Thalassorama : the salmon disease crisis in Chile
Original version
Asche, F.; Hansen, H.; Tveterås, R.; Tveterås, S. (2009) Thalassorama : the salmon disease crisis in Chile. Marine Resource Economics, 24(4), pp. 405-411 10.5950/0738-1360-24.4.405Abstract
The Chilean salmon farming industry is currently facing unprecedented
economic losses related to the infectious salmon anemia (ISA) disease. Production of
Atlantic salmon is being reduced from almost 400,000 tonnes in 2005 to an estimated
100,000 tonnes in 2010. The spread of and response to the disease raises a number
of important issues with respect to the actions of the companies involved as well as
the regulatory body. It is particularly interesting that adequate measures have not
been implemented in Chile, as the species is farmed in relatively few countries and,
as such, is fairly transparent. Moreover, all other major salmon- producing countries
have experienced the disease, and several of the largest companies in Chile are multinationals
with first-hand experience with ISA from other countries.
With permission from the MRE Foundation.