Blar i AmS-Varia på utgivelsesdato
Viser treff 1-20 av 57
Jernvinna : spontant eller organisert opptak?
(AmS-Varia;4, Chapter, 1979-02)Litteraturen om jernvinna har ofte en deskriptiv karakter. Den er preget av tekniske spørsmål. Det er få som har forsøkt å gi svar på hvorfor og hvordan kunnskap om jernfremstilling har spredd seg. Det er forståelig utifra ... -
Verneplan for vassdrag - 10 års vernede vassdrag : Kulturminner i Vikedalsvassdraget, Rogaland/Hordaland
(AmS-Varia;10, Book, 1982)This report was prepared under a contract from "the steering committee for evaluating cultural remains in rivers temporarily protected from hydroelectric development". Under this program 60 watercourses have been surveyed ... -
Kulturminner i Dyraheio : sammenfatning av arkeologiske registreringer utført 1972-1979 i Suldal-, Hjelmeland- og Bykleheiene i Rogaland og Aust-Agder som ledd i Ulla/Førre-undersøkelsene
(AmS-Varia;12, Book, 1983)Bakgrunn : Undersøkelsesomårdet ligger i NV del av det SV-norske høgfjellet. Fylkesgrensa mellom Aust-Agder og Rogaland passerer N-S gjennom Ø del av fjellområdet, som totalt omfatter mellom 4000 og 5000 km2. Fjelltraktene ... -
The correlation between the shape of grave monuments and sex in the iron age, based on material from Østfold and Vestfold
(AmS-Varia;17, Chapter, 1987)A typological analysis of burial customs based on the idea that there is a difference in layout of the graves according to analysis of the grave goods; fundamental in the analysis is that men's graves can be distinguished ... -
Looking for individuals among archaeological burial data : an interim model for the relationship between life and death
(AmS-Varia;17, Chapter, 1987)In order to develop working methods to distinguish between individuals in burial material, the author establishes a "pyramid of death". This theoretical model is then applied in a discussion of the usefulness of burial ... -
Small scale archaeology. Remarks on Synnøve Vinsrygg's paper.
(AmS-Varia;17, Chapter, 1987)It is assumed that it is possible in the material from the Stone Age sites to recognize the results of the process of teaching children how to survive. Analysing "the refuse material" and "poorly" made artifacts from camp ... -
Norwegian historical records of climatological relevance from the latter part of the Maunder minimum period (1675-1715)
(AmS-Varia;25, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1994)A brief synopsis is given of Norwegian historical records which contain climactic data from the period 1675-1715. Although we still do not know how much climactic data can be found in them, we do know which contain relevant ... -
Innledning til seminaret "Kilder for klimadata i Norden fortrinnsvis i perioden 1860-1993"
(AmS-Varia;24, Chapter, 1995)The Museum of Archaeology , Stavanger (AmS) and its climate projects are briefly presented. Although the projects are fundamentally historical, their aim is not only to study the climatic history of the past but to ... -
Eksempler på klassifisering av atmosfæriske sirkulasjonsmønsstre over Nord-Atlanteren og Europa 1881-1993 etter en statistisk metode
(AmS-Varia;24, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1995)Marked variations in temperature and precipitation, associated with variations in the atmospheric circulation, have occurred over the North Atlantic and Europe during the last hundred years. This paper presents examples ... -
Maskinell flateavdekking og utgravning av forhistoriske jordbruksboplasser
(AmS-Varia;26, Book, 1996)A major scientific breakthrough in Norwegian archaeology was seen in the 1980'ies. The investigation of agricultural sites in cultivated fields was revolutionized by the introduction of large-scale mechanical removal of ... -
Norwegian 19th century instrumental and non-instrumental meterological series
(AmS-Varia;25, Chapter, 1996-04)The project "Establishment of a national historic-climatological database at the Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger", has been supported by the Norwegian Research Council in the period 1990-1992. One of the tasks is to search ... -
Lavteknologisk jernframstilling i Rogaland i jernalder og middelalder
(AmS-Varia;31, Chapter, 1997)This paper deals with iron extraction sites from the Iron Age and the Medieval period in Rogaland county, Norway. In Southwestern Norway prehistoric and medieval traces of iron production from bog ore have been rather ... -
Vestlandskjeler, velstand og makt. Tre studier av Vestlandskjelenes plass og betydning i lokalsamfunnet i eldre jernalder i Vest-Norge
(AmS-Varia;31, Chapter, 1997)All Roman Iron Age and Migration Period graves in three West Norwegian districts were analysed and compared from a quantitative and qualitative aspect. Cauldron graves in general belong to an upper stratum of graves, ... -
Årdalskrusifikset : et unggotisk krusifiks fra Ryfylke : undersøkelse, konservering og restaurering
(AmS-Varia;29, Book; Peer reviewed, 1997)The crucifix from Årdal in Ryfylke is the only large medieval crucifix still in the county of Rogaland. It was presented to Stavanger Museum in 1908 and is looked upon as the museum’s greatest treasure. Its poor state of ... -
Værtypeklassifisering ved hjelp av en objektiv statistisk metode : Iver Lunds værtypeklassifisering
(AmS-Varia;34, Book, 1998)Marked variation in temperature and precipitation have occured over the North Atlantic and Europe during the last 100 years. Is this pattern associated with variations in the atmospheric circulation? The purpose of this ... -
Utvalgte år i en årringkurve fra Suldal, Rogaland, korrelert med historiske klimadata.
(AmS-Varia;32, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1998)A comparison was made between climate information obtained from tree rings of Pinus sylvestris L. from Suldal, SW Norway, and historical documents. In six occasions during the time span of AD 1700-1900 indices showed ... -
Hustyper og sosialstruktur gjennom bronsealder på Forsandmoen, Rogaland, sørvest-Norge
(AmS-Varia;33, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1998)The house-material from Forsandmoen, which consists of 22 longhouses and 16 smaller dwelling houses, dated to the Bronze Age primarily by 14C-dates, is analysed. Special attention is paid to the 69 houses consisting of ... -
Problemer i bronsealderens korndyrking på Forsandmoen, Rogaland, SV-Norge
(AmS-Varia;33, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1998)During extensive excavations at Forsandmoen in the municipality of Forsand, Rogaland, SW-Norway, a prehistoric agricultural settlement has been discovered. According to 210 14C age determinations, the totally 250 ... -
A new flotation machine for macrofossils and archaeological objects
(AmS-Varia;37, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2000)At Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger, a new flotation machine has been constructed. The AMS-machine (Advanced Macrofossil Separation) is able to treat wet as well as dry soil samples and the machine is specially developed ... -
Soil micromorphology and it's contribution to the interpretation of archaeological sites
(AmS-Varia;37, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2000)The soils and the sediments of archaeological sites provide a context for the artefacts. They are a resource for essential information about stratigraphy, site formation processes and possible natural or artificial ...