Browsing PhD theses (SV-IMS) by Title
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Bringing the City Back In: Three Scandinavian Capitals and Eurocities Membership: A Quest for Autonomy
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Cities are international actors. In the past 10-20 years researchers have started to speak of a ‘foreign policy’ for cities. This is in many ways a paradox as most cities are contained within a state. Foreign policy has ... -
Challenges for safety and security management of network companies due to increased use of ICT in the electric power supply sector
(PhD thesis UiS;264, Doctoral thesis, 2015-10-02)The generation, transmission, and distribution of energy are among the most vital prerequisites for the functioning of modern societies (Antonsen et al., 2010). Today, information and communication technology (ICT) is used ... -
Challenges of Aviation Security regulation in Norway post 9/11
(PhD thesis UiS;270, Doctoral thesis, 2015-11-05)The 9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA had wide-ranging consequences for security issues in Western societies. Within civil aviation, the attacks became grim evidence that the security system constructed to prevent intentional ... -
Determinants and impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility: a market centric approach
(PhD thesis UiS;124, Doctoral thesis, 2011-03-07)Aims The main research aims of this PhD project is to contribute to a better understanding of three themes related to corporate social responsibility (CSR): First, how should we understand CSR by taking into account the ... -
Exploring risk governance in a global transport system
(PhD thesis UiS;109, Doctoral thesis, 2010-10-04) -
Folk om forskjellar mellom folk : Oppfatningar av kulturelle praksisar og sosiale hierarki, og deira sosiale tydingar
(PhD thesis UiS;277, Doctoral thesis, 2015-12-08)English summary This thesis is about how different people perceive, construct and communicate social differences. By way of qualitative interviews, home visits and photo elicitation, I explore variations in cultural ... -
Fra metro til retro? Maskuliniteter i norsk populærkultur på 2000-tallet
(PhD thesis UiS;238, Doctoral thesis, 2014-12-18)This thesis is concerned with the emergence of, and tensions between, «new» and «traditional» masculinities in Norwegian popular culture in the 2000s. It focuses particularly on metrosexuality, which signifies a preoccupation ... -
Jakten på risiko : Vurderinger, følelser og valg hos patruljerende politi
(PhD thesis UiS;212, Doctoral thesis, 2013-12-06)Denne studien tar for seg faktorer som kan påvirke valg av selvinitierte oppdrag hos patruljerende politi. Det undersøkes om risikopersepsjon og grad av opplevd styring kan bidra til å forklare hvor viktig tjenestepersonene ... -
«Man fikk en del pussige konstellasjoner»: Organiseringen av kommunereformens gjennomføring og dens betydning for lokale utfall
(PhD thesis UiS;565, Doctoral thesis, 2021-01)Før store nasjonale reformer iverksettes, foretas det i ulik grad vurderinger og inngående analyser rettet mot organiseringen av gjennomføringen. Dette arbeidet utføres vanligvis av nasjonal politisk og administrativ ledelse ... -
Mindful Coping
(PhD thesis UiS;174, Doctoral thesis, 2012-10-19)The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the relation between mindfulness and coping. Building on a definition of mindfulness as a way of being in the present moment, appraisal theory was linked to coping ... -
Municipal risk management : implications of the use of different risk tools
(PhD thesis UiS;35, Doctoral thesis, 2007-05-22)The municipalities are part of an overall emergency and risk management system in Norway. The municipalities have a sole responsibility for daily social welfare and safety at the local level. The Supervisory Authorities‟ ... -
Negotiated participation : Social media logics and the orientation, conversation, and resistance of participation
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Over the last twenty years, social media have grown into prominent information and communication platforms. Scholars have provided great insight into these platforms’ role to people’s participation. Theories about the ... -
Passing as human : Posthuman worldings at stake in contemporary science fiction
(PhD thesis UiS;244, Doctoral thesis, 2015-02-27) -
Rational beliefs - inconsistent practices: Civil military Coordination in North-Afghanistan
(PhD thesis UiS;230, Doctoral thesis, 2014-09-10)What was the idea? Coordination is a vital element of crisis management (Turner, 1978; Minear et al., 1992; Schneider, 1995; Rasmussen, 1997; Strand, 2003; Boin et al., 2005; Kruke and Olsen, 2005; Keen, 2008). The ... -
Safety culture and safety management within the Norwegian-controlled shipping industry ; State of art, interrelationships, and influencing factors
(PhD thesis UiS;137, Doctoral thesis, 2011-10-21)This research focuses attention on safety challenges within the Norwegian shipping industry. A status picture of the shipboard safety culture and the interrelationships with safety management and organizational factors ... -
Societal Safety, Trust and the Investigation of Modern Mass Graves
(PhD thesis UiS;268, Doctoral thesis, 2015-10-26) -
Towards a convergent institutional perspective on corporate social responsibility (CSR)
(PhD thesis UiS;97, Doctoral thesis, 2010-05-28)The research reported in this thesis has been directed by three interconnected questions: 1) How can institutional theory contribute to our understanding of the contingent nature of CSR and manifestations of CSR within ... -
Varying Bits: A Computational Perspective on News Diversity and Political Parallelism
(PhD thesis UiS; 770, Doctoral thesis, 2024)News media play a pivotal role in the functioning of democracies.They facilitate information exchange between elected officials and the public, have the capacity to mobilize social groups and can provide interpretation and ... -
“You´re supposed to interfere…” : Conducting leadership through meaning-making in new product development
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-08-14)The theses explore how leadership is conducted through meaning-making in New Product Development-work. Leadership through meaning-making is here understood as the acts of enabling one-self and others to act competently and ...