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dc.contributor.advisorIdriss El-Thalji
dc.contributor.authorZhang Fan
dc.description.abstractOver the last few years, the rapid growth and vigorous development of the lithium-ion battery industry is obvious. The overall production and market scale of global lithium-ion batteries have grown rapidly, and the technology has become more mature, mainly due to the rise of emerging markets such as smartphones, tablet computers, and electric vehicles, which have promoted technological progress and market prosperity of the lithium-ion battery industry. This topic is focused on the implementation of the 5S methodology on the production site of the Norwegian battery company Beyonder AS, which is a start-up company that needs a scientific way of managing its site condition as well as employee awareness of the workplace. The purpose of this thesis is to implement 5S management in a battery company to gradually obtain the 5S results, which will gradually promote Beyond to have a 5S structure that can be applied on-site and in later mass production. During this research, it will preliminarily establish a model based on 5S as a foundation for TPM later, and in line with Beyonder manager for the purpose of improving operation quality. It also improves the on-site work environment, improve the stability of the performance of operator, and reduce the equipment failure rate, and Improve the ability of employees to find problems and laid a good foundation for other management methodology. The general research methodology is the PDCA cycle combines with the 5S application. After literature review and case analysis, problems on the production site are listed, then follow the 5S procedures, gradually improve the condition of the production site. In the meantime, evaluation chart and sheet have been used for weekly checking and Analytic hierarchy process, which act as the Check phase of the PDCA cycle for proposing further improvement. After the implementation, problems regarding the topic were solved, the company are satisfied with the result. Studies have shown that 5S management can greatly improve the working environment for enterprises, set the mindset of 5S for employees, and create an organized environment for operators. It directly lowered the short circuit number of batteries, especially during the stacking process. Moreover, this thesis laid the solid foundation for production sites’ further improvement. The scientific value of this research is that several proposed methods were shown practical and useful for 5S implementation in the battery industry.
dc.titleImplementation of 5S Management in Battery Industry: A Case Study
dc.typeMaster thesis

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  • Studentoppgaver (TN-IKM / TN-IMBM) [1243]
    Master- og bacheloroppgaver i Konstruksjoner og materialer / Maskin, bygg og materialteknologi (maskinkonstruksjoner, byggkonstruksjoner og energiteknologi) / Masteroppgaver i Offshore teknologi: industriell teknologi og driftsledelse - Offshore technology: industrial Asset management / Masteroppgaver i Offshoreteknologi : offshore systemer (konstruksjonsteknikk og marin- og undervannsteknologi-subsea technology)

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