Now showing items 381-400 of 7322

    • Long-term operation of an anaerobic bioreactor effluent gravity driven membrane system 

      Bredal, Mikal (Master thesis, 2023)
      Currently, anaerobic treatment technology stands out as a viable solution for wastewater treatment due to its minimal carbon footprint. The key advantage lies in its capacity to directly convert organics into methane, ...
    • Characterization and capillary pressure curve estimation of clayey-silt sediment in gas hydrate reservoirs of the South China Sea 

      Xia, Yuxuan; Xu, Sai; Lu, Cheng; Andersen, Pål Østebø; Cai, Jianchao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The capillary pressure curve is a crucial basis for studying the pore structure and multiphase flow characteristics in oil and gas reservoirs. Due to the loose and unconsolidated nature of the clayey-silt sediment of natural ...
    • Experimental study on parametric configurations of artificially downwelling aerations in stratified water 

      Tian, Xiaoqing; Wang, Zhenlin; Zhang, Baofeng; Zeng, Ran; Wang, Jiyong; Ong, Muk Chen; Yang, Junyi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Downwelling aeration has become a widely applied approach to cope with the water eutrophication in stratified reservoirs, rivers and lakes. The aeration parameters involving flow rate, flow locations and working periodicity ...
    • Klimatilpasning i Norge. Mellom risiko, beredskap og normalsituasjon. 

      Neby, Simon; Angell, Elisabeth; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Morsut, Claudia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      I denne artikkelen tar vi for oss den nasjonale klimatilpasningspolitikken i Norge, med utgangspunkt i feltets nyere historie, hvordan feltet er organisert, og hvilket innhold som preger det. Vi analyserer spørsmålet om ...
    • Fast and robust Bayesian inference using Gaussian processes with GPry 

      El Gammal, Jonas Elias; Schöneberg, Nils; Torrado, Jesús; Fidler, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We present the GPry algorithm for fast Bayesian inference of general (non-Gaussian) posteriors with a moderate number of parameters. GPry does not need any pre-training, special hardware such as GPUs, and is intended as a ...
    • Intermediaries in Norwegian salmon exports 

      Straume, Hans-Martin; Asche, Frank; Øglend, Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Production of a number of important aquaculture species is highly export oriented, and intermediaries play an important role in the supply chains facilitating the trade. This paper examines the role of intermediaries (e.g. ...
    • Stochastic gravitational wave background from stellar origin binary black holes in LISA 

      Babak, Stanislav; Caprini, Chiara; Figueroa, Daniel G.; Karnesis, Nikolaos; Marcoccia, Paolo; Nardini, Germano; Pieroni, Mauro; Ricciardone, Angelo; Sesana, Alberto; Torrado, Jesús (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We use the latest constraints on the population of stellar origin binary black holes (SOBBH) from LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA (LVK) observations, to estimate the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) they generate in the ...
    • Soft photon propagation in a hot and dense medium to next-to-leading order 

      Gorda, Tyler; Kurkela, Eero Aleksi; Österman, Juuso; Paatelainen, Risto; Säppi, Saga; Schicho, Philipp; Seppänen, Kaapo; Vuorinen, Aleksi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We present the first complete calculation of the soft photon self-energy to the next-to-leading order in a hot and/or dense ultrarelativistic plasma in QED. The calculation is performed within the real-time formalism ...
    • ARTICONF decentralized social media platform for democratic crowd journalism 

      Rito Lima, Inês; Filipe, Vasco; Marinho, Claudia; Ulisses, Alexandre; Chakravorty, Antorweep; Hristov, Atanas; Saurabh, Nishant; Zhao, Zhiming; Xin, Ruyue; Prodan, Radu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Media production and consumption behaviors are changing in response to new technologies and demands, giving birth to a new generation of social applications. Among them, crowd journalism represents a novel way of constructing ...
    • Changes in Plasma Pyruvate and TCA Cycle Metabolites upon Increased Hepatic Fatty Acid Oxidation and Ketogenesis in Male Wistar Rats 

      Dankel, Simon Nitter; Kalleklev, Tine-Lise; Tungland, siri Lunde; Stafsnes, Marit Hallvardsdotter; Bruheim, Per; Aloysius, Thomas Aquinas; Lindquist, Carine; SKORVE, JON; Nygård, Ottar Kjell; Madsen, Lise; Bjørndal, Bodil; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Berge, Rolf Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Altered hepatic mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation and associated tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle activity contributes to lifestyle-related diseases, and circulating biomarkers reflecting these changes could have disease ...
    • Homologous Recombination Deficiency Across Subtypes of Primary Breast Cancer 

      Yndestad, Synnøve; Engebrethsen, Christina; Herencia-Ropero, A.; Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Vintermyr, Olav Karsten; Lillestøl, Reidun Kristine; Minsaas, Laura; Leirvaag, Beryl; Iversen, Gjertrud Titlestad; Gilje, Bjørnar; Blix, Egil Støre; Espelid, Helge; Lundgren, Steinar; Geisler, Jürgen; Aase, Hildegunn Siv; Aas, Turid; Gudlaugsson, Einar; Llop-Guevara, Alba; Serra, Violeta; Janssen, Emiel; Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian; Eikesdal, Hans Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Purpose Homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) is highly prevalent in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and associated with response to PARP inhibition (PARPi). Here, we studied the prevalence of HRD in non-TNBC to ...
    • Evolutionary analysis of cellular reduction and anaerobicity in the hyper-prevalent gut microbe Blastocystis 

      Záhonová, Kristína; Low, Ross S.; Warren, Christopher J.; Cantoni, Diego; Herman, Emily K.; Yiangou, Lyto; Ribeiro, Cláudia A.; Phanprasert, Yasinee; Brown, Ian R.; Rueckert, Sonja; Baker, Nicola L.; Tachezy, Jan; Betts, Emma L.; Gentekaki, Eleni; van der Giezen, Mark; Clark, C. Graham; Jackson, Andrew P.; Dacks, Joel B.; Tsaousis, Anastasios D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Blastocystis is the most prevalent microbial eukaryote in the human and animal gut, yet its role as commensal or parasite is still under debate. Blastocystis has clearly undergone evolutionary adaptation to the gut environment ...
    • Π-Π interactions stabilize PeptoMicelle-based formulations of Pretomanid derivatives leading to promising therapy against tuberculosis in zebrafish and mouse models 

      Dal, Nils-Jørgen; Schäfer, Gabriela; Thompson, Andrew; Schmitt, Sascha; Redinger, Natalja; Alonso Rodriguez, Noelia; Johann, Kerstin; Ojong, Jessica; Wohlmann, Jens; Best, Andreas; Koynov, Kaloian; Zentel, Rudolf; Schaible, Ulrich E.; Griffiths, Gareth Wyn; Barz, Matthias; Fenaroli, Federico (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Tuberculosis is the deadliest bacterial disease globally, threatening the lives of millions every year. New antibiotic therapies that can shorten the duration of treatment, improve cure rates, and impede the development ...
    • Experimental and theoretical investigation of the mechanisms of drying during CO2 injection into saline reservoirs 

      Sokama-Neuyam, Yen Adams; Yusof, Muhammad Aslam Md; Owusu, Shadrack Kofi; Darkwah-Owusu, Victor; Turkson, Joshua Nsiah; Otchere, Adwoa Sampongmaa; Ursin, Jann Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A viable CO2 storage resource must have sufficient storage capacity, reliable containment efficiency and adequate well injectivity. Deep saline formations stand out in terms of storage capacity and containment efficiency. ...
    • Vision transformers for small histological datasets learned through knowledge distillation 

      Kanwal, Neel; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Khoraminia, Farbod; Zuiverloon, Tahlita C M; Engan, Kjersti (Chapter, 2023)
      Computational Pathology (CPATH) systems have the potential to automate diagnostic tasks. However, the artifacts on the digitized histological glass slides, known as Whole Slide Images (WSIs), may hamper the overall performance ...
    • Availability model of a 5G-MEC system 

      Pathirana, Thilina Dhanushka Kalahe; Nencioni, Gianfranco (Chapter, 2023)
      Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is one of the enabling technologies of the fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks. MEC enables services with strict latency requirements by bringing computing capabilities close to the ...
    • Analysis of Machine Learning Based Imputation of Missing Data 

      Rizvi, Syed Tahir Hussain; Latif, Muhammad Yasir; Amin, Muhammad Saad; Telmoudi, Achraf Jabeur; Shah, Nasir Ali (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Data analysis and classification can be affected by the availability of missing data in datasets. To deal with missing data, either deletion- or imputation-based methods are used that result in the reduction of data records ...
    • Modular Synthesis of Semiconducting Graft Copolymers to Achieve “Clickable” Fluorescent Nanoparticles with Long Circulation and Specific Cancer Targeting 

      Creamer, Adam; Fiego, Alessandra Lo; Agliano, Alice; Prados-Martin, Lino; Høgset, Håkon; Najer, Adrian; Richards, Daniel A.; Wojciechowski, Jonathan P.; Foote, James E. J.; Kim, Nayoung; Monahan, Amy; Tang, Jiaqing; Shamsabadi, André; Rochet, Léa N. C.; Thanasi, Ioanna A.; de la Ballina, Laura R; Rapley, Charlotte L.; Turnock, Stephen; Love, Elizabeth A.; Bugeon, Laurence; Dallman, Margaret J.; Heeney, Martin; Kramer-Marek, Gabriela; Chudasama, Vijay; Fenaroli, Federico; Stevens, Molly M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Semiconducting polymer nanoparticles (SPNs) are explored for applications in cancer theranostics because of their high absorption coefficients, photostability, and biocompatibility. However, SPNs are susceptible to aggregation ...
    • Evaluation of Surface-Active Ionic Liquids in Smart Water for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate Rocks 

      Tafur, Nestor; Mamonov, Aleksandr; Khan, Md Ashraful Islam; Soto, Ana; Puntervold, Tina; Strand, Skule (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Ionic modification of injected brines (Smart Water EOR) has previously demonstrated great potential for wettability alteration in carbonates from initially mixed-wet toward more water-wet conditions. However, the efficiency ...
    • Comprehensive ctDNA Measurements Improve Prediction of Clinical Outcomes and Enable Dynamic Tracking of Disease Progression in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer 

      Lapin, Morten; Edland, Karin Hestnes; Tjensvoll, Kjersti; Oltedal, Satu; Austdal, Marie; Garresori, Herish; Rozenholc, Yves; Gilje, Bjørnar; Nordgård, Oddmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Purpose: Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has emerged as a promising tumor-specific biomarker in pancreatic cancer, but current evidence of the clinical potential of ctDNA is limited. In this study, we used comprehensive ...