• Visualisering av geografiske data som varierer over tid 

      Dybedokken, Ole; Matieva, Fatima; Banjai, Mussa (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application ...
    • Visualisering av geografiske data som varierer over tid 

      Dybedokken, Ole; Matieva, Fatima; Banjai, Mussa (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application ...
    • Visualisering av produksjonsdata – Tytlandsvik Aqua 

      Skulevold, Henrik; Refnin, Vemund; Øvrebø, Ådne (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i en problemstilling hos Tytlandsvik Aqua vedrørende samling, strukturering og presentering av data generert på deres landbaserte oppdrettsanlegg for smolt. Ønsket var å lage et system for ...
    • Visualisering av produksjonsdata – Tytlandsvik Aqua 

      Øvrebø, Ådne; Skulevold, Henrik; Refnin, Vemund (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i en problemstilling hos Tytlandsvik Aqua vedrørende samling, strukturering og presentering av data generert på deres landbaserte oppdrettsanlegg for smolt. Ønsket var å lage et system for ...
    • Visualisering av produksjonsdata – Tytlandsvik Aqua 

      Skulevold, Henrik; Øvrebø, Ådne; Refnin, Vemund (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i en problemstilling hos Tytlandsvik Aqua vedrørende samling, strukturering og presentering av data generert på deres landbaserte oppdrettsanlegg for smolt. Ønsket var å lage et system for ...
    • Visualisering av stor mengde kartdata for Hafrsfjord 

      Iordanescu, Christer; Baturyna, Darya (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      The problem statement is to create an application that can process large and redundant data files received as coordinates of Hafrsfjord along with depth level, such that depth for each point can be shown expediently; with ...
    • Visualisering av stor mengde kartdata for Hafrsfjord 

      Darya Baturyna; Christer Constantin Selbach Iordanescu (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Skrevet på engelsk.
    • Visualization and comparison of geospatial data 

      Tjemsland, Tom Kristian (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2019;, Master thesis, 2019)
      Every second, a mind-numbing amount of data concerning the real world is gathered worldwide. Everything from the speed of cars through a road junction, to the geographical position of African lions, are registered and ...
    • Visualization of Event Timelines in News 

      Aarrestad, Atle; Bergene, Stig (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
    • Visualization of generic utility of sequential patterns 

      Wiktorski, Tomasz; Królak, Aleksandra; Rosińska, Karolina; Strumillo, Pawel; Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-05)
      Most of the literature on utility pattern mining (UPM) assumes that the particular patterns' utility in known in advance. Concurrently, in frequent pattern mining (FPM) it is assumed that all patterns take the same value. ...
    • Visualization of large data set on Small screens 

      Ali, Hammad (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2020;, Master thesis, 2020)
      Representing large, valuable information in a comprehensible manner has been a key challenge of 21st century. Human cognition relies mainly on their visual system. However, visual analysis includes both, visual complexities, ...
    • Visualization of process values as a function of a robots path in 3D Virtual Reality 

      Dramdal, Rolf (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-15)
      Modern industrial robotics can display a lot of information, especially when something goes wrong or unexpected behaviour occurs. Often developers are presented with too much information, rather than too little. This makes ...
    • Vue vs Vugu 

      Overelv, Martin Anton Haugland; Wegerif, Ferdinand (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I denne oppgaven sammenligner vi brukervennligheten og ytelsen til front-end rammeverkene, Vue og Vugu. Dette gjøres for å se hvordan eksperimentell WebAssembly-teknologi sammenlignes med en veletablert front-end-teknologi. ...
    • Vue vs Vugu 

      Overelv, Martin Anton Haugland; Wegerif, Ferdinand (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      I denne oppgaven sammenligner vi brukervennligheten og ytelsen til front-end rammeverkene, Vue og Vugu. Dette gjøres for å se hvordan eksperimentell WebAssembly-teknologi sammenlignes med en veletablert front-end-teknologi. ...
    • Vue vs Vugu 

      Matre, Vegard; Johannessen, Markus Aarekol (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Vue og Vugu er to rammeverk som brukes til å utvikle web-orientert design og applikasjoner, der Vue bruker JavaScript, og Vugu bruker Go og den nye teknologien WebAssembly. WebAssembly har dukket opp som en relevant teknologi ...
    • Vue vs. Vugu 

      Matre, Vegard; Johannessen, Markus Aarekol (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Vue og Vugu er to rammeverk som brukes til å utvikle web-orientert design og applikasjoner, der Vue bruker JavaScript, og Vugu bruker Go og den nye teknologien WebAssembly. WebAssembly har dukket opp som en relevant teknologi ...
    • Waste Nothing - A Digital Cookbook and Shopping Assistant 

      Bungum, Emilie (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      In this thesis, we develop an application with the goal of helping the users waste less food by keeping track of their fridge and pantry contents, and let them compare their fridge contents with the ingredients list of ...
    • Web application for energy system 

      Vyizigiro, Simeon; Hussain, Hammad Munir; Ericson, Atle Bjørnstadjordet (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      This bachelor thesis describes the development of a web application that allows users to configure and save simulations for an energy system. The application utilizes a pre-existing simulator pack to generate real-time ...
    • Web application for energy system integration 

      Vyizigiro, Simeon; Ericson, Atle Bjørnstadjordet; Hussain, Hammad Munir (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      This bachelor thesis describes the development of a web application that allows users to configure and save simulations for an energy system. The application utilizes a pre-existing simulator pack to generate real-time results, ...
    • Web application for energy system integration 

      Vyizigiro, Simeon; Ericson, Atle Bjørnstadjordet; Hussain, Hammad Munir (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      This bachelor thesis describes the development of a web application that allows users to configure and save simulations for an energy system. The application utilizes a pre-existing simulator pack to generate real-time results, ...