• First age constraints of the Marmora Terrane: the missing link for Neoproterozoic geology between South America and southern Africa 

      Ruud, Caroline (Master thesis, 2021)
      The Gariep Belt stretches from the southwest of Namibia into the northwest of South America, crossing the international boarder at the Orange River. The mountain belt originates from a continent-continent collision related ...
    • First delirium episode in Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonism: incidence, predictors, and outcomes 

      Green, Samantha; Perrott, Sarah L.; McCleary, Andrew; Sleeman, Isobel; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Counsell, Carl E.; Macleod, Angus D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10)
      To define the incidence, predictors and prognosis of the first hospital delirium episode in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonism (AP), we identified the first hospital episode of delirium after diagnosis in ...
    • Fish Pool priser - Hva forteller de oss fremtidige laksepriser? 

      Asche, Frank; Misund, Bård; Øglend, Atle (Journal article, 2016)
      I denne artikkelen diskuterer vi hva FishPools futurespriser sier om fremtidige laksepriser. En forutsetning for at en futureskontrakt skal gi en god sikring er at futuresprisen er et godt estimat på fremtidig spotpris. ...
    • FishTrapSafe: Fra ide til ferdig produkt 

      Bjerga, Mette (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      During fishing activities, it is not uncommon that some of the equipment gets lost because of bad weather or bad luck during operations. However, an increasing problem faced by fishers is the loss of gear because of theft. ...
    • Fixed type-oscillating water column front wall angle variation and impact on chamber performance: CFD numerical wave tank assessment 

      Weerakoon, Abeysingha Hettige Samitha; Assadi, Mohsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study investigates optimizing the front wall geometry of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) chamber to enhance turbine performance and output efficiency when harnessing energy from progressive waves with consistent ...
    • Fjordkryssing- Bjørnafjorden: Fordeler og ulemper med bruk av konkurransepreget dialog som anskaffelsesprosedyre 

      Memic, Nadina (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-07)
      Ferjefri E39 har som mål å bygge en utbedret og ferjefri strekning mellom Kristiansand og Trondheim. Reisetiden er i dag på 21 timer, inkludert syv ferjeoverganger. En ferjefri E39 vil binde landsdelen sammen og effektivisere ...
    • Flaskefylling, små flasker 

      Skjæveland, Ruben; Ånestad, Lasse (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Sammendrag Norwegian Oilfield Supply(NOS) AS har en utdatert produksjonslinje for flaskefylling som behøver oppgradering. Nåværende funksjon til produksjonslinjen er automatisk flaskefylling og korking. Det er hovedesaklig ...
    • Flaskefylling, små flasker 

      Ånestad, Lasse; Skjæveland, Ruben (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Norwegian Oilfield Supply(NOS) AS har en utdatert produksjonslinje for flaskefylling som behøver oppgradering. Nåværende funksjon til produksjonslinjen er automatisk flaskefylling og korking. Det er hovedesaklig tre ...
    • Flatdekke kaikonstruksjon med eller uten spennarmering 

      Botnen, Eirik (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)
      Denne oppgåva omhandlar bruk av flatdekke som dekke-element i kaikonstruksjonar. Målet med oppgåva er å konstruere eit vekt-, tids-, og kostnadseffektivt alternativ til dagens kaidekkeelement. For å synleggjere eventuelle ...
    • Flatdekke med spennarmering 

      Breivik, Lene (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2013;, Master thesis, 2013)
      Denne rapporten omhandler et flatdekke med spennarmering. Det aktuelle dekket er en del av en konstruksjon som er under utbygging i Sandnes. Dette stedstøpte og etterspente dekket skal brukes som parkeringsareal. Rapporten ...
    • Flavor structure of GUTs and uncertainties in proton lifetime estimates 

      Kolesova, Helena; Malinsky, Michal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      We study the flavor aspects of proton lifetime estimates in simple grand-unified models, paying particular attention to their inherent fragility due to the notorious lack of control of some of the key parameters governing ...
    • Fleet scheduling & optimization 

      Liao, Wei (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2014;, Master thesis, 2014-06-15)
      In this thesis, we introduce a multi-seeds stochastic optimization algorithm for MIRP (Maritime Inventory Routing Problem) in the LNG business. A liquefied natural gas (LNG) producer usually has a liquefaction plan with ...
    • Flexible Geopolymer for Oil and Gas Well Cementing: An Experimental Study 

      Haghighat-Nejad, Farzad (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IEP/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)
      Conventional wellbore cementing materials used in the oil and gas industry are normally brittle, have low tensile strength and suffer from shrinkage. These properties affect the performance of these materials in downhole ...
    • Flexible riser global analysis for very shallow water 

      Karegar, Sadjad (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2013;, Master thesis, 2013)
      Flexible risers are widely used for a range of water depths and can accommodate large floater motions when using a buoyant system. A wide range of buoyancy solutions have been developed for very shallow water (e.g. 30-50 ...
    • Flexural behavior of cracked reinforced concrete beams with externally bonded CFRP plates 

      Graneland, Elin (Master thesis, 2021)
      The purpose of this thesis is to perform an experimental study of the flexural behavior of damaged reinforced concrete beams strengthened with externally bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) plates. Damage have ...
    • Flexural dynamic behavior of submerged cylindrical structures under wave loads 

      Giotis, Theofanis; Pavlou, Dimitrios; Belibassakis, Konstadinos A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11)
      Abstract. An analytical solution for the dynamic response of submerged slender circular cylindrical structure subjected to linear wave loads is presented. A double Laplace transform with respect to temporal and spatial ...
    • Flexural dynamic response of monopile foundations under linear wave loads 

      Giotis, Theofanis; Pavlou, Dimitrios (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03)
      An analytical solution for the dynamic response of submerged slender circular cylindrical structures subjected to linear wave loads is presented. A double Laplace transform with respect to temporal and spatial variables ...
    • Floating offshore wind farm responses prediction under wake steering comparing machine learning models 

      Omoijade, Godsent (Master thesis, 2024)
      Wind energy is important in advancing towards sustainable and cleaner energy sources with wind turbines being key in converting wind's kinetic energy into electricity. Like their onshore and fixed-bottom offshore counterparts, ...
    • Floating wind turbines : the transport phase 

      Solli, Knut Jostein (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2009, Master thesis, 2008)
      The worldwide demand of renewable energy is increasing rapidly because of the climate problem. Wind energy appears as a clean and good solution to cope with a great part of this energy demand. Therefore, floating wind ...
    • Floating wind turbines structural details fatigue life assessment 

      Gaidai, Oleg; Yakimov, Vladimir; Wang, Fang; Zhang, Fuxi; Balakrishna, Rajiv (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Fatigue damage prediction is essential for safety of contemporary offshore energy industrial projects, like offshore wind turbines, that are to be designed for sufficiently long operational period of time, with minimal ...