• Dagens metode for risikostyring og ledelse på Dagkirurgisk avdeling, Hillevåg 

      Thamotharampillai, Denash; Rajeshwaran, Venukan (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-22)
      Masteravhandlingen omhandler temaene risiko og ledelse. Overgangen fra teori til praksis har vært et interessant område innenfor disse temaene. Ved videre konkretisering ble den Dagkirurgiske avdeling på Hillevåg sett på ...
    • Dagens metode for risikostyring og ledelse på Dagkirurgisk avdeling, Hillevåg. 

      Thamotharampillai, Venukan Rajeshwaran Denash (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-22)
      Masteravhandlingen omhandler temaene risiko og ledelse. Overgangen fra teori til praksis har vært et interessant område innenfor disse temaene. Ved videre konkretisering ble den Dagkirurgiske avdeling på Hillevåg sett på ...
    • Data-driven planning of maintenance 

      Hansen, Leif André Larsen (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-12-15)
      The purpose of this master thesis is to develop data-driven mathematical models to “simulate” an equipment lifecycle over a period of time to reveal the associated effects like survival curve and hazard rate. The failure ...
    • Datalagringsdirektivet (DLD) kommer - gjem deg! 

      Eriksen, Even André (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)
      "Alle blir vi voktet, men hvem vokter vokterne?" (Publius Vergilius Maro, romersk poet og forfatter; 70 f.Kr. - 19 f.Kr.) Denne masteroppgaven er gjennomført som en empirisk forskningsstudie, med sikte på å studere ...
    • Dataset for the Solar Incident Radiation and Electricity Production BIPV/BAPV System on the Northern/Southern Façade in Dense Urban Areas 

      Gholami, Hassan; Røstvik, Harald Nils (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05)
      The prosperous implementation of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), as well as Building Attached Photovoltaics (BAPV), needs an accurate and detailed assessment of the potential of solar irradiation and electricity ...
    • Datostempling av sikkerhetstiltak mot ondsinnede handlinger 

      Hjorth Ulleberg, Christian; Steen Kunev, Alexander (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-10-31)
      Etter terrorangrepene i Nice, Stockholm og Berlin ble gater og julemarkeder i flere Europeiske byer sikret med blant annet betongklosser og benker. Som respons på angrepene krevde også norske medier mer sikkerhet, og Oslo ...
    • De farligste blant oss – en analyse av metodeapparatet for risikovurdering og risikostyring av forvaringsdømte 

      Frafjord, Erlend (Master thesis, 2023)
      Antall forvaringsinnsatte i Norge er doblet de siste ti årene, til tross for at tallet på nye forvaringsdommer per år viser en jevn trend. Dette betyr at det er vanskeligere å bli løslatt fra forvaring enn tidligere. ...
    • Debiasing Production Forecasts Through Reference Class Forecasting 

      Jehan, Jawvanan; Storsveen, Jørgen (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-30)
      This thesis investigates past performance of production forecasts provided by operators on the NCS at the time of project sanction. Utilising a dataset comprising annual forecasted and actual production from 1995 to 2017, ...
    • Debt Crises Between a Country and an International Lender as a Two-Period Game 

      Hausken, Kjell; Welburn, Jonathan W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-04)
      A two-period game between a country and an international lender is developed. In each period the country can repay debt, borrow from international credit markets, loan from an international lender, or default. The international ...
    • Decarbonisation of the road transport sector in Stavanger 

      Dziczkaniece, Benjamin; Manne, Torkel (Master thesis, 2022)
      The transportation sector is the second-largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions by sector globally. In Stavanger, the transport sector is the primary contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. To decarbonise, the ...
    • Decarbonisation of the road transport sector in Stavanger 

      Dziczkaniece, Benjamin; Manne, Torkel (Master thesis, 2022)
      The transportation sector is the second-largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions by sector globally. In Stavanger, the transport sector is the primary contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. To decarbonise, the ...
    • Decision-Making Model for Facility Management Prioritization and Optimization in Oil and Gas Service Companies 

      Galue, Eduardo (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-12-15)
      Today’s oil and gas industry finds itself in the deepest financial crisis on record, with profitability and cash flow at unsustainable levels for most oil and gas operators which in turn has created an equally dramatic ...
    • Decision-making principle in prioritizing the implementation of safety measures: Study on offshore safety and road traffic safety. 

      Pamuntjak, Yanti Widyariny (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06-15)
      Safety management objective is to prevent accidents to occur, thus reducing harm to people as well as preventing damage to environment and assets. To reduce harm, safety measures need to be implemented. In prioritizing ...
    • Decisions of Persons, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and Donors in Disease Contraction and Recovery Assuming Virus Mutation 

      Hausken, Kjell; Ncube, Mthuli (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07)
      Background The article develops an eight-period game between N persons and a pharmaceutical company. The choices of a donor and Nature are parametric. Methods Persons choose between safe and risky behavior, and whether ...
    • The decline of mussel aquaculture in the European Union: causes, economic impacts and opportunities 

      Avdelas, Lamprakis; Avdic-Mravlje, Edo; Borges Marques, Ana Cristina; Cano, Suzana; Capelle, Jacob J.; Carvalho, Natacha; Cozzolino, Maria; Dennis, John; Ellis, Tim; Fernández Polanco, José M.; Guillen, Jordi; Lasner, Tobias; Le Bihan, Véronique; Llorente, Ignacio; Mol, Arie; Nicheva, Simona; Nielsen, Rasmus; van Oostenbrugge, Hans; Villasante, Sebastian; Visnic, Svjetlana; Zhelev, Kolyo; Asche, Frank (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01)
      In contrast to the increasing aquaculture production of mussels worldwide, production in the European Union (EU) has shown a decreasing trend over the last two decades. Aquaculture production of mussels in the EU peaked ...
    • Decommissioning of petroleum installations—major policy issues 

      Osmundsen, Petter; Tveterås, Ragnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2003-12)
      Following the Brent Spar controversy, the OSPAR countries reached a unanimous agreement in 1998 for the future rules for disposal of petroleum installations. The vast majority of existing offshore installations will be ...
    • Defense Strategies for Asymmetric Networked Systems with Discrete Components 

      Rao, Nageswara S. V.; Ma, Chris Y.T.; Hausken, Kjell; He, Fei; Yau, David K.Y.; Zhuang, Jun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      We consider infrastructures consisting of a network of systems, each composed of discrete components. The network provides the vital connectivity between the systems and hence plays a critical, asymmetric role in the ...
    • Definition of reliability and maintenance concepts in oil and gas - validity aspects 

      Selvik, Jon Tømmerås; Abrahamsen, Eirik Bjorheim; Kurt J, Engemann (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      International standards have a key role in establishing consistent terminology. Amongst these is the recently published and revised ISO standard on reliability and maintenance data collection and exchange, i.e. ISO 14224:2016. ...
    • Demokratiet til ofring ved rikets alter? 

      Felix, Magnus Åsen (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2019-06)
      Denne mastergradsoppgaven er skrevet på bakgrunn av den offentlige debatten som har foregått i sammenheng med høringsrunden om ny lov til etterretningstjenesten. Etter at høringsfristen gikk ut i februar 2019, kom det inn ...
    • Den gode granskingsgruppe, i den gode granskingen 

      Stangeland, Tonje Tveita (Master thesis, 2022)
      Den akademiske debatten om ulykkesgransking er elastisk og diffus. Overordnet sett gjennomføres en god nivå 3 gransking som en systematisk-, ikke-lineær prosess. Herunder vil svaret på hva som er en god gransking variere ...