Browsing PhD theses (SV-IH) by Title
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Brukermedvirkning og samvalg i døgnbehandling av ungdom med psykisk lidelse
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-04)Bakgrunn: Psykiske helseplager er beskrevet som en av de største utfordringene for folkehelsa og framtiden, og rammer i særskilt grad ungdom. Lovgivning og forskningslitteratur understreker behovet for at behandling ... -
Conditions for learning in simulation practice: training for team-based resuscitation in nursing education
(PhD thesis UiS;173, Doctoral thesis, 2012)Background: Research demonstrates that simulation-based learning in nursing practice is a promising educational method used under appropriate conditions. Research using simulation for performing resuscitation in nursing ... -
Continuity of care from hospital to municipal health care. Experiences of older patients, next of kin and nurses
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2017-12)Background: A successful care transition from hospital to municipal health care involves coordination and management of multiple factors tied to the patient’s treatment and care. Due to a fragmented health care system in ... -
Contributions to Risk Management in the Public Sector
(PhD thesis UiS;48, Doctoral thesis, 2008)Accidents and threats have always been present in society, but the increasing complexity and interconnectedness within society, including the public sector, contribute to the emergence of new types of risk and more ... -
Falls in Parkinson's disease
(PhD thesis UiS;325, Doctoral thesis, 2016-12-20)Background Parkinson's disease (PD) is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder affecting 1% of the population over 60 years. Although motor abnormalities are the core feature of the disease, PD is today considered ... -
Guilt and shame as an enigma in mothers who suffer from eating difficulties : A hermeneutical study
(PhD thesis UiS;107, Doctoral thesis, 2010)Searching for new understanding about the enigma of guilt and shame in mothers suffering from ED led to a focus on the power of motherhood and the mothers’ ability to suffer in silence. The desire to be a good mother and ... -
Interprofessional teamwork training for nursing and medical students in Norway
(PhD thesis UiS;309, Doctoral thesis, 2016-10-06)Background: This thesis focuses on interprofessional teamwork (TPT) training for medical and nursing students in Norway, seeking to expand and deepen the knowledge base underpinning such training. The topic raises a number ... -
Motivation for self-management among adults with type 2 diabetes
(PhD thesis UiS;131, Doctoral thesis, 2011-01)Background: The demands of daily diabetes self-management behaviours have been described as challenging and many individuals fail to adhere to this regimes. There is, therefore, a growing recognition of the need to focus ... -
Multi-professional simulation training on postpartum hemorrhage in Tanzania and Norway
(PhD thesis UiS;343, Doctoral thesis, 2017-05-15)There is a continuous drama going on worldwide, where women are fighting for their lives on the battlefield of childbirth. Every day, 830 mothers are dying during pregnancy and childbirth, or 300 000 mothers annually (WHO, ... -
Patient participation in transitional care of older patients
(PhD thesis UiS;310, Doctoral thesis, 2016-10-27)Background: Older patients often have several health challenges, with multiple medications, which leads to a need of treatment and care from diverse healthcare services. These patients are often in need of transitions from ... -
Safe work practices in interdisciplinary surgical teamwork : model development and validation
(PhD thesis UiS;200, Doctoral thesis, 2013-06-27)This thesis identifies needs in health research literature on quality and safety to explore the nature of teamwork and develop models that can be applied to, and integrate findings from, such explorations. This triggers ... -
Service user involvement in in-patient mental health services
(PhD thesis UiS;123, Doctoral thesis, 2011-01-28)The main objective with this thesis is to improve the understanding of user involvement in inpatient mental health services. This thesis conceptualizes and operationalizes service user involvement into variables that ... -
Transitional care of the elderly from a resilience perspective
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-29)Major initiatives have been undertaken to understand and improve care transitions, since they increase the likelihood of errors and make patients more vulnerable. The elderly are particularly vulnerable during care transitions ... -
Troubled families and individualised solutions? An ontological, discursive and interactionist analysis of families' involvement in alcohol and other drug treatment
(PhD thesis UiS;290, Doctoral thesis, 2016-06-13)The main concern in this article-based thesis is the situation for families in the course of addictive processes and the conditions for support and involvement in treatment, where we ask: how can we understand practices ... -
Unsupervised clinical skills training in nursing education: Active student involvement in the development of a technology-based learning tool
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2017)This thesis describes the process of active student involvement in development of a technology-based learning tool for clinical skills training. The thesis also explores how technology-based learning tool can facilitate ...