• Accountability Requirements for the Cloud 

      Jaatun, Martin Gilje; Tøndel, Inger Anne; Moe, Nils Brede; Cruzes, Daniela Soares; Bernsmed, Karin; Haugset, Børge (Chapter, 2017)
      In order to be responsible stewards of other people’s data, cloud providers must be accountable for their data handling practices. The potential long provider chains in cloud computing introduces additional accountability ...
    • Ad Hoc Table Retrieval using Semantic Similarity 

      Zhang, Shuo; Balog, Krisztian (Chapter, 2018)
      We introduce and address the problem of ad hoc table retrieval: answering a keyword query with a ranked list of tables. This task is not only interesting on its own account, but is also being used as a core component in ...
    • Application of the quemada viscosity model for drilling fluids 

      Knutsen, Sandra; Cayeux, Eric; Saasen, Arild; Khalifeh, Mahmoud (Chapter, 2021)
      A number of different models are used to describe the shear rate dependent viscosity of drilling fluids. Most, such as the Herschel-Bulkley model, have a purely empirical basis. The Quemada model, while still empirical, ...
    • Architectural Risk Analysis in Agile Development of Cloud Software 

      Jaatun, Martin Gilje (Chapter, 2019)
      Software in the cloud is predominantly developed using agile methodologies, where practices such as continuous deployment and DevOps contribute to increased speed and quick turnarounds. This increased speed does however ...
    • Automating Security in a Continuous Integration Pipeline 

      Chalishhafshejani, Sohrab; Pham, Bao Khanh; JAATUN, Martin Gilje (Chapter, 2022)
      Traditional approaches to software security are based on manual methods, which tend to stall development, leading to inefficiency. To speed up a software development lifecycle, security needs to be integrated and automated ...
    • Availability model of a 5G-MEC system 

      Pathirana, Thilina Dhanushka Kalahe; Nencioni, Gianfranco (Chapter, 2023)
      Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) is one of the enabling technologies of the fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks. MEC enables services with strict latency requirements by bringing computing capabilities close to the ...
    • Balancing privacy and progress in artificial intelligence : Anonymization in histopathology for biomedical research and education 

      Kanwal, Neel; Janssen, Emiel; Engan, Kjersti (Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Multidisciplinary Applications;, Chapter, 2024)
      The advancement of biomedical research heavily relies on access to large amounts of medical data. In the case of histopathology, Whole Slide Images (WSI) and clinicopathological information are valuable for developing ...
    • Barents Sea Oil and Gas 2025: Three Scenarios 

      Øverland, Indra; Bambulyak, Alexei; Bourmistrov, Anatoli; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias; Mellemvik, Frode; Zolotukhin, Anatoly (Chapter, 2015)
      What are some of the possible futures for Barents Sea oil and gas? This chapter draws upon the key trends and issues covered by the book’s thematic chapters and presents three scenarios on the prospects for Norwegian–Russian ...
    • Coastal Erosion Due to Decreased Ice Coverage, Associated Increased Wave Action, and Permafrost Melting 

      Kostopoulos, Dimitrios; Yitzhak, Efrat; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias (Chapter, 2018-11)
      It is broadly recognized that the Arctic area has become highly popular for hosting new activities and new infrastructure. This is due to the combination of the need of exploring new areas to satisfy the ever increased ...
    • Competence constraints for fire and rescue personnel involved in tunnel fire safety as part of the tunnels risk acceptability 

      Bjørnsen, Gabriela; Njå, Ove (Chapter, 2020)
      The Commission Directive 2004/54/EC provides minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the trans-European road network and has been implemented in the Norwegian regulatory framework. The Directive states that the tunnel ...
    • A conceptual foundation for assessing and managing risk, surprises and black swans 

      Aven, Terje (Chapter, 2017)
      This chapter presents and discusses some recent advances in the risk field, linked to the conceptualisation of risk and specifically addressing unforeseen events, surprises and so-called black swans. It shows how the ...
    • Conceptualizing AMR as a creeping disaster in terms of pace and space 

      Staupe-Delgado, Reidar; Engstrom, Alina; Cadiz, Sebastian Andres Frugone (Chapter, 2023)
      Traditionally defined, disasters are understood as relatively limited in duration. Yet we also know that some disasters are of a creeping and indeed perpetual nature – their onsets do not seize to advance. One example is ...
    • Conversational Entity Linking: Problem Definition and Datasets 

      Joko, Hideaki; Hasibi, Faegheh; Balog, Krisztian; de Vries, Arjen (Chapter, 2021-07)
      Machine understanding of user utterances in conversational systems is of utmost importance for enabling engaging and meaningful conversations with users. Entity Linking (EL) is one of the means of text understanding, with ...
    • Criterion for sufficiently large dither amplitude to mitigate non-linear glitches 

      Faza, Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad; Leth, John; Eielsen, Arnfinn Aas (Chapter, 2023)
      A model describing glitch disturbances is introduced and analysed. The model is used to find the response of glitch disturbances when adding a periodic dither to the input and applying low-pass filtering to the output. ...
    • Cuttings transport with oil- and water-based drilling fluids 

      Ytrehus, Jan David; Lund, Bjørnar; Taghipour, Ali; Saasen, Arild (Chapter, 2021)
      Deviated well sections are common in modern well construction. In mature areas like the North Sea region, practically all producers or injector wells will have highly deviated sections. These wells must be drilled and ...
    • Detection and localization of melanoma skin cancer in histopathological whole slide images 

      Kanwal, Neel; Amundsen, Roger; Hardardottir, Helga; Tomasetti, Luca; Undersrud, Erling Sandøy; Janssen, Emiel; Engan, Kjersti (European Signal Processing Conference;, Chapter; Conference object, 2023)
      If melanoma is diagnosed and treated in its early stages can increase the survival rate. A projected increase in skin cancer incidents and a shortage of dermatopathologists have emphasized the need for computational pathology ...
    • Down Time Terms and Information Used for Assessment of Equipment Reliability and Maintenance Performance 

      Selvik, Jon Tømmerås; Ford, Eric Patrick (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Reliability and maintenance data is important for predictive analysis related to equipment downtime in the oil and gas industry. For example, downtime data together with equipment reliability data is vital for improving ...
    • Effect of Organic Retarders on Fluid-State and Strength Development of Rock-Based Geopolymer 

      Kamali, Mohammadreza; Khalifeh, Mahmoud; Samarakoon, Mudiyansele Samindi Manjula K; Salehi, Saeed; Wu, Yuxing (Chapter, 2023)
      Granite waste is rich in aluminum and silicate has the potential of turning to geopolymer material after mixing with an alkali solution. One of the challenges in developing a geopolymer is to select a suitable retarder to ...
    • Efficient Continuous Multi-Query Processing over Graph Streams 

      Zervakis, Lefteris; Setty, Vinay Jayarama; Tryfonopoulos, Christos; Hose, Katja (Advances in database technology EDBT;23rd, Chapter, 2020)
    • Energy consumption for salmon slaughtering processes 

      Ates, Mehmet Baris; Widell, Kristina Norne; Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle; Cojocaru, Andreea-Laura (Chapter, 2017)
      Today’s slaughtering and processing method for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using large refrigerated seawater (RSW) and buffer tanks before and during a stepwise processing regime has now reached its limits. To overcome ...