• Axiomatizing Additive Multi-Effort Contests 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article, 2021-10)
      A rent seeking model is axiomatized where players exert multiple additive efforts which are substitutable in the contest success function. The axioms assume the sufficiency of exerting one effort, and that adding an amount ...
    • A Bitcoin Price Prediction Model Assuming Oscillatory Growth and Lengthening Cycles 

      Wang, Guizhou; Hausken, Kjell (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06)
      This article’s motivation is to understand the volatile Bitcoin price increase. The objective is to develop price estimation methods. The methodology is to present five differential equation models estimated against the ...
    • Cod stories: Trade dynamics and duration for Norwegian cod exports 

      Asche, Frank; Cojocaru, Andreea-Laura; Gaasland, Ivar; Straume, Hans-Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12)
      In recent years, trade dynamics have been receiving increased attention, and the general literature indicates that commodities are different. In this paper, the duration of trade relationships for Norwegian export firms ...
    • Det er størrelsen det kommer an på - Lønnsomhetsanalyse av ny produksjonsmodell og bruk av storsmolt 

      Alsvik, Eva Teresia (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06-14)
      Deler av laksenæringen vurderer en endring av driftsmodellen i tradisjonell sjøbasert oppdrett. Dette Innebærer å endre produksjonssyklusen ved å overføre en del av produksjonen til land, der smolten får vokse seg så store ...
    • The development of large scale aquaculture production: A comparison of the supply chains for chicken and salmon 

      Asche, Frank; Cojocaru, Andreea-Laura; Roth, Bjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-08)
      The supply chain for salmon is, in many respects, the world's most efficient seafood supply chain. Adopting new technologies and expanding the scale of production have improved competitiveness leading to increased production ...
    • Eco-Labeling and Retailer Pricing Strategies: The U.K. Haddock Market 

      Zhang, Dengjun; Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Asche, Frank; Young, James A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05)
      In attempts to differentiate their store imagery, grocery retailers frequently introduce new products, which are often rich in extrinsic attributes such as claims regarding healthiness and environmental sustainability. ...
    • En strategisk analyse av Innovasjonspark Stavanger 

      Ranjan, Denis (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      I denne oppgaven gjennomføres en strategisk analyse av Innovasjonspark Stavanger. Målet med oppgaven er å analysere de interne ressursene og eksterne forholdene i selskapet for å kunne identifisere målene og strategiene til ...
    • Essays in Aquaculture: Economics and Marketing 

      Sørvig, Arne (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2015-12)
      The global aquaculture sector is currently experiencing a market revolution. In 2003, the Economist described the evolution of aquaculture during the 1960 and -70ies as a Blue Revolution. Many key scientific breakthroughs ...
    • Hesitant reforms: The Norwegian approach towards ITQ's 

      Standal, Dag; Asche, Frank (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-11)
      Abstract In Norway, the rationale for fleet adaptations has been subject to different interpretations and policies. While coastal settlement, a surplus fishing capacity and a negative resource rent were dominant adaptations ...
    • Hva skal til for at arbeidstakere skal spare riktig til egen pensjon? 

      Tonning, Sølvi Marie (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-10-12)
      Denne oppgaven ser på risikoen for å bli en fattig pensjonist og hva som skal til for å redusere risikoen. Endringer i pensjonssystemet har ført til at unge i dag vil få langt lavere pensjonsutbetaling fra Folketrygden ...
    • Implications of Entry Restrictions to Address Externalities in Aquaculture: The Case of Salmon Aquaculture 

      Soini, Vesa-Heikki; Øglend, Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10)
      This paper investigates production license management when regulation constrains the number of production licenses to address production externalities. This is increasingly relevant for aquaculture production where disease ...
    • Innovasjon innen forsyning og innkjøp av riggtjenester 

      Osmundsen, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      En lang periode med riggknapphet og høye riggrater på norsk sokkel har ledet til en rekke eksempler på innovasjon innen innkjøp av riggtjenester og i relasjonen mellom olje- og riggselskaper. Små oljeselskaper har gått ...
    • Innovative og robuste strategier for rigganskaffelse 

      Osmundsen, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-01)
      HVEM SKAL EIE? En lang periode med riggknapphet og høye riggrater på norsk sokkel har ledet til en rekke eksempler på innovasjon innen innkjøp av riggtjenester og i relasjonen mellom olje- og riggselskaper. Artikkelen ...
    • Insentivutforming innen riggkontrakter 

      Osmundsen, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-11)
      Knapphet på rigger og personell har ført til en viss kreativitet i utforming av insentivkontrakter innen boring. Så langt er det imidlertid ikke så store forskjeller mellom kontraktene som er i bruk. Artikkelen beskriver ...
    • Measuring potential rents in the North Sea herring fishery 

      Arnason, Ragnar; Bjørndal, Trond; Gordon, Daniel Vernon; Bezabih, Mintewab (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper assesses the potential for rent generation in the North Sea herring fishery. The assessment distinguishes between rents and intra-marginal profits—the sum of which constitutes variable profits in the fishery. A ...
    • Modeling superior predictors for crude oil prices 

      Westgaard, Sjur; Osmundsen, Petter; Stenslet, Lord Olav Daniel; Ringheim, Jo Kogstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-06)
      A common perception in the literature is that oil price dynamics are most adequately explained by fundamental supply-and-demand factors. We use a general-to-specific approach and find that financial indicators are even ...
    • Modeling which Factors Impact Interest Rates 

      Wang, Guizhou; Hausken, Kjell (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Taylor (1993) rule for determining interest rates isgeneralized to account for three additional variables: The moneysupply, money velocity, and the unemployment rate. Thus, five pa-rameters, i.e. weights assigned to ...
    • Norwegian export of farmed salmon − trade costs and market concentration 

      Asche, Frank; Gaasland, Ivar; Straume, Hans-Martin; Vårdal, Erling (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04)
      While variation in unit value most commonly has been associated with quality in the trade literature, observed differences in prices between markets might also be explained by variation in market concentration and the ...
    • Optimal kontraktsdesign for offshore-prosjekter 

      Osmundsen, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)
      Prinsipper for optimal kontraktsutforming i petroleumssektoren presenters. Prinsippene baserer seg på innsikt fra kontrakts- og insentivteori, beste praksis studier for byggebransjen, samt en serie møter med oljeselskaper, ...
    • Pricing efficiency across destination markets for Norwegian salmon exports 

      Øglend, Atle; Straume, Hans-Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02)
      This paper investigates how pricing efficiency of Norwegian salmon exports varies across destination market characteristics. Efficiency is defined as the rate at which individual transaction prices adjust to common market ...