Now showing items 2975-2994 of 7254

    • Grafisk fremvisning av væske data 

      Danielsen, Eirik Øgreid; Chandler, Benjamin (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I denne Bacheloroppgaven jobber vi sammen med Intelligent Mud Solutions for å utforske visualisering av væske data. Vi gir en introduksjon om IMS og Rheologi. Vi lager et utviklingsmiljø som imiterer den eksisterende ...
    • Grafisk grensesnitt for håndtering av lagrede hjertedata (EKG) 

      Horpestad, Ørjan (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)
      Det antydes av læringspsykologer og pedagoger at læring øker hos en person ved et noe økt stressnivå. Det viser seg at denne læringen avtar straks stressnivået overskrider en viss grense, som er individuell for hver ...
    • Grafisk presentasjon av GPenSim-simulering 

      Hofsmo, Karsten (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      GPenSim er et verktøy for modellering og simulering av diskret hendelsesystemer (DES). GPenSim er integrert i Matlab-plattformen, og har dermed tilgang til innebygde Matlabfunksjoner som plot etc. I GPenSim blir Petri ...
    • Granular sludge bed processes in anaerobic digestion of particle-rich substrates 

      Tassew, Fasil Ayelegn; Bergland, Wenche Hennie; Dinamarca, Carlos; Kommedal, Roald; Bakke, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07)
      Granular sludge bed (GSB) anaerobic digestion (AD) is a well-established method for efficient wastewater treatment, limited, however, by the wastewater particle content. This review is carried out to investigate how and ...
    • Graph-based Entity Recognition & Inference and Link Prediction in static Network 

      Alam, Junaid (Master thesis, 2018-06-15)
      The size of data we are producing is exponentially increasing every year. According to former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, we produce as much information in two days now as we did from the dawn of mankind through 2003. The ...
    • Graphene Oxide – A New Potential Nano Reinforcement 

      Kjærnsmo, Henrik Eeg (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)
      Graphene oxide (GO) is a new potential nano reinforcement in cementitious composites. In previous research, graphene oxide has shown promising potential for improving mechanical properties, and particularly the ...
    • Graphene-based phenformin carriers for cancer cell treatment: a comparative study between oxidized and pegylated pristine graphene in human cells and zebrafish. 

      Alhourani, Abdelnour; Førde, Jan-Lukas; Nasrollahzadeh, Mojdeh; Eichacker, Lutz Andreas; Herfindal, Lars; Hagland, Hanne Røland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Graphene is an attractive choice for the development of an effective drug carrier in cancer treatment due to its high adsorption area and pH-responsive drug affinity. In combination with the highly potent metabolic drug ...
    • Graphene-based phenformin carriers for cancer cell treatment: a comparative study between oxidized and pegylated pristine graphene in human cells and zebrafish† 

      Alhourani, Abdelnour; Førde, Jan-Lukas; Nasrollahzadeh, Mojdeh; Eichacker, Lutz Andreas; Herfindal, Lars; Hagland, Hanne Røland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Graphene is an attractive choice for the development of an effective drug carrier in cancer treatment due to its high adsorption area and pH-responsive drug affinity. In combination with the highly potent metabolic drug ...
    • Graphical Interface for File Repair Algorithm Entangle Visualizer 3D 

      Stasiak, Bartlomiej; Dirdal, Daniel; Sundal, Vebjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      A picture says more than a thousand words. Visualization of problems often helps in a better understanding of what is happening. Plural observers can look at the same result. Observe different behaviors and trends, coming ...
    • Graphical Interface for File Repair Algorithm Entangle Visualizer 3D 

      Dirdal, Daniel; Sundal, Vebjørn; Stasiak, Bartlomiej (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      A picture says more than a thousand words. Visualization of problems often helps in a better understanding of what is happening. Plural observers can look at the same result. Observe different behaviors and trends, coming ...
    • Graphical Interface for File Repair Algorithm Entangle Visualizer 3D 

      Dirdal, Daniel; Sundal, Vebjørn; Stasiak, Bartlomiej (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      A picture says more than a thousand words. Visualization of problems often helps in a better understand- ing of what is happening. Plural observers can look at the same result. Observe different behaviors and trends, coming ...
    • Grasjamnar for silo-konstruksjon og analyser 

      Vannes, Svein Ove (Master thesis, 2014-06-16)
      Oppgåva Hovuddelen av oppgåva består i å konstruera og gjera ein analyse av ein grasjamnar for silo i landbruket. I oppgåva skal det også lagast ein marknadsplan for produktet, samt laga ei grovskisse av det elektriske ...
    • Gravel packing methods in long blank sections with near vertical regime in openhole 

      Storebø, Benedicte Caroline (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IPT/2014;, Master thesis, 2014-06-16)
      Gravel packing is a well-known method in sand control where stabilizing the formation with gravel prevents the production of formation sand. Longer and more complex completion operations are making the business of ...
    • Gravitasjons «slingshot» - når en rett bane ikke er det mest naturlige valg. 

      Sandtorv, Marius Hamre (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I denne artikkelen har jeg vist at de empiriske resultatene til Johannes Kepler, beskrivende modeller av vårt solsystem basert på observasjoner gjort av Tycho Brahe, kan utledes fra Newtons bevegelsessetniger. Disse ...
    • Gravitasjonsdrenering av flerfasestrømning med forskjellige reologiske egenskaper i porøse media 

      Helgeland, Trine; Olsen, Malin T. (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Formålet med oppgaven var å studere hvordan enfase- og flerfasestrømning av New- tonske og ikke-Newtonske fluider påvirkes av ulike volum av et porøst medium. Ved undersøkelse av de ulike fluidene og ulike volum av det ...
    • Gravitasjonsdrenering av flerfasestrømning med forskjellige reologiske egenskaper i porøse media. 

      Olsen, Malin Therese; Helgeland, Trine (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Formålet med oppgaven var å studere hvordan enfase- og flerfasestrømning av Newtonske og ikke-Newtonske fluider påvirkes av ulike volum av et porøst medium. Ved undersøkelse av de ulike fluidene og ulike volum av det porøse ...
    • Gravitational imprints from heavy Kaluza-Klein resonances 

      Megías, Eugenio; Nardini, Germano; Quirós, Mariano (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We systematically study the holographic phase transition of the radion field in a five-dimensional warped model which includes a scalar potential with a powerlike behavior. We consider Kaluza-Klein (KK) resonances with ...
    • Gravitational waves from tachyonic preheating 

      Hetland, Bjarte (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMN/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)
      Most models of the universe, which are in agreement with current observations, include some form of extremely rapid expansion of space at a very early stage. This is called cosmological inflation, or just inflation. Most ...
    • Gravity-driven membrane filtration of wastewater 

      Huse, Lena Elisa Limos (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      In recent years, the increase in world population and the rapid industry growth has led to an increased demand for water. Given the impact climate change has had on water resources, the ability to supply sufficient and ...
    • Green communication approach for the smart city using renewable energy systems 

      Hsu, Ching-Hsien; Eshwarappa, Nithin Melala; Chang, Wen-Thong; Chunming, Rong; Zhang, Wei-Zhe; Huang, Jun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A smart city is an evolving Internet of Things (IoT) technique that links different digital gadgets via a network, offering several new services to the manufacturing and medical field to commerce. A smart city is an ...