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dc.contributor.authorHusebø, Julia
dc.contributor.authorNedopokina, Nataliia
dc.descriptionMaster's thesis in Financeno_NO
dc.description.abstractMajor accidents in tanker operations lead to considerable losses and irreversible consequences (Karlsen, 2010). Even though the shipping industry has been operating for centuries, and there are numbers of requirements aiming to maintain and improve standards for safety, accidents still occur. Nowadays shipping companies are occupied to find more effective strategies that can mitigate risks and prevent accidents. This study analyses safety culture awareness in shipping tanker operations and compares safety awareness of management on shore and crew onboard. We have conducted a questionnaire survey based on real accidents and near misses happened. Participants from selected shipping companies evaluated decisions taken in given dilemmas. It has been explored that there are gaps among managers and crew. Also, gaps between manager to manager; crew member to crew member were found. Finally, the study explored different safety culture awareness between three companies that an oil company should be aware of (Appendix F). These gaps need to be minimized in order to prevent major accidents. Question of the research is as follows: How can leadership strategies be improved to prevent major accidents in shipping tanker operations? Findings of this research indicated that particular areas of the leadership strategies need to be improved. We summarized them in the final model (Appendix E). Even though these activities are being applied by leaders from before, the results of this study indicate that they do not close all gaps. Strategies should be constantly improved in the following areas: • creating and maintaining philosophy of “mindfulness” in every day practice • promoting clear communication on all levels of organization • creating a “learning organization” culture • learning from earlier errors • organized experience sharing with each other Suggestion for further work is to conduct in- depth research of the findings presented by this paper. For example, to find the correlations between safety culture awareness and such strategic elements as clear communication, learning from errors, experience sharing, principles of mindfulness etc. and how those influence on accident prevention. In addition, if improvement of safety awareness can be a mediator to accident prevention. Finally, further work can be focused on creation of an “action plan” to implement the strategic improvements step by step.no_NO
dc.publisherUniversity of Stavanger, Norwayno_NO
dc.titleHow can leadership strategies be improved to prevent major accidents in shipping tanker operations?no_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisno_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Social science: 200::Economics: 210no_NO

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