Studentoppgaver (Business)
Master- og bacheloroppgaver i økonomi / finans / regnskap og revisjon
Recent Submissions
Kunstig intelligens i juridisk tjeneste
(Master thesis, 2024) -
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Leveraging Smart Technologies for Sustainable Manufacturing: A Strategic Framework for Implementing Smart Circular Economy Principles
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis studies the use of smart technologies (STs) in the manufacturing sector to promote a smart circular economy (SCE) and enhance efficiency and sustainability. Starting with a comprehensive review of the basic ... -
Sibship and Beyond: Unravelling the Sibship Effect on Life's Winding Road: An Empirical Analysis Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth exploring the effect of a sibling’s gender on educational and career choices
(Master thesis, 2024)Understanding how family dynamics shape career and educational choices can provide valuable insights for individuals and policymakers, as well as offer further inquiry into tools that alter gender role attitudes. This ... -
An empirical analysis of the relationship between entry level position and job satisfaction among Norwegian university graduates
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis explores the relationship between entry-level positions and job satisfaction among graduates from Norwegian universities. The effects of education content fit, entry level position, job demands and nationalities ... -
Kunstig intelligens i juridisk tjeneste
(Master thesis, 2024) -
SMB-er og bærekraftsrapportering: Hvordan påvirker CSRD leverandørvalg i innkjøpsprosessen?
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien undersøker hvordan nye krav til bærekraftsrapportering påvirker innkjøpsbeslutninger i større selskaper, med fokus på kravene til informasjon fra underleverandører. Ved å benytte semistrukturerte intervjuer ... -
Strafferettslig skyldevne: Vil flere frifinnes etter den nye straffeloven § 20 bokstav a)?
(Master thesis, 2024)En felles rettsfølelse i samfunnet er at folk skal holdes ansvarlige for sine handlinger. Likevel råder det en enighet om at enkelte er så syke at det ikke vil være rettferdig å klandre dem for de handlinger som er begått. ... -
Revisjonskomiteens karakteristikk og ESG bekreftelser fra Skandinaviske selskaper.
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis project highlights the impact of audit committee characteristics on ESG Assurance. The provided evidence explicitly examines the Audit committee’s independence and expertise on listed companies in four ... -
Scoot, Park, Repeat: The Role of Motivation and Behavioural Nudge Messages on Shared E-Scooter Parking Behaviour
(Master thesis, 2024)This research explores how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation influence shared e-scooter parking in Stavanger, Norway, and evaluates the effectiveness of digital nudges in promoting proper parking. While shared e-scooters ... -
Bankenes utlån til bedriftsmarkedet - Hvilke faktorer vektlegges ved et låneengasjement i utvalgte bransjer?
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masterutredningen har som formål å undersøke hvilke faktorer som vektlegges ved et låneengasjement i tre utvalgte bransjer på bedriftsmarkedet; næringseiendom, industri- og tjenesteytende bedrifter. Vi vil nærmere ... -
Inntektsforskyvning som respons på utbytteskatt
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Manufacturing Dynamics in Norway: The Effects of Establishing a Centralized Oil Sector on Structural Change and Growth
(Master thesis, 2024)In this thesis, we analyze how establishing a centralized oil sector impacts structural change and growth for the surrounding manufacturing sector and its sub-industries. Using manufacturing statistics from the two Norwegian ... -
Is There a Connection Between the Movements in the Norwegian Exchange Rate and the Trade Patterns in Norway?
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis analyzes if there is a connection between the Norwegian exchange rate and Norway's international trade, focusing on total exports and imports in three defined sectors: tradable goods, non-tradable goods and oil ... -
Challenges faced by Logistics Service Providers in managing environmental uncertainty
(Master thesis, 2024) -
The Impact of COVID-19 on Capital Structure: Evidence from the Norwegian Market
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the capital structures of Norwegian firms. The model used is a panel regression with random/fixed effects. We find that mean leverage increased by 3.32% during the ...