Articles (AmS)
Nye registreringer
Legacy of last millennium timber use on plant cover in Central Europe: Insights from tree rings and pollen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Throughout history, humans have relied on wood for constructions, tool production or as an energy source. How and to what extent these human activities have impacted plant abundance and composition over a long-term perspective ... -
Corroborating written history with ancient DNA: The case of the Well-man described in an Old Norse saga
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-11)The potential of ancient DNA analyses to provide independent sources of information about events in the historical record remains to be demonstrated. Here we apply palaeogenomic analysis to human remains excavated from a ... -
NOTHAW – ein hansischer Hafen bei Avaldsnes an einer maritimen Schlüsselstelle der norwegischen Westküste
(Journal article, 2024)Avaldsnes is located between Stavanger and Bergen, at a key strategic point on the sea route along the west coast of Norway. Outstanding prehistoric monuments and an important church, as well as a medieval royal palace, ... -
Lithic technology before and after the Storegga tsunami (8200 cal BP): Dissolving large-scale regional trends to identify social impact of crisis in western Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-09)Around 8200 years ago, the Storegga tsunami hit the west coast of South Norway. The physical extent of the tsunami has been well documented but the consequences of the event for contemporary societies have received little ... -
A Novel Approach for Autonomous Densely Spaced Acquisition of Buried Objects in Intertidal Environments—Field Examples From Avaldsnes, Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-07)Underwater archaeology relies on expensive and time-consuming invasive methods for identifying and excavating objects buried in the seabed or identifying layers in shallow and intertidal environments. Especially shallow ... -
The Blurry Third Millennium. "Neolithisation" in a Norwegian Context
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-04)In this article, we critically review recurrent tropes, implicit frameworks, and unexplained concepts in current research on the process of “Neolithisation” in the western part of southern Norway. Two models are on offer, ... -
Learning from the Past: Rediscovering Traditional Medieval Wood Tar Adhesives for Sustainable Stone Conservation and Built Heritage
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-06)This paper outlines a research project on the use of wood tar as adhesive for architectural stone repairs. Tar was identified as having been used in medieval repair techniques on Stavanger cathedral in Norway, as well as ... -
Lithic stories of broken relations after the Storegga tsunami in Mesolithic western Norway?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Major changes in lithic technologies are often explained by either migration or crisis. Here we argue that continuity and minor adjustments in lithic production can tell equally dramatic tales of altered social situations. ... -
A multiproxy approach to understanding the impact of the Storegga tsunami upon Mesolithic hunter-fisher-gatherers across different regions of western Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Storegga tsunami (c. 8150 cal BP) is geologically well attested from various isolation basins across the west Norwegian coast. Ascertaining the impact it had upon the Mesolithic peoples who lived through it, however, ... -
Peat bog excavations at L’Anse aux Meadows 2018-2019
(Chapter, 2021)This text provides an overview of archaeological work conducted during the summers of 2018 and 2019 at the L’Anse aux Meadows (LAM) National Historic Site by teams led by Paul Ledger (2018, Parks Canada permit # AM-2018- ... -
A rune-like carving on a terra sigillata bowl from the early medieval cemetery of Deiningen, Bavaria
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-10)Excavations in 2020 of the inhumation grave of an adult female, from within a known early medieval cemetery north of the village of Deiningen in the Donau-Ries district, western Bavaria ... -
Burial : settlement relations at Forsandmoen, Southwest Norway
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)In 2017, a pre-development excavation of two burial mounds and surrounding buildings was carried out within the densely settled archaeological site of Forsandmoen, southwest Norway. The investigation provided an opportunity ... -
Anders Lauritsen Smith – barokkens store mester?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Stavanger domkirke er utsmykket med en prekestol og fem epitafier skåret og malt i perioden 1658–1676. Det barokke inventaret er i kunsthistorien tilskrevet Anders Lauritsen Smith. Nye funn i primærkilder slik som regnskap, ... -
Stuck like glue: Wood tar as a medieval stone adhesive
(Chapter, 2023)This study outlines a medieval stone repair technique involving wood tar. In the process of condition assessment, an unusual adhesive was identified used for repairs and indents on Stavanger Cathedral, a medieval Norwegian ... -
The Iron Age and Medieval portage at Haraldseid, southwest Norway. Legends, place names and archaeology
(Chapter, 2023)The old Norse term eið occurs in many Scandinavian place names. It denotes a passage over land between two trafficable waters, i.e., an isthmus which could be utilised as a portage for boats, people and cargo. Thus, the ... -
Kvalitetshåndverk og elitemiljøer
(Chapter, 2023)Nordsjøkysten fra Agder til Sogn, som åpner opp mot De britiske øyer og kontinentet, fremstår i folkevandringstiden som et kjerneområde for håndverksprodukter av høy kvalitet. Dette kommer til uttrykk gjennom konsentrasjoner ... -
Encounters with Animals from Lost Worlds
(Chapter, 2023) -
Et finsmedverksted fra tidlig vikingtid på Sømme ved Hafrsfjord
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In Norway, Viking-age non-ferrous metal working is primarily related to trading sites like Kaupang in Vestfold. The remains of a workshop at Sømme in Rogaland demonstrates, however, that this kind of craft also took place ... -
Geo- and ethnoarchaeological investigations of a cave in the Northern Zagros Mountains (Ashkawta Rash, Iraqi Kurdistan)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ashkawta Rash Cave was investigated in two short excavation campaigns in 2018 and 2021. Hundreds of anthropogenic layers testify to the use of the cave over the last three millennia. In this article, we combine ethnoarchaeological ... -
Nye undersøkelser av skipsgraven Storhaug
(Chapter, 2023)Skipsgraven Storhaug har stor betydning for forståelsen av vikingtidens begynnelse (fig. 1). Som den eldste skipsgraven vi hittil kjenner i landet, representerer den en klar forløper for østnorske skipsgraver. Graven vitner ...