Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (SV-IS) by Title
Now showing items 47-66 of 252
«Da går jeg hjem og googler det i stedet». Improvisasjon og medskaping i møter mellom elever og rådgivere
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Basert på fokusgruppeintervjuer undersøker denne studien hvordan elever opplever møter med rådgivere i ungdomsskoler og videregående skoler. Individualisering danner en sentral kontekst for elevers valgprosesser. Improvisasjon, ... -
Deliberative and material organizational becoming : Sociotechnical leadership of digital transformation
(Chapter, 2021)This chapter directs attention to dilemmas and paradoxes embedded in information and communication technology (ICT) changes and transformations. Through the case of a merger between industrial groups, we examine and compare ... -
Dementia as Zeitgeist: Social problem construction and the role of a contemporary distraction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-06)The global impact of dementia on social, political, economic, and health systems is of contemporary concern. As the world’s population ages, differentially, across countries in the Global North and Global South, dementia ... -
Demographical, personality, alcohol use, and mental health characteristics associated with different alcoholic beverage preferences among students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The study investigates correlates (i.e. demographics, personality, alcohol use and alcohol-related harm, alcohol expectancies, and mental health) of different alcoholic beverage preferences (i.e. beer/alcopops/cider, wine, ... -
Demographics, personality and substance-use characteristics associated with forming romantic relationships
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07)The current study aimed to identify demographic, personality and substance-use characteristics associated with forming romantic relationships. Data were collected by two online surveys among students in Bergen, Norway, ... -
Development and validation of the AI attitude scale (AIAS-4): a brief measure of general attitude toward artificial intelligence
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-07)The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has generated an increasing demand for tools that can assess public attitudes toward AI. This study proposes the development and the validation of the AI Attitude Scale ... -
Differences in dogs’ event-related potentials in response to human and dog vocal stimuli; a non-invasive study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04)Recent advances in the field of canine neuro-cognition allow for the non-invasive research of brain mechanisms in family dogs. Considering the striking similarities between dog's and human (infant)'s socio-cognition at the ... -
Do we need the users' voice? : An empirical research example comparing views of service providers and ex-prisoners : Implications for practice
(Chapter, 2021)User involvement in service development is seen as important to the credibility of these interventions but involving prisoners or ex-prisoners in this process can be problematic because of the vulnerability of this group ... -
Emergency Out-Of-Home Placements, a Comparison Between Child Welfare Practice in Germany and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Participation of children and parents in child welfare matters is a complex area. Emergency out of home placements bring this theme to the fore. In this small-scale qualitative study I explore and compare how frontline ... -
The emotional journey of motherhood in migration. The case of Southern European mothers in Norway.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09)Based on focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with Greek, Italian, and Spanish mothers living in Norway, this article contributes to an emerging body of literature on the role of emotions in migration by exploring ... -
Emotional labour and solving social work problems
(Journal article, 2013-01)Keywords supplied to the papers in this issue of Journal of Comparative Social Work are argumentation, critical reflection, professional boundary, democratic professionalism, etc. For me, all of these words connote ... -
En abduktiv tilnærming til institusjonell etnografi – et bidrag til sosiologisk kunnskapsutvikling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02)Utviklingen av institusjonell etnografi som forskningstradisjon har vært preget av et arbeid med å utvikle og klargjøre grenser for hva som er institusjonell etnografi, og hva som ikke er det. Dette grensearbeidet har ... -
En kvalitativ studie av samstyring i en kommunal akutt døgnenhet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)I denne artikkelen analyserer vi en spesifikk kommunal akutt døgnenhet (KAD) som ble etablert i 2013. Vi undersøker hvordan etableringen og organiseringen av enheten utfolder seg i praksis, og hvordan denne etableringen ... -
The epistemology of debunking argumentation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)There is an ever-growing literature on what exactly the condition or criterion is that enables some (but not all) debunking arguments to undermine our beliefs. In this paper, I develop a novel schema for debunking ... -
Establishing the Association Between Snus Use and Mental Health Problems: A Study of Norwegian College and University Students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction Smoking and mental health problems are public health concerns worldwide. Studies on smoke-free tobacco products, especially snus are scarce. Snus is considered less harmful than smoking and in the United ... -
Ethical Autonomy at Religious Schools: Students’ Experiences at a Christian School in Norway, 1990–2015, Compared to Majority Schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08)In Scandinavia, religious schools are both rarer and more controversial than in many other European countries and the United States. Scandinavian politicians fear that these schools foster social division and undermine ... -
Ethical dilemmas in field placements: The experiences of social work students in Norway and possible implications for social work education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10)The study reported in this paper focuses on social work students’ experiences of ethical challenges, including dilemmas, during their field placements. Moreover, drawing on dialogical approach and the results of the thematic ... -
Ethnic discrimination in Scandinavia: evidence from a field experiment in women’s amateur soccer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this paper, we examine ethnic discrimination using sport as a laboratory. Applying a field experiment in the three Scandinavian countries—Sweden, Norway, and Denmark—we test whether foreign female minority groups ... -
The Evolutionary Origin(s) of the Umwelt
(Journal article, 2022)Although Jakob von Uexküll´s Umwelt theory is not mentioned in Jablonka and Ginsburg´s Target article, von Uexküll´s theory is clearly relevant in the context of the article, with the authors´ emphasis on the origin of ... -
The Experience of Incarcerated Mothers Living in a Correctional-Institution with their Children in Ethiopia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10)The needs of female inmates are different from those of their male counterparts. Little is understood of the nature of these differences, particularly for mothers who in countries such as Ethiopia may be accompanied by ...