Studentoppgaver (Business)
Master- og bacheloroppgaver i økonomi / finans / regnskap og revisjon
Recent Submissions
Grov uaktsomhet ved knock-for-knock klausuler i norsk rett
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Mot en støtteordning for hydrogen i Norge: En rettslig analyse av hvordan EU påvirker utformingen av differansekontrakter for hydrogen.
(Master thesis, 2024)The thesis examines how the existing EU law regarding hydrogen and State aid law influence the design of a Norwegian Hydrogen Contract for Difference (CfD). The research is carried out through legal doctrinal method and ... -
Sikkerhetsreguleringer for datasentre - hvordan sikrer vi oss mot hjerteskade og hva er konsekvensene av hjerteskade?
(Master thesis, 2024)Datasenter blir omtalt som "internetts hjerte». Denne oppgaven ser på hvordan vi kan sikre oss mot hjerteskade og hva er konsekvensene dersom hjerteskade oppstår? Spørsmålet blir vurdert ved å se på om den norske lovgivningen ... -
Bruken av «særlig uavhengig stilling» etter arbeidsmiljøloven § 10-12 (2) for nyutdannede.
(Master thesis, 2024)En arbeidstaker kan unntas fra arbeidstidsreglene i arbeidsmiljøloven dersom vedkommende innehar en "ledende stilling" eller en "særlig uavhengig stilling" etter aml. § 10-12 første og annet ledd. Bestemmelsen er ment som ... -
Measuring Innovation Evolution through Efficiency Gains: A Study of Salmon Aquaculture Industry in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Despite significant progress in salmon aquaculture, such as genetic improvements, feed optimization, and disease management, which together make up innovation, a comprehensive understanding of how these innovations ... -
Praktiske utfordringer vedrørende vurderingen av manglende samtykkekompetanse etter phvl. § 3-3 nr. 4 første punktum, og farekriteriet i annet punktum
(Master thesis, 2024)Problemstillingen for oppgaven omhandler de praktiske utfordringene helsepersonell møter som rettsanvendere ved vurderingen av manglende samtykkekompetanse etter phvl. § 3-3 nr. 4 første punktum, samt farekriteriet i annet ... -
Generational Differences in Environmental Preferences: The Case of Reducing Emissions from Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products.
(Master thesis, 2024)In this study the generational differences in environmental preferences for pharmaceutical and personal care (PPCP) emission reduction is estimated. The overall research question is: “Do generational differences exist in ... -
Forvaring som straffereaksjon for mindreårige
(Master thesis, 2024) -
The Impacts of Remote Monitoring Applications on Healthcare Digitalization and Quality of Care in Norway: Assessing the Implementation Process, Staff Efficiency, and System Integration across three Norwegian Municipalities
(Master thesis, 2024)The study explores the implementation of Remote Monitoring Applications (RMAs), focusing on Somnofy, a contactless sleep monitoring device, and its impact on digital transformation and quality of care (QoC) in Blå Kors, ... -
Exploring Lead Generation Strategies Through Content Marketing and SEO Practices: A Case Study of Novatech AS
(Master thesis, 2024)The purpose of this study is to explore lead generation strategies facilitated by content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) practices within the framework of Novatech AS, a business-to-business (B2B) company ... -
AI Based Cryptocurrency Price Prediction: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional & Deep Learning Models with Sentiment Integration
(Master thesis, 2024)Cryptocurrencies have risen as significant intangible assets in the financial landscape utilizing cryptography and blockchain technology to facilitate secure and decentralized transactions. The cryptocurrency market is ... -
Can the TikTok phenomenon girl math partially explain why young women are less financially literate than young men?
(Master thesis, 2024)In the summer of 2023, a phenomenon known as girl math emerged on TikTok, emphasizing young women’s spending behavior. The trend sparked debate, some criticized it for potentially harming young women's economic understanding, ... -
Hvilken effekt vil nedtrappingen av fossile brensel ha for det europeiske energimarkedet?
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis examines the phase-down of fossil fuels and its effect on European energy markets. The research will be done through legal doctrinal research, and will focus on EU energy law and policies, as well as decisions ... -
Comparative Analysis of The Impact of Pollution on Human Development Index : High vs. Low Pollution Countries
(Master thesis, 2024)This study explores the complex relationship between pollution sources and human development over a 30-year timespan, to yield comparative results between ‘high’ and ‘low’ level pollution emission countries. The four ... -
Driving Norway’s Renewable Energy Transition: Untangling the Roles of Energy Intensity, Climate Technology, Financial Development, and Energy Efficiency
(Master thesis, 2024)Significant structural changes and social implication for the complete replacement of fossil fuels by RE, through the employment, migration, and individual spending habits, are necessary. Possible causes for the widening ... -
Optimizing Fleet Utilization for Employee-Centric and Sustainable Transportation: A Case Study at Stavanger University Hospital.
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis aims to explore the scope of optimizing fleet utilization at Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) to make its transportation employee-centric and sustainable. To carry out this objective, we employed a mixed-method ... -
Samværsrett ved omsorgsovertakelser - En analyse av rettstilstanden og utviklingstrekk i lys av internasjonale forpliktelser
(Master thesis, 2024)En redegjørelse av den rettslige statusen med hensyn til lovgivende og dømmende makts forståelse av samværsretten ved omsorgsovertakelse, og utøvende myndigheters behandling av slik saker. Oppgaven problematiserer videre ... -
Data Protection and Cookies: A critical review of the GDPR
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis explores the effectiveness of the GDPR in regulating cookies and the implementation of measures to protect user privacy. By analyzing various studies, this thesis examines overarching themes including human ... -
Awareness of and Preferences for Reducing Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Product Pollution
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis is a part of the European research project PHARMASEA, which focuses on exploring the presence, behavior, and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in marine ecosystems. The goal of this thesis is to develop an ...