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dc.contributor.advisorAven, Terje
dc.contributor.authorTeig, Silje Karin
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractThis paper is about getting an improved understanding of how the risk science have contributed to road construction. The paper is a master’s thesis that build on a case study about Rv13 from Lovraeide to Rødsliane. The paper links to the challenges today such as weather, increase of traffic, lack of safety measures and how the locals are being understood and heard in this case. The thesis will try to make a better understanding how risk have been viewed in terms of reducing the risks on Rv.13. The aspects being covered in this paper will include an introduction to the case study, the situation today and possible forthcoming issues if nothing is being done soon. The case study will also try to make a connection to the risk framework and risk science to see is the main issue is the lack of understanding of the risk science aspects. The thesis will firstly introduce the case and give an overview of the situation today. Then the paper will criticize how the handling of the issues have been implemented. Then there will be a short analysis of similar projects and issues along Rv13, facing similar issues to understand the aspect more. Because the problem statement is to improve the understanding of risk science in road constructions, we must be able to see how the situation is today, what are the conditions and the actual challenges, try to look at all the documents and try to understand what has been done, what is going to happens and the next steps in planning and execution of the projects. Therefore, if chosen to do a qualitative analysis, because it is relevant to investigate the documents released when planning and argument and whether to do or not do something. Road constructions are a political issue where many projects need approval from many different parties. In some cases, some projects do not get priorities, and it is therefore interesting to go through the analysis and see if it is possible to be debating on whether the decision have been correctly judged. There are many reasons why landslides are not easy to discuss and find affordable long-term solutions. The typography in Norway has many challenges and this can cause some very advanced plannings of projects, leading to long waits of doing a document analysis one can study step by step what is done, and what information is available to the public. Both in terms of risk communication, being in front of all the hazards and danger associated, but also being in front of being able to discuss the difficult themes and take people’s perception and feelings into account. In the end thesis discusses how the Rv.13 have been handled in terms of the risk science aspect and if there is any suggestion there should be a change in the process of risk reduction on roads in Norway. The discussion will try to determine where the issues from an administrative perspective lay and will try to conduct if there is the need to revise the ways roads are analyses in terms of the possible risks. It discusses the things that are good, such as the quality of the reports, but also the parts that are lacking such as the qualitative view on the risk governance and the risk management aspect. Criticizing the use of this date are resulting in many important concerns from the stakeholders affected by the decisions made and not made.
dc.titleImproved understanding of how risk science can and have contributed to road constructions: A case study concerning Rv13 from Rødsliane to Lovraeide.
dc.typeMaster thesis

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  • Studentoppgaver (TN-ISØP) [1454]
    Master- og bacheloroppgaver i Byutvikling og urban design / Offshore technology : risk management / Risikostyring / Teknologi/Sivilingeniør : industriell økonomi / Teknologi/Sivilingeniør : risikostyring / Teknologi/Sivilingeniør : samfunnssikkerhet

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