• Feilkorrigering av koder og Reed-Muller koder 

      Osmundsen, Celina Santos Osmundsen (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne oppgaven vil se gå gjennom det grunnleggende for kode teori. Med å introdusere grunnleggende konsepter skal vi se på de ulike typer feilkorrigerene koder. Vi skal se på blokk-koder og lineære koder. Ulike koder har ...
    • FEM analyse av komposittdekker i betong og krysslaminert tre med skrueforbindelser 

      Hauan, Lene (Master thesis, 2022)
      I denne oppgaven ble temaet FEM analyse av komposittdekker i betong og krysslaminert tre med skrueforbindelser utforsket. Oppgaven sammenstiller resultater fra FEM analyser med tidligere utførte laboratorieforsøk på ...
    • FEM Modelling and Simulation of Production Casing with Local Wear Damage 

      Ramadhani, Budi Wachyu (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IEP/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)
      Field data show that casing and production tubing experiences wear on both the internal and external parts of the tubular. The main mechanisms of the wear are the mechanical friction between drill string and casing, ...
    • FEM-based assessment of wear of stamping die 

      Trzepiecinski, Thomasz; Lemu, Hirpa G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      In sheet metal forming industry, surface damage and wear such as adhesion and ploughing of metallic sheet, is a well-known problem which reduces the tool life and quality of drawn elements. Surface defects are the consequences ...
    • Female empowerment and risk within women’s groups in rural Central Uganda 

      Ordaz, Caroline Hegland (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      This thesis sought to explore mechanisms that lie behind female empowerment in rural Central Uganda and the risk factors women meet when engaging in women’s groups. The research has been guided by the following problem ...
    • Fergeavløsningsprosjektet Ryfast - mulige konsekvenser av Ryfast i Strand kommune 

      Jonsson, Martine Stang (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)
      Denne rapporten presenterer og diskuterer hvordan transportplanlegging med ”robuste” veier ut til distriktet påvirker arealstrukturen, og hva konsekvensen av dette blir. Dette undersøkes gjennom studie av mulige konsekvenser ...
    • Ferjefri E39 – En metode for risikovurdering av luftfartøykollisjon mot flytebru over Bjørnafjorden 

      Tran, Daniel (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)
      Statens vegvesen sitt veiprosjekt «Ferjefri E39» har som mål å oppnå en ferjefri strekning langs E39 på Vestlandskysten. I forbindelse med prosjektet Ferjefri E39 skal det bygges en bru over Bjørnafjorden, som ligger sør ...
    • Fiber i lettvekt betong 

      Kakay, Samdar (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      Denne oppgaven omhandler lettvektbetong (LWAC) generelt, samt resultater fra laboratorie-tester gjennomført fra jan. 09 til jun. 09 på betong- laboratoriet ved UiS. Hovedformålet med dette studiet var å evaluere virkningen ...
    • Fiberarmering i samvirkekonstruksjon 

      Krogedal, Bodil (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06-14)
      Denne oppgaven omhandler fiberarmert samvirkekonstruksjon. En samvirkekonstruksjon er en konstruksjon satt sammen av betong og stål, hvor de to materialene jobber sammen for å oppnå ønsket kapasitet. Oppgaven tar for seg ...
    • Fiberarmert betong 

      Espedal, Jørn Eirik (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg lette fasadeelementer med fiberarmert betong, historikk med kjente personer innen betongmiljøet, kjente byggverk osv. Det er utført tester som omhandler trepunkts bøyetest av bjelker i henhold ...
    • Fiberarmert betong - Analyse av fiberorienteringens påvirkning på mekaniske egenskaper ved bruk av computertomografi 

      Egeland, Trine (Master thesis, 2021)
      Denne oppgaven omhandler stålfiberarmert betong. Stålfiberarmert betong er et konstruksjonsmateriale sammensatt av betong og stålfiber, hvor de to materialene jobber sammen for å oppnå ønsket kapasitet. Oppgaven tar for ...
    • A FICC-study on return spillover - Case study: Norway 

      Holm, Christian Kenneth Edvardsen; Lukerstuen, Lars (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-13)
      During periods of downward turns, and high volatility, there is an associated increase in individual asset risk, as well as effects stemming from the volatility of other assets. This spillover effect is well studied for ...
    • Field Case Study of Drill Bit Performance Analysis in Valhall Flank West 

      Achmatukaev, Alan (Master thesis, 2021)
      This thesis will present relevant literature study, data quality assertion and performance evaluation and economic considerations based on field data from Valhall Flank West. The aim is to investigate, explain and suggest ...
    • Field development of a marginal oil field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf 

      Rasmussen, Victoria (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)
      A small model oil field Tesla has been created based on assumptions and data from an existing field. With a lifetime of 8 years and expected total production of 8 million Sm3 oil, it is a marginal development, where the ...
    • Field development optimization of waterflooding process using data assimilation methods 

      Guliev, R.; Zolotukhin, Anatoly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The application of data assimilation methods for field development optimization has been the subject of intense investigation during the past 10 years. Lately has seen remarkable progress in the ability of data assimilation ...
    • Field Telemetry Drilling Dataset Modeling with Multivariable Regression, Group Method Data Handling, Artificial Neural Network, and the Proposed Group-Method-Data-Handling-Featured Artificial Neural Network 

      Amir, Mohammad; Agonafir, Mesfin Belayneh (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This paper presents data-driven modeling and a results analysis. Group method data handling (GMDH), multivariable regression (MVR), artificial neuron network (ANN), and new proposed GMDH-featured ANN machine learning ...
    • Field test investigation of the performance of corrosion inhibitors: a case study 

      Gharbi, Kheira; Chouicha, Samira; Kelland, Malcolm Andrew (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09)
      Corrosion is considered one of the major problems that affect flow assurance during hydrocarbon production. This irreversible phenomenon has the ability to cause serious material failure in the oil and gas industry. ...
    • Field theories with higher-group symmetry from composite currents 

      Brauner, Tomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Higher-form symmetries are associated with transformations that only act on extended objects, not on point particles. Typically, higher-form symmetries live alongside ordinary, point-particle (0-form), symmetries and they ...

      Ladino Garcia, Carol Alexandra (Master thesis, 2022)
      Drilling performance is directly related to fundamental aspects such as drilling variables that can affect the performance of the operation, the well stability, efficiency of drilling equipment, use of new technologies and ...
    • Field-scale simulation modeling of disproportional permeability reduction impact on oil recovery 

      Doshi, Paritosh Rajesh (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IPT/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)
      Excessive water production in hydrocarbon exploration is a worldwide problem. The water produced is considered to be the largest waste stream by volume in during hydrocarbon production. Gelant/polymers have been known to ...