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dc.contributor.advisorLangeland, Anders
dc.contributor.authorAmdal, Martin
dc.contributor.authorHolen, Henrik
dc.description.abstractVegstrekningen som skal utredes i denne oppgaven er strekningen på riksveg 426 fra jernbaneovergangen over Sørlandsbanen ved Lomelandsveien og frem til Krossmoen i Eigersund kommune. Topografien rundt er kupert, typisk for Dalane-distriktet. Lange daler med mange berg og høyder. I tillegg går vegen langs det flomutsatte Hellelandsvassdraget, som må tas hensyn til under prosjekteringen. Oppgaven beskriver to ulike løsningsforslag. Begge alternativene innebærer at dagens veg omgjøres til lokalveg med gang- og sykkelveg. De to løsningsforslagene består av: • Alternativ 1 følger Statens vegvesens ønsker for vegen. Veg i dalen mellom Lomeland og Eigestad. • Alternativ 2 består av tunnel under fjellet Stien mellom Lomeland og Krossmoen hvor vegen kobler seg på eksisterende veg. Begge vegene har fått vegklasse H5 da trafikkveksten er estimert til å bli høy. Dette er en forholdsvis dyr vegklasse, og prosjektets omfang er for begge alternativene nesten en halv milliard kroner. I oppgaven gjennomføres det en samfunnsøkonomisk vurdering. Her er prissatte og ikke prissatte konsekvenser satt opp mot hverandre. Tegningshefte med temategningene B,C,E,F og T finnes i Vedlegg H og I.
dc.description.abstractNational road 426 is the main road between the city of Egersund in Rogaland county and European route 39, which again is the main road between Stavanger and Kristiansand. This road has several problem areas, and in this thesis, we are going to study the section of national road 426 from the railway crossing over Sørlandsbanen by Lomelandsveien, to Krossmoen in Eigersund municipality. The surrounding topography is hilly, typical of the Dalane district. Long valleys with many mountains and heights. In addition, the road runs along the flood exposed Helleland river, which must be taken into consideration during the design. This thesis describes three different solutions. Two of the proposals involves the construction of a new route and converting the current road to a local road with a pedestrian and bicycle path. The third alternative is a low-cost alternative, where the current road is made safer by not having as sharp turns as there are today. • Alternative 1, road in daylight between Lomeland and Eigestad which follows the Norwegian public roads administration’s wishes for the road. • Alternative 2 consists of a tunnel under the mountain Stien, between Lomeland and Krossmoen where the road connects to the existing road. • Alternative 3 is a low cost alternative with focus on safety. Alternative 1 and 2 have both been given road class H5 as traffic growth is estimated to be high. This is a relatively expensive road class, and the scope of the project for both these alternatives, is almost half a billion NOK. Alternative 3 has been given road class Hø2. In the thesis there is conducted a socioeconomic assessment. Where priced- and non-priced consequences are compared to each other. The conclusion for which alternative is best are based on these results. Drawing booklet with the theme drawings B, C, E, F and T can be found in Appendices H and I.
dc.titleUtbedringsforslag for riksveg 426 Krossmoen - Nese
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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  • Studentoppgaver (TN-ISØP) [1459]
    Master- og bacheloroppgaver i Byutvikling og urban design / Offshore technology : risk management / Risikostyring / Teknologi/Sivilingeniør : industriell økonomi / Teknologi/Sivilingeniør : risikostyring / Teknologi/Sivilingeniør : samfunnssikkerhet

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