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dc.contributor.advisorEri, Tine Schauer.
dc.contributor.authorSørskog, Veronika.
dc.contributor.authorBjørgengen, Wenche.
dc.contributor.authorHaugland, Maia Risdal.
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractSammendrag Bakgrunn: 12. mars 2020 ble covid-19 erklært som en pandemi. Dette førte til endringer i barselavdelingene, da nødvendige smitteverntiltak ble innført. Tidligere forskning har vist at barselomsorgen og ammeveiledning ble negativt berørt under koronapandemien. Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven er å utvikle kunnskap om hvordan barseloppholdet og ammeveiledningen har vært for kvinner som fødte under covid-19 pandemien, og om erfaringene fra barseloppholdet hadde betydning for tilknytningen til barnet. Metode: Studien har et kvalitativt design. Det ble utført en nettbasert spørreundersøkelse for å innhente empirien. Datamaterialet ble analysert ved bruk av tematisk analyse. Resultat: Det kom frem at kvinnene erfarte at barseloppholdet var preget av ensomhet og følelsen av å være isolert. Kvinnene beskrev at ammeveiledningen var nedprioritert og at opplevelsen på barseloppholdet var en direkte årsak til manglende eller mangelfull tilknytning til barnet. Fravær av partner ble beskrevet i alle temaene som en negativ påvirkning på barseloppholdet under koronapandemien. Konklusjon: Kvinnene erfarte at koronapandemien har hatt en negativ innvirkning på barselopphold, ammeveiledning og tilknytning. Partners manglende tilstedeværelse førte til at kvinnene følte seg ensomme og isolerte. Personalets manglende kapasitet og bemanning påvirket personalets mulighet til å fokusere på hver enkelt kvinne. Videre kom det frem at ammeveiledning var manglende eller mangelfull, og at tilknytning til barnet var redusert på barselavdelingen. Opplevelsen på barselavdelingen kan videre ha bidratt til å utsette tilknytningen etter hjemkomst.
dc.description.abstractAbstract Background: On March 12, 2020, covid-19 was declared a pandemic. This led to many changes in the maternity wards, and the necessary infection control measures introduced to the ward. Previous research has shown that maternity care and breastfeeding counselling were negatively affected during the corona pandemic. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to develop knowledge about how the women’s stay in the maternity ward was and how the breastfeeding guidance has been for them during the covid-19 pandemic. And whether the experiences they had at the maternity ward were important for the connection between the mother and the child. Method: The study has a qualitative design. There was an online survey conducted to obtain the empirical data. The data material was analysed using thematic analysis. Result: It came visible that the women's experiences in the maternity ward were characterized by the feeling of loneliness and the sense of being isolated. The women described that breastfeeding guidance was nonprioritized and that the experience of the maternity leave was a direct cause of lack of connection between the mother and the child. The absence of the women’s partners was described in all topics as a negative impact on their stay at in maternity ward during the corona pandemic. Conclusion: The women who gave birth in the maternity ward experienced that the corona pandemic has had a negative impact on maternity leave, breastfeeding counselling and the connecting to their child. The absence of a partner's presence made the women feel lonely and isolated. The staff's lack of capacity and staffing affected the staff negatively and made the ability to focus on each individual woman very hard. Furthermore, it came visible that breastfeeding guidance was missing or lacking quality, and that the connection between the mother and the child was negatively affected in the maternity ward. The experience in the maternity ward may also have contributed to postponing the connection between the mother and the child after returning home from the maternity ward.
dc.titleBarseltid og tilknytning under koronapandemien - en kvalitativ studie.
dc.typeMaster thesis

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  • Studentoppgaver (HV) [1320]
    Master- og bacheloroppgaver i sykepleie / spesialsykepleie / helsevitenskap

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