PhD theses (HV)
Nye registreringer
From hospital to home: modelling and evaluation of the feasibility of a nurseassisted eHealth service to support selfmanagement in patients with noncommunicable diseases
(PhD thesis UiS;831, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Background: Global healthcare systems are facing challenges in managing non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Heart failure (HF) and colorectal cancer (CRC) are two common long-term illnesses and examples of NCDs. Despite ... -
Coordinating care for people with serious mental illness: A qualitative study with service users and professionals
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2025)Background Individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) encounter substantial physical health problems and have an increased risk of illness burden, poor clinical outcomes, higher mortality rates, and shorter life ... -
Exploring leadership perspectives on the dual responsibility of Health, Safety and Environment, and Quality and Patient Safety: A single embedded case study
(PhD thesis UiS;811, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Introduction: Healthcare leaders play an important role in managing responsibilities and requirements for patients, employees and the quality and safety of the provided services. Different legislations regulate these ... -
Tett på døden: En etnografisk studie av hvordan pleiepersonell i flerkulturelle arbeidsfellesskap i sykehjem opplever og håndterer møtet med døden
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Døden er en del av arbeidshverdagen for pleiepersonell ved norske sykehjem, ettersom det er der om lag halvparten av alle dødsfall i Norge skjer. Pleierne på sykehjemmet må derfor kontinuerlig håndtere denne delen ... -
Exploring Adaptive Capacity in Hospital Teams : A Multiple Case Study
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Introduction: There has been performed extensive research to understand the components of what constitutes high quality healthcare. Despite efforts to improve quality the rate of change is slow, with a steady rate of ... -
‘Verbalising the tacit’ : Development and validation of the Non-Technical Skills for Operating Room Nurses (NOTSORN) tool
(PhD theses UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: The surgical team collaborates to provide the patient with the best care and treatment possible. The application of well-developed non-technical skills (cognitive and social skills) are essential for preventing ... -
Neural networks dysfunction: From resting-state electroencephalography to dementia diagnosis
(PhD thesis UiS;788, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This thesis proposes an integrative approach to analyse resting-state electroencephalography (rsEEG) signals in multi-centric studies, aiming to overcome methodological challenges towards the potential application of rsEEG ... -
Patient Safety in Helicopter Emergency Services : Time to lift off? A mixed methods study
(PhD thesis UiS;780;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background The raised focus on patient safety in healthcare over the last decades has not gained similar attention in helicopter emergency medicine services (HEMS). Research seems to indicate a low number of adverse events ... -
Information needs, psychological distress, and coping during the diagnostic phase of prostate cancer : A Mixed-methods study
(PhD thesis UiS;783;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, accounting for about 15% of all cancers among men. In Norway, patients are referred to specialist healthcare services for diagnostic ... -
Self-realization and its significance for school nurses remaining in practice: A qualitative study
(PhD thesis UiS;756, Doctoral thesis, 2024)English abstract Background: Realizing self is indicated as related to nurses’ remaining in practice. However, there is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of self-realization in daily nursing practice and its ... -
Simulation-based team training of non-technical skills for anaesthesia personnel – Significance and transfer of learning to clinical practice
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)NORSK SAMMENDRAG Hensikt: hovedhensikten med dette ph.d. prosjektet var å studere anestesipersonells erfaringer med bruk av simuleringsbasert team trening (SBTT) av ikke-tekniske ferdigheter, og overføring av læring til ... -
Assessing patient safety challenges in the initial care of older trauma patients in Norway
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen bygger på ett enkelt premiss: eldre pasienter har rett til akuttbehandling av høy kvalitet når de blir alvorlig syke eller skadde. Traumesystemer gir pasienter de beste sjansene for å overleve med god ... -
Municipal postnatal healthcare : The perspectives of parents and nurses
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: Postnatal healthcare is a key component of the maternal, newborn and childcare continuum and contributes to improved health outcomes for women, babies and their families in the first six weeks after birth. The ... -
Succeeding with Rapid Response Systems in Hospitals: A mixed methods research project
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: Modern hospital care is both advanced and complicated with multiple opportunities for medical errors including serious adverse events. Rapid Response Systems (RRSs) have been implemented in hospitals globally ... -
Bridging the clinical experience gap: –using simulation to improve ventilation performance during neonatal resuscitation in a high-resource setting
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: Up to 10% of newborn babies need help to establish regular breathing at birth. Those who do breathe, and who are not fortunate enough to receive prompt and effective help, will die. The burden of neonatal ... -
Simulation-based training and data-guided feedback for neonatal resuscitation in rural Tanzania
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Summary Background: Globally, 1.4 million newborns die every year due to intrapartum related events and fresh stillbirths, nearly all occurring in low and middle-income countries. Many of these deaths could be prevented ... -
Psychosocial and physical factors of importance for recovery from curative colorectal cancer surgery among persons ≥80 years old: a mixed method study
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023-06)Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide. Colorectal cancer can be a fatal disease accompanied by suffering if untreated. Surgery is the mainstay for cure and is considered safe for patients ... -
Clinical observation of deteriorating frail older patients: Improving the competence of homecare professionals
(PhD thesis UiS;705, Doctoral thesis, 2023-08)Introduction: Homecare services are providing care to an increasing number of frail older patients with complex care needs. These patients are in a vulnerable state and have an increased risk of deterioration, and the ... -
Clinical and neuroimaging prognostic markers in Alzheimer's Disease and Lewy Body Dementia: The role of muscle status and nutrition
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Alzheimer's Disease and Lewy body dementia are the two most common neurodegenerative dementias. They have a progressive course with devastating consequences for the people living with these diseases and their families, but ... -
Nursing students’ clinical learning: Combining simulation training with nursing home practice
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023-02)Background: The traditional clinical practice model for first-year nursing students in Norwegian nursing education is placement in nursing homes for six to eight weeks supervised by on-site registered nurses. In nursing ...