Now showing items 2181-2200 of 4317

    • Karismatisk bergkrystall fra Ryfylkeheiane? Smykkestein som identitetsmarkør i yngre jernalder 

      Nyland, Astrid Johanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11)
      In the 1960s and 1970s, large scale surveys related to hydro power developments in montane areas in Southwest Norway, recorded several rock crystals deposits and sites where crystals from these had been used both in the ...
    • Kartlegging av middelalderske kirkesteder i Norge med Georadar: Resultater fra Furulund, Hylestad og Habbarstad kirkesteder 

      Kristiansen, Monica; Hillesland, Kristoffer; Nau, Erich; Gustavsen, Lars; Herstad, Anne; Gaut, Bjarne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      I Norge er det registrert flere hundre nedlagte kirkesteder fra middelalderen, der en betydelig andel mangler sikker stedfesting. Kirkestedene, som befinner seg over hele landet, ligger ofte i områder som i dag benyttes ...
    • "Keep It Simple"-Co-Creation of a Tailored Newborn Resuscitation Course for Midwifery Students 

      Ljungblad, Linda Wike; Skovdahl, Kirsti; McCormack, Brendan; Dahl, Bente (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01)
      Purpose: To develop a tailored newborn resuscitation course for midwifery students. Patients and Methods: A qualitative study using an explorative, abductive approach was applied. Co-creation through workshops was facilitated ...
    • Kernel recursive least squares dictionary learning algorithm 

      Alipoor, Ghasem; Skretting, Karl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      An online dictionary learning algorithm for kernel sparse representation is developed in the current paper. In this framework, the input signal nonlinearly mapped into the feature space is sparsely represented based on a ...
    • Ketamine for the treatment of prehospital acute pain: a systematic review of benefit and harm 

      Sandberg, Mårten; Hyldmo, Per Kristian; Kongstad, Poul; Friesgaard, Kristian D.; Raatiniemi, Lasse; Larsen, Robert; Magnusson, Vidar; Rognås, Leif Kåre; Kurola, Jouni; Rehn, Marius; Vist, Gunn Elisabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11)
      Background Few publications have addressed prehospital use of ketamine in analgesic doses. We aimed to assess the effect and safety profile of ketamine compared with other analgesic drugs (or no drug) in adult prehospital ...
    • Key Question for Literacy Co-Teachers: What oppertunities do we have together? 

      McTigue, Erin Margaret; Gourvennec, Aslaug Fodstad; Solheim, Oddny Judith (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Co-teaching offers a unique opportunity space for literacy instruction; however, this opportunity is rarely optimized and the result on students' literacy growth is often unimpressive. We propose that co-teaching is only ...
    • Key topics in pandemic health risk communication: A qualitative study of expert opinions and knowledge 

      Berg, Siv Hilde; Shortt, Marie Therese; Røislien, Jo; Lungu, Daniel Adrian; Thune, Henriette; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background Science communication can provide people with more accurate information on pandemic health risks by translating complex scientific topics into language that helps people make more informed choices on how to ...
    • Kinase chemodiversity from the Arctic: the breitfussins 

      Østnes Hansen, Kine; Andersen, Jeanette hammer; Bayer, Annette; Pandey, Sunil Kumar; Lorentzen, Marianne; Jørgensen, Kåre Bredeli; Sydnes, Magne Olav; Guttormsen, Yngve; Baumann, Matthias; Koch, Uwe; Klebl, Bert; Eickhoff, Jan; Haug, Bengt Erik; Isaksson, Johan; Hansen, Espen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10)
      In this work, we demonstrate that the indole-oxazole-pyrrole framework of the breitfussin family of natural products is a promising scaffold for kinase inhibition. Six new halogenated natural products, breitfussin C–H (3 ...
    • Kinematic differences between uphill roller skiing and on-snow skiing using the V2 skating technique 

      Myklebust, Håvard; Losnegard, Thomas Johansen; Hallén, Jostein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Purpose: Roller skiing is the primary sport-specific training and testing mode during pre-competition periods for cross-country skiers, biathletes, and Nordic combined athletes. The present study aimed to compare the ...
    • Kinematic Modeling and Analysis of a Walking Machine (Robot) Leg Mechanism on a Rough Terrain 

      Terefe, Tesfaye O.; Lemu, Hirpa G.; K/Mariam, Addisu; Tuli, Tadele B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07)
      Many manmade machines and mechanisms including robots function based on the concept of nature-inspired design so that they can perform their intended duties by mimicking the working mechanisms of animals and insects. ...
    • Kinetics and mechanisms of catalyzed dual-E (antithetic) controllers 

      Waheed, Qaiser; Zhou, Huimin; Ruoff, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Homeostasis plays a central role in our understanding how cells and organisms are able to oppose environmental disturbances and thereby maintain an internal stability. During the last two decades there has been an increased ...
    • Klimatilpasning i Norge. Mellom risiko, beredskap og normalsituasjon. 

      Neby, Simon; Angell, Elisabeth; Engen, Ole Andreas Hegland; Morsut, Claudia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      I denne artikkelen tar vi for oss den nasjonale klimatilpasningspolitikken i Norge, med utgangspunkt i feltets nyere historie, hvordan feltet er organisert, og hvilket innhold som preger det. Vi analyserer spørsmålet om ...
    • Klynger 

      Røislien, Jo; Langaas, Mette (Journal article, 2022)
      Ikke alle datasett har forklaringsvariabler og utfall. Allikevel kan det finnes sammenhenger i dataene som er nyttige å avdekke. På 2010-tallet arbeidet Intervensjonssenteret på Rikshospitalet med å utvikle en dataalgoritme ...
    • Knowledge management infrastructure to support quality improvement: A qualitative study of maternity services in four European hospitals 

      Karltun, Anette; Sanne, Johan M.; Aase, Karina; Anderson, Janet E.; Fernandes, Alexandra; Fulop, Naomi J.; Höglund, Par J.; Andersson-Gäre, Boel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The influence of multilevel healthcare system interactions on clinical quality improvement (QI) is still largely unexplored. Through the lens of knowledge management (KM) theory, this study explores how hospital managers ...
    • Knowledge networks and innovation among subsea firms 

      Hjertvikrem, Nina; Fitjar, Rune Dahl (Chapter, 2018)
      The chapter discusses the innovation of firms operating in the subsea industry. The subsea industry is a high technology industry making oil extraction possible and safer in deep seas and rough weather conditions. Norway ...
    • Knowledge transfer of eLearning objects: Lessons learned from an intercontinental capacity building project 

      Lim, Hooi Min; Ng, Chirk Jenn; Wharrad, Heather; Lee, Yew Kong; Teo, Chin Hai; Lee, Ping Yein; Krishan, Kuhan; Fitri Bin Abu Hassan, Zahiruddin; Yong, Phelim Voon Chen; Yap, Wei Hsum; Sellappans, Renukha; Ayub, Enna; Hassan, Nurhanim; Shariff Ghazali, Sazlina; Jahn Kassim, Puteri Shanaz; Nurul Amelina, Nasharuddin; Idris, Faridah; Taylor, Michael; Poussa, Cherry; Karlgren, Klas; Stathakarou, Natalia; Mordt, Petter; Konstantinidis, Stathis Th. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background Effective knowledge transfer of eLearning objects can hasten the adoption and dissemination of technology in teaching and learning. However, challenges exist which hinder inter-organisational knowledge transfer, ...
    • Kommunal akutt døgneining i historisk lys 

      Bergseth, Jon Øystein Friestad; Braut, Geir Sverre; Gjerstad, Brita; Nødland, Svein Ingve; Teig, Inger Lise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Med samhandlingsreforma vart kommunane pålagt å opprette kommunal akutt døgneining (KAD). Eit hovudformål med denne nye institusjonen var å avlaste spesialisthelsetenesta. KAD-institusjonen er eit sengeposttilbod for ...
    • Kommunal styring og ledelse av en forskningsstøttet innovasjon for utvikling av inkluderende praksis 

      Mjøs, Marit; Moen, Vegard; Øen, Kristian (Chapter, 2023)
      As the owner of kindergarten, school, and educational and psychological counselling service (PPT), the municipality is responsible for the quality of all these units, which, among other things, means that these units have ...
    • Kompetanseutviklende samarbeid mellom skole og PP-tjeneste : et spørsmål om møtekoreografi? 

      Moen, Vegard; Mjøs, Marit (Chapter, 2023)
      In this chapter, the light is directed at collaborative meetings as an innovation, in which both school and PPT (educational and psychological counselling service) participate. The meetings are understood as an arena for ...
    • Konstruksjon av identitetsfortellinger i barns sosiale lek 

      Zachrisen, Berit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Denne studien undersøker hvordan barn konstruerer identitetsfortellinger i sosial lek. Etter inspirasjon fra YuvalDavis (2010, 2011) legges et sosiologisk perspektiv til grunn for behandling og drøfting av identitetsbegrepet. ...