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dc.contributor.advisorEl-Thalji, Idriss
dc.contributor.authorSuleymanov, Magomed
dc.descriptionMaster's thesis in Offshore technology: Industrial asset managementnb_NO
dc.description.abstractThe self-assessment method is used to improve the maintenance management system and its related operations. It has the advantage over the maintenance auditing method, as it is a self-driven improvement method, less required work and time consuming, and it keeps the assessment ownership within the department or the family-company. Therefore, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate have developed a maintenance baseline study as a self-assessment tool for oil & gas industry in 1998. The maintenance baseline study provides a set of questions that help the maintenance manager to assess their whole maintenance management functions from strategic planning, program development, operational planning, execution management, reporting, analysis, until they could up an improvement plan & measures. This process looks like a management loop which has heavy interrelations within its internal functions. In fact, the maintenance baseline study is well known as maintenance management loop within the oil & gas industry. In fact, Øxnevad & Nielsen (2000) illustrated the original wish of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, when the Maintenance Baseline Study was developed, as to: (1) contribute to a general improvement of the quality of the operator’s system for managing safety-related maintenance, (2) provide better predictability for the operators in terms of NPD’s expectations and requirements in this area, (3) share the “best practices” and “state of the art” methods and techniques. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to: (1) study the state of the art of the Maintenance Baseline Study, (2) extract the industrial needs for updating this tool and (3) develop a cost-effective model for self-assessment of maintenance management system based on the extracted needs and potential technologies. This thesis is related to operation and maintenance hub meetings that are running by Cluster on Industrial Asset Management (CIAM) within University of Stavanger. The hub meetings gather managers and experts from wide range of Norwegian oil & gas industry in order to discuss specifically the maintenance baseline study (maintenance management loop developed by Norwegian Petroleum Directorate). Therefore, this thesis is relied on a semi-structural group meetings and discussions at the early stage and then a semi-structural interview to verify and validate the updated version of maintenance baseline study. The updated version of maintenance baseline study has the following advantages: (1) it is user-friendly and easy to use, (2) it has a selective type of questions with integrated quantification of the answers, (3) it requires less time to conduct, (4) it provides user-friendly individual assessment, (5) it provides user-friendly group assessment, (6) it has an integrated method for linking the assessment into a SWOT analysis, (7) it is web-based and can be used on devices such as pc, mobile phone, iPad etc. which are connected to the internet and, (8) it can easily be modified and adapted. The state of the art of the maintenance baseline study is clearly explored within this thesis. The exploration process based on interviews with the professionals in the field of maintenance management indicates, first, that the original version of the self-assessment method is considered as a basement for most of the self-assessment practices within O&G sector. However, it is not used in its original version by the large scale oil and gas operators have further developed their own customized self-assessment tool with help of modern technology e.g. web-based tools. The second issue, which can be concluded, is that large scale oil and gas operators is mainly interested to update the maintenance management loop, which is within the maintenance baseline study, with modern technology, tools and advanced maintenance techniques. The industrial needs for updating the self-assessment tool of maintenance management are successfully extracted within this thesis. The first need is to enhance the maintenance supervision within the maintenance management loop by updating its link to the whole asset management loop e.g. PAS 55 standards and life cycle loop e.g. ISO 55001. The second need is to update the internal process of each function within the management loop that presented in Maintenance Baseline Study and to update the tools, technologies e.g. sensors, big data analytics, advanced maintenance techniques (Condition-based maintenance, Predict health monitoring, updated versions of Reliability & Risk centered maintenance, etc.). The third need is to improve the follow-up capabilities of the self-assessment tools in order to be more cost effective to perform the assessment process. The cost-effective model for self-assessment of maintenance management system based on the extracted needs and potential technologies is sufficiently developed. The developed self-assessment tool based on the maintenance baseline study could show clear enhancement according to the experts’ opinions as it requires less time, and it offers a user-friendly visualization of the collected/trended information and their associated results, offers an objective analysis and recommendation action generator. In summary, several recommended future works have been highlighted in order to lead the further development into highly satisfying the NPD’s wish of creating the general improvement of the management quality and excellence of safety-related maintenance operations and gain the benefit of sharing and updating the state of the art and best practice within the O&G sector.nb_NO
dc.publisherUniversity of Stavanger, Norwaynb_NO
dc.subjectoffshore technologynb_NO
dc.subjectoffshore teknologinb_NO
dc.subjectindustrial asset managementnb_NO
dc.titleCost-effective model for self-assessment of maintenance management: An update to the “Maintenance Baseline Study” early developed by Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.nb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Teknologi: 500::Marin teknologi: 580::Offshoreteknologi: 581nb_NO

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  • Studentoppgaver (TN-IKM / TN-IMBM) [1244]
    Master- og bacheloroppgaver i Konstruksjoner og materialer / Maskin, bygg og materialteknologi (maskinkonstruksjoner, byggkonstruksjoner og energiteknologi) / Masteroppgaver i Offshore teknologi: industriell teknologi og driftsledelse - Offshore technology: industrial Asset management / Masteroppgaver i Offshoreteknologi : offshore systemer (konstruksjonsteknikk og marin- og undervannsteknologi-subsea technology)

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