølfarnes; Ueland, Venke Irene; Larsen, Alf Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose Physical activity is recommended for patients with coronary microvascular dysfunction, however, avoided due to fear about the heart. The aim is to achieve an understanding of the meaning of physical activity one ... -
Strengths and challenges with spiritual care: Student feedback from the EPICC Spiritual Care Self-Assessment Tool
Cone, Pamela H.; Lassche-Scheffer, Joanne; Bø, Bodil; Kuven, Britt Moene; McSherry, Wilfred; Owusu, Benson; Ross, Linda; Schep-Akkerman, Annemiek; Ueland, Venke Irene; Giske, Tove (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)To explore qualitative data from students' self-reported competencies in spiritual care gathered during testing of a student self-assessment tool based on the EPICC Spiritual Care Education Standard. Design Reflexive ... -
Sykepleiers ansvar; å varsle om barnemishandling
Hagen Øye, Andrea; Sæther, Malin (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn: Sykepleier møter både personlige og profesjonelle utfordringer i sitt arbeid med saker hvor det er mistenkt barnemishandling. Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven er å belyse sykepleieren sin rolle i å oppdage ...