Recent Submissions
Haugen som gravfelt
(AmS-Varia;58, Chapter, 2016-12)Preconceptions about the construction and function of burial mounds can heavily influence the degree of complexity one is apt to see in the field. Rather than seeing a burial mound as the result of a single moment in time, ... -
Klimaets plass i norsk historie : En forskningshistorisk oversikt
(AmS-Varia;58, Chapter, 2016-12)Based on the threatening climatic situation confronting the world and the fact that Norway’s geographical position makes the country vulnerable to climate change, this article addresses the paradox that climate has only ... -
Jærstrendene : Namn og stader
(AmS-Varia;57, Book, 2015)This monograph presents linguistic analysis of more than 3000 coastal toponyms from Jæren (southwestern Norway), from the sea and the seashores. The etymology of the names is discussed as well as the context and the ... -
Tverrfaglig innfallsvinkel til verneprognoser og vernestrategi for maritime kulturminner knyttet til anløpsplasser og leder fra jernalder og middelalder
(AmS-Varia;49, Chapter, 2009)When the maritime cultural heritage is being protected, little emphasis is placed on problems concerning erosion and destruction of remains at landing places and navigable channels on the Norwegian coast. In recent years, ... -
Værtypeklassifisering ved hjelp av en objektiv statistisk metode : Iver Lunds værtypeklassifisering
(AmS-Varia;34, Book, 1998)Marked variation in temperature and precipitation have occured over the North Atlantic and Europe during the last 100 years. Is this pattern associated with variations in the atmospheric circulation? The purpose of this ... -
Women's work related use of alcohol : a qualitative study
(AmS-Varia;41, Chapter, 2004)The purpose of the study is to examine the role of gender in work related alcohol consumption. It is an exploring study where the main target is to generate new theoretical concepts concering women's use of alcohol (Sagvaag ... -
Latterlig ufarlig? Kjønnsperspektiv på 1600-tallskomedier
(AmS-Varia;41, Chapter, 2004)This article focuses on gender in 17th centry comedy in France and England. It challenges the opinion that women, through literature in general and comedy in particular, are victimized as targets of men's humour. Having ... -
Steinalderboplasser på Fosenhalvøya : arkeologiske og naturvitenskapelige undersøkelser 2004-2007 T-forbindelsen, Karmøy kommune, Nord-Rogaland
(AmS-Varia;52, Book, 2011)Eleven open-air Stone Age sites, and one rock shelter with multiphase occupation layers, were excavated between 2004 and 2007. These sites are scattered within a limited area on the northern end of the Fosen peninsula, in ... -
To graver med hest og hesteutstyr fra Tu : maktpolitiske forhold på Sørvestlandet i yngre jernalder
(AmS-Varia;55, Chapter, 2014)This article discusses political changes in Southwest Norway in the 8th and 9th centuries. It is suggested that two male graves from this period, found at Tu in Klepp, Rogaland, and containing horse and horse equipment, ... -
Stadnamn og sentralitet i eit jærsk jordbrukssamfunn frå jernalderen
(AmS-Varia;55, Chapter, 2014)This article deals with place names from Hauge and Tu in Klepp (Jæren), referring to central functions in the Iron Age, e.g. pre- Christian religion, old judicial system and defence, political power and communication. It ... -
Vær og klima over indre strøk av Østlandet 1781 - 1790
(AmS-Varia;46, Book, 2007)Each of the four observers, Hans Strøm, Christian Sommerfelt, Axel Christian Smith and Hans Jacob Wille, is presented with a short biography, followed by their respective observations. Strøm’s observations also include ... -
Jærens Akropolis : landskap og fornminner på Anda-/Tuhøyden
(AmS-Varia;55, Chapter, 2014-11)The article looks into the grammar of cultural memory as manifested in the patterns of a landscape cosmology and represented in the types and variations of ancient monuments situated on a protuberant mountain ridge in the ... -
Jæren og verden : bronsekar og glass fra Hauge og Tu
(AmS-Varia;55, Chapter, 2014-11)The article presents the four burial finds with imported goods from the farms Hauge and Tu in Jæren, Southwest Norway. The discussion focuses primarily on glass and bronze vessels, comprising two trailed glass (Snartemo) ... -
De første jegerne i Dyraheio
(AmS-Varia;48, Book, 2008)The subject of this paper is human adaptation to the southern Norwegian mountains within a long-term perspective, from the late Middle Mesolithic into the Late Neolithic period, based on the results of archaeological ... -
Maskinell flateavdekking og utgravning av forhistoriske jordbruksboplasser
(AmS-Varia;26, Book, 1996)A major scientific breakthrough in Norwegian archaeology was seen in the 1980'ies. The investigation of agricultural sites in cultivated fields was revolutionized by the introduction of large-scale mechanical removal of ... -
Austbø på Hundvåg gennem 10 000 år : Arkæologiske undersøgelser i Stavanger kommune 1987–1990, Rogaland, Syd-Vest Norge
(AMS-Varia;38, Book, 2001)In connection with a development plan on the east side of the island Hundvåg in the municipality of Stavanger, 27 prehistoric sites were surveyed and excavated between 1987 and 1990 under the supervision of the ... -
Bøndene på Kvålehodlene : boplass-, jordbruks- og landskapsutvikling gjennom 6000 år på Jæren, SV Norge
(AmS-Varia;47, Book, 2007)In order to reconstruct the settlement-, agriculture- and land-use practises within the Kvåle-complex, Time municipality, in the Jæren region, an interdisciplinary project was organised in 2001-02. The approach involved ... -
Kulturminner i Dyraheio : sammenfatning av arkeologiske registreringer utført 1972-1979 i Suldal-, Hjelmeland- og Bykleheiene i Rogaland og Aust-Agder som ledd i Ulla/Førre-undersøkelsene
(AmS-Varia;12, Book, 1983)Bakgrunn : Undersøkelsesomårdet ligger i NV del av det SV-norske høgfjellet. Fylkesgrensa mellom Aust-Agder og Rogaland passerer N-S gjennom Ø del av fjellområdet, som totalt omfatter mellom 4000 og 5000 km2. Fjelltraktene ... -
Norwegian 19th century instrumental and non-instrumental meterological series
(AmS-Varia;25, Chapter, 1996-04)The project "Establishment of a national historic-climatological database at the Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger", has been supported by the Norwegian Research Council in the period 1990-1992. One of the tasks is to search ... -
Jernvinna : spontant eller organisert opptak?
(AmS-Varia;4, Chapter, 1979-02)Litteraturen om jernvinna har ofte en deskriptiv karakter. Den er preget av tekniske spørsmål. Det er få som har forsøkt å gi svar på hvorfor og hvordan kunnskap om jernfremstilling har spredd seg. Det er forståelig utifra ...