• A Tailspin for Taxi Drivers: Platform Labor, Deregulations, and a Migrant Occupation 

      Stålhane, Helga Hiim; Vassenden, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11)
      In this article, we investigate Norwegian taxi drivers’ perceptions and experiences of the introduction of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) such as Uber. We find that taxi drivers are highly critical, but not over ...
    • Technological change as a trade-off between social construction and technological paradigms 

      Engen, Ole Andreas; Olsen, Odd Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      The theory of social construction of technology (SCOT) and the theory of technological paradigms (TTP) are normally regarded as competing or even incompatible perspectives on technological change. In this paper, we show ...
    • Telling a Different Story: A Longitudinal Investigation of News Diversity in Four Countries 

      De Vries, Erik; Vliegenthart, Rens; Walgrave, Stefaan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      News diversity is an important concern of journalism scholars, as its presence or absence can have a profound effect on democratic debate and the information available to citizens. Many have speculated that news diversity ...
    • The temporal nature of mobile push notification alerts: A study of European news. 

      Wheatley, Dawn; Ferrer Conill, Raul (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-08)
      Push notifications provide news outlets with direct access to audiences amid concerns around information overload, disinformation, and heightened competition for reader attention. Such news distribution is relevant because ...
    • Ten questions concerning positive energy districts 

      Sareen, Siddharth; Albert-Seifried, Vicky; Aelenei, Laura; Reda, Francesco; Etminan, Ghazal; Andreucci, Maria-Beatrice; Kuzmic, Michal; Maas, Nienke; Seco, Oscar; Civiero, Paolo; Krangsås, Savis Gohari; Hukkalainen, Mari; Neumann, Hans-Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) constitute an emerging energy transition paradigm, with an ambitious timeline for rapid upscaling to match the urgency of climate mitigation and adaptation. Increasingly networked and ...
    • Terrorism risks, civil liberties, and privacy concerns 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-10)
      Transportation of people plays a major role in our critical infrastructures. The article seeks to determine our willingness to protect our infrastructures balanced against sacrificing civil liberties. Respecting civil ...
    • The battle of the sexes when the future is important 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      Contrary to the widespread belief that game repetition induces conciliatory behavior, in a repeated battle of the sexes where player 1 values the future and player 2 is myopic, player 1 is more inclined through conflicting ...
    • The impact of the future in games with multiple equilibria 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-08)
      The article shows that in a game with multiple equilibria, where one player estimates that there is at least a minuscule probability that the other player acquiesces, then conflict is inevitable if both players value the ...
    • The stability of anarchy and breakdown of production 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)
      In Hirshleifer’s (1995) model for unitary actors, combined fighting/production abruptly breaks down when inter-group decisiveness of fighting is above a certain value (above one) or income requirements are not met. Accounting ...
    • Toward ‘Cultures of Engagement’? An exploratory comparison of engagement patterns on Facebook news posts 

      Ferrer-Conill, Raul; Karlsson, Michael; Haim, Mario; Kammer, Aske; Elgesem, Dag; Sjøvaag, Helle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Information production, dissemination, and consumption are contingent upon cultural and financial dimensions. This study attempts to find cultures of engagement that reflect how audiences engage with news posts made by ...
    • Towards Responsible Media Recommendation 

      Elahi, Mehdi; Jannach, Dietmar; Skjærven, Lars; Knudsen, Erik; Sjøvaag, Helle; Tolonen, Kristian; Holmstad, Øyvind; Pipkin, Igor; Throndsen, Eivind; Stenbom, Agnes; Fiskerud, Eivind; Oesch, Adrian; Vredenberg, Loek; Trattner, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11)
      Reading or viewing recommendations are a common feature on modern media sites. What is shown to consumers as recommendations is nowadays often automatically determined by AI algorithms, typically with the goal of helping ...
    • The translation of moral panic into misogynist e-bile: the case of Turkish singer Gülşen 

      Ural, Haktan; Eslen-Ziya, Hande (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-07)
      In this paper, we examine a recent incident involving Gülşen, a Turkish singer who was brutally attacked on Twitter (now X), and demonstrate how moral panics translate into misogynist e-bile and violent cyber-attacks, both ...
    • Uforanderlige? : alternative forklaringer på lederes vedvarende rollekonflikter 

      Knudsen, Knud (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-03)
      Ledere står gjerne i vanskelig krysspress. I artikkelen studerer jeg de tre typiske konfliktlinjene jobb–jobb, jobb–hjem og jobb–jeg. Dette gjøres først med grunnlag i sosiologiens forståelse av rollekonflikter, med vekt ...
    • Universitetenes rangering, markeder og målesystemer 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article, 2006-12)
      At Norges beste universiteter rangeres lavere enn universiteter i flere U land tilkjennegir at Norge utdanner kompetanse med for lav vitenskapelig kvalitet. Norge som nasjon, norsk konkurransedyktighet, norsk industri og ...
    • Using the power balance model to simulate cross-country skiing on varying terrain 

      Moxnes, John F.; Sandbakk, Øyvind; Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-05)
      The current study adapts the power balance model to simulate cross-country skiing on varying terrain. We assumed that the skier’s locomotive power at a self-chosen pace is a function of speed, which is impacted by friction, ...
    • Vil du komme hit og snakke litt med meg? : Nabopratens rolle under den norske kommunereformen (2014–2017) 

      Nygård, Stine Ravndal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08)
      Innenfor skandinaviske organisasjonsstudier har Nils Brunssons teoretiske perspektiver stor forskningsinteresse. I de tilfeller der prat inkluderes i studiene, er det derfor vanligvis i sammenheng med «organisatorisk ...
    • Virtual reality; a question of subjectivity and authenticity? 

      Trageton, Sigmund (Journal article, 2018)
      With the rise of the new medium like Virtual reality, it is important not only to understand the technology and marketing hype, but also to look closer on what differentiate this medium from others. Discussions around the ...
    • The visual boundaries of journalism: Native advertising and the convergence of editorial and commercial content 

      Ferrer-Conill, Raul; Knudsen, Erik; Lauerer, Corinna; Barnoy, Aviv (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This study investigates the visual objects that are used to either disclose or disguise the commercial nature of native advertising as news articles. We adopt a “material object” approach to explore the potential implications ...
    • Visual, Popular and Political: The Non-Profit Influencer and the Public Sphere 

      Salte, Luise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The influencer has become a common phenomenon in digital societies. The emphasis on exposure and popularity in social media is materialised through the growing prominence of these popular individuals with large audiences. ...
    • What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research 

      Aspers, Patrik; Corte, Ugo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02)
      What is qualitative research? If we look for a precise definition of qualitative research, and specifically for one that addresses its distinctive feature of being “qualitative,” the literature is meager. In this article ...