Now showing items 861-880 of 1779

    • En strategisk analyse av Innovasjonspark Stavanger 

      Ranjan, Denis (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      I denne oppgaven gjennomføres en strategisk analyse av Innovasjonspark Stavanger. Målet med oppgaven er å analysere de interne ressursene og eksterne forholdene i selskapet for å kunne identifisere målene og strategiene til ...
    • Evaluering av brannsikkerhet i åpne parkeringshus 

      Minde, Eirik Hjorth (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)
      7 januar 2020 begynte en Opel Zafira å brenne inne i parkeringshuset ved Stavanger lufthavn Sola. Brannen spredte seg raskt til andre biler, og når brannvesenet kom på stedet var brannen allerede ute av kontroll. Omtrent ...
    • En evaluering av dagens risikoanalysemetoder – læring fra inntrufne hendelser 

      Helle, Irene (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)
      Risikoanalyser og metoder for å etablere et risikobilde er i konstant utvikling. I fagmiljøet erkjennes det at det eksistere svakheter og forbedringspotensialer i analysemetodene. Dette medfører at det er en kontinuerlig ...
    • An empirical evaluation of risk assessment practices from a risk consistency perspective 

      Gutierrez U, Leandro J (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)
      Risk assessments form the core of the modern risk management process. Based on the execution of risk analysis and subsequent risk evaluations, the risk assessments provide the stakeholders or decision-makers with the ‘risk ...
    • How can Schlumberger Norge AS conduct the upcoming procurement of domestic transport services in order to improve the present practice? 

      Mortveit, Vebjoern (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-13)
      Schlumberger Norge AS is conducting a procurement of domestic transport services in the near future. The company aims toward establishing an automated logistical process in the future. However, the writer found that certain ...
    • Are integrated contracts a driver for more successful projects compared to traditional discrete contracts? 

      Moe, Ida (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      In recent years it has become more common to use integrated contracts between operators and service companies for offshore well construction projects. This thesis evaluates if the change from traditional discrete contracts ...
    • Implementing Precaution and the Substitution Principle Towards Norway’s Energy Transition: Is the 2050 goal achievable? 

      Lukkananuruk, Yanin (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)
      The Substitution principle has a significant role in the energy transition. This pillar is considered a subset of the precautionary principle, aligned with the concept of sustainability. However, there has been rather ...
    • An enhanced understanding of rare, surprising and extreme events 

      Glette-Iversen, Ingrid (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-14)
      Dragon-kings, black swans, grey swans and perfect storms are metaphors used to describe rare, surprising and extreme events. These metaphors are commonly referred to in both scientific and non-scientific literature, at ...
    • Collaboration Between Operator and Contractor in Risk Management Processes During Planning of Exploration Wells 

      Randulff, Emil (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      Drilling a new exploration well involves risk of major work accidents and considerable economic loss. Risk management is an integrated part of planning exploration wells. Collaboration between the operator and the rig ...
    • Debiasing Production Forecasts Through Reference Class Forecasting 

      Jehan, Jawvanan; Storsveen, Jørgen (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-30)
      This thesis investigates past performance of production forecasts provided by operators on the NCS at the time of project sanction. Utilising a dataset comprising annual forecasted and actual production from 1995 to 2017, ...
    • Verdivurdering av Maha Energy AB 

      Eliassen, Igor (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)
      I denne masteroppgaven har det blitt foretatt en verdsettelse av Maha Energy AB (et svensk onshore olje- og gasselskap). Hovedformålet med verdsettelsen var å beregne den underliggende verdien av selskapets verdi per aksje ...
    • Impact of energy efficiency and temperature on house prices in Norway 

      Garip, Daniel Torvaldsen; Afzali, Edris (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)
      The thesis consists of two separate studies, where both have their own abstract, content-list, chapters and reference-list. We first present study one: "Impact of energy efficiency on house prices and the role of temperature" ...
    • Kunnskapsdeling og innovasjon i to norske næringsklynger innen sjømat 

      Holmeseth, Marte Stenbakk (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-03)
      Norge har fra tidlig 2000-tallet hatt en strategi om å styrke nasjonale og regionale næringsmiljøer. På bakgrunn av dette startet Innovasjon Norge, Siva og forskningsrådet klyngeprogrammet som skal styrke norske næringsklynger. ...
    • Prosjektgjennomføring av store og komplekse prosjekter – megaprosjekter. Case studie av Ryfastprosjektet ledet av Statens Vegvesen. 

      Kvåle, Runar; Svortevik, Aleksander (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)
      Kostnadsoverskridelser og forsinkelser er ikke uvanlig i store og komplekse investeringsprosjekter. Det er blitt gjort mange undersøkelser og flere tiltak i både offentlig og privat sektor de siste tiårene for å kartlegge ...
    • Assessment of capital expenditure for floating offshore wind projects 

      Austbø, Håkon Landa; Hansen, Morten Loug (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      This thesis investigates capital expenditure in floating offshore wind projects by analysing the main capital expenditure drivers, their potential for reduction, estimate and event uncertainty, and requirements for ...
    • Quality Minus Junk - A Study Across 44 Countries 

      Berg, Terje (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØSP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-14)
      This thesis seeks to further investigate the quality factor which is reported in the research literature on financial market anomalies and related to systematic investment strategies. The research is done first by a ...
    • Volatility Spillover Between Commodities and Equities - a Study of Oil, Steel, and Cotton 

      Løkken, Vegard Nordgård; Aas, Ørjan Østensen (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-06)
      In the 21st century, there has been an increase in the investments in commodity markets. More investors have started to include commodities in their portfolios. The research on how commodity markets interact with other ...
    • Modulbygg som industriell byggemetode 

      Bjørsvik, Espen; Hylen, Kristian (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg forskjellene mellom byggeprosjekter som benytter seg av tradisjonelle plassbygde løsninger, kontra prosjekter som bruker prefabrikkerte moduler fra fabrikk. Oppgaven har tatt utgangspunkt ...
    • A FICC-study on return spillover - Case study: Norway 

      Holm, Christian Kenneth Edvardsen; Lukerstuen, Lars (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-13)
      During periods of downward turns, and high volatility, there is an associated increase in individual asset risk, as well as effects stemming from the volatility of other assets. This spillover effect is well studied for ...
    • Digitalization in EPC Projects, a case study of Aibel's Dogger Bank Project 

      Brakstad, Paal Soltvedt (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)
      In recent years, many industries have effectively used digitalization to attain control, and the term has been on the agenda of organizations for years. Digitalization and digital transformation are predicted to be crucial ...