• Health care access by transgender persons in South Africa: Gender-based discrimination, human rights violations, and the role of the African human rights system 

      da Luz Scherf, Erick; Alves Lima Zanatta, Maria de Lourdes; Viana da Silva, Marcos Vinicius; da Silva, Jose Everton (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-12)
      LGBTQIA people, all around the world, experience violence, discrimination, and rights violations almost daily. In the field of human rights and healthcare more specifically, trans people have unique health risks and they ...
    • Health equity and universal provision in Norway: a case study 

      Mehrara, Lydia; Young, Susan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This article reports on a qualitative study undertaken to explore the policy-practice nexus of health policy in Norway in relation to the provision and delivery of maternal health services to migrant women. The research ...
    • “Help goes around in a circle”: young unaccompanied refugees’ engagement in interpersonal relationships and its significance for resilience 

      Johansen, Kristina; Studsrød, Ingunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11)
      Abstract Purpose The purpose of this paper is to address how young unaccompanied refugees in Norway actively engage in interpersonal relationships. It explores the significance of these relationships in doing well following ...
    • Holdninger til likestilling og vold mot kvinner 

      Gjerstad, Brita; Skoland, Kathrine; Gjerstad-Sørensen, Ragnhild; Studsrød, Ingunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Partnervold er et globalt problem med store helsemessige, sosiale og økonomiske kostnader. Kvinner er særlig utsatt. Gjennom analyser av en spørreundersøkelse (N=1029) om holdninger til likestilling og holdninger til vold ...
    • How Can Experimental Endotoxemia Contribute to Our Understanding of Pain? A Narrative Review 

      Benson, Sven; Karshikoff, Bianka (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The immune system and the central nervous system exchange information continuously. This communication is a prerequisite for adaptive responses to physiological and psychological stressors. While the implicate relationship ...
    • How do people who are homeless find out about local health and social care services: A mixed method study 

      Heaslip, Vanessa; Green, Sue; Simkhada, Bibha; Dogan, Huseyin; Richer, Stephen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12)
      Background: There are significant numbers of people experiencing homelessness both in the UK and internationally. People who are homeless are much more likely to die prematurely and, therefore, need strong access to ongoing ...
    • How infants predict respect-based power 

      Margoni, Francesco; Thomsen, Lotte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Research has shown that infants represent legitimate leadership and predict continued obedience to authority, but which cues they use to do so remains unknown. Across eight pre-registered experiments varying the cue provided, ...
    • How often are outcomes other than change in substance use measured? A systematic review of outcome measures in contemporary randomised controlled trials 

      Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; McKay, James R.; Berg, Henrik; Moltu, Christian; Nesvåg, Sverre Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Issues Recovery is a theoretical construct and empirical object of inquiry. The aim was to review whether outcome measures used in randomised controlled trials of drug treatment reflect a comprehensive conceptualisation ...
    • Human development, inequality and social risks in Latin-America and the Nordic countries 

      Tønnessen, Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05)
      This article provides an overview and analysis of human development, inequality and people´s perception of social and economic risks in Latin America and the Nordic countries. While Nordic countries rank very highly on the ...
    • Human scent as a first-line defense against disease 

      Gordon, Amy R.; Lundström, Johan N.; Kimball, Bruce A.; Karshikoff, Bianka; Sorjonen, Kimmo; Axelsson, John; Lekander, Mats; Olsson, Mats J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Individuals may have a different body odor, when they are sick compared to healthy. In the non-human animal literature, olfactory cues have been shown to predict avoidance of sick individuals. We tested whether the mere ...
    • Hva Arne Næss kan lære oss om økonomifagets tverrfaglighet 

      Tønnessen, Morten; Karlstrøm, Jan; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Arne Næss kritiserte det moderne økonomifagets mangel på filosofisk bevissthet og tverrfaglighet og tok til orde for at økonomer bør la seg inspirere av fagets opphav i filosofien. Næss sitt syn på hvordan økonomien bør ...
    • “I don't know what to do—Could it be cultural?” The operationalization of cultural sensitivity among street‐level workers in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration 

      Volckmar-Eeg, Maria Gussgard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Faced with increased global migration and a more ethnically diverse clientele, several studies stress the need for more culturally sensitive welfare services. Others warn that the focus on culture might lead to the ...
    • Immigrants’ experiences of the importance and value of work in Norway: Implications for social work 

      Ims, Reidun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In Norway, integration of immigrants through gainful employment is a prevailing idea in integrational measures. There is, however, a lack of knowledge on immigrants’ lived experiences on the issue of work. This study ...
    • Immigrants’ experiences on integration while attempting to access the labour market: Implications for social work practice 

      Ims, Reidun; Lorås, Lennart; Ness, Ottar; Finlay, Linda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background: The challenge of immigrants and their integration into adopted countries is a key topic for the global field of social work. However, there is a paucity of research on immigrants’ lived experiences in gaining ...
    • The impact of performance-based policy in offender rehabilitation: limitations for liaison and diversion organizations and their front-line workers. 

      Paulo, Rocha; Holmen, Ann-Karin Tennås (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In recent years, the English government has been using competitive elements in the process of allocating public funds through policy. Front-line workers struggle with the limitations imposed by such a model. A qualitative ...
    • Improving collaboration between professionals supporting mentally ill offenders 

      Hean, Sarah; Ødegård, Atle; Willumsen, Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-02)
      Purpose Interprofessional collaboration is necessary when supporting mentally ill offenders but little is understood of these interactions. This paper explores prison officers’ perceptions of current and desirable levels ...
    • Inflammatory Blood Signature Related to Common Psychological Comorbidity in Chronic Pain 

      Karshikoff, Bianka Anna; Wåhlén, Karin; Åström, Jenny; Lekander, Mats; Holmström, Linda; Wicksell, Rikard K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Chronic pain is characterized by high psychological comorbidity, and diagnoses are symptom-based due to a lack of clear pathophysiological factors and valid biomarkers. We investigate if inflammatory blood biomarker ...
    • The interdependence of substance use, satisfaction with life, and psychological distress: a dynamic structural equation model analysis 

      Moe, Fredrik Dreyer; Erga, Aleksander Hagen; Bjørnestad, Jone Ravndal; Dettweiler, Ulrich (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Introduction: Longitudinal studies with annual follow-up including psychological and social variables in substance use disorder recovery are scarce. We investigated whether levels of substance use, satisfaction with life, ...
    • The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries 

      Doell, Kimberly C.; Todorova, Boryana; Vlasceanu, Madalina; Bak Coleman, Joseph B.; Pronizius, Ekaterina; Schumann, Philipp; Azevedo, Flavio; Patel, Yash; Berkebile-Wineberg, Michael M.; Brick, Cameron; Lange, Florian; Grayson, Samantha J.; Pei, Yifei; Chakroff, Alek; van den Broek, Karlijn L.; Lamm, Claus; Vlasceanu, Denisa; Constantino, Sara M.; Rathje, Steve; Goldwert, Danielle; Fang, Ke; Aglioti, Salvatore Maria; Alfano, Mark; Alvarado-Yepez, Andy J.; Andersen, Angélica; Anseel, Frederik; Apps, Matthew A J; Asadli, Chillar; Awuor, Fonda Jane; Basaglia, Piero; Bélanger, Jocelyn J.; Berger, Sebastian; Bertin, Paul; Białek, Michał; Bialobrzeska, Olga; Blaya-Burgo, Michelle; Bleize, Daniëlle N M; Bø, Simen; Boecker, Lea; Boggio, Paulo S.; Borau, Sylvie; Borau, Sylvie; Bos, Björn; Bouguettaya, Ayoub; Brauer, Markus; Brik, Tymofii; Briker, Roman; Brosch, Tobias; Buchel, Ondrej; Buonauro, Daniel; Butalia, Radhika; Carvacho, Héctor; Chamberlain, Sarah A E; Chan, Hang-Yee; Chow, Dawn; Chung, Dongil; Cian, Luca; Cohen-Eick, Noa; Contreras-Huerta, Luis Sebastian; Contu, Davide; Cristea, Vladimir; Cutler, Jo; D'Ottone, Silvana; De Keersmaecker, Jonas; Delcourt, Sarah; Delouvée, Sylvain; Diel, Kathi; Douglas, Benjamin D.; Drupp, Moritz A.; Dubey, Shreya; Ekmanis, Jānis; Elbaek, Christian T.; Elsherif, Mahmoud; Engelhard, Iris M.; Escher, Yannik A.; Etienne, Tom W.; Farage, Laura; Farias, Ana Rita; Feuerriegel, Stefan; Findor, Andrej; Friese, Malte; Gains, Neil Philip; Gallyamova, Albina; Geiger, Sandra J.; Genschow, Oliver; Gjoneska, Biljana; Gkinopoulos, Theofilos; Goldberg, Beth; Goldenberg, Amit; Gradidge, Sarah; Grassini, Simone; Gray, Kurt; Grelle, Sonja; Griffin, Siobhán M; Grigoryan, Lusine; Grigoryan, Ani; Grigoryev, Dmitry; Gruber, June; Guilaran, Johnrev; Hadar, Britt; Hahnel, Ulf J J; Halperin, Eran; Harvey, Annelie J.; Haugestad, Christian Andres Palacios; Herman, Aleksandra M.; Hershfield, Hal E.; Himichi, Toshiyuki; Hine, Donald W.; Hofmann, Wilhelm; Howe, Lauren; Huaman-Chulluncuy, Enma T.; Huang, Guanxiong; Ishii, Tatsunori; Ito, Ayahito; Jia, Fanli; Jost, John T.; Jovanović, Veljko; Jurgiel, Dominika; Kácha, Ondřej; Kankaanpää, Reeta; Kantorowicz, Jaroslaw; Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, Elena; Mintz, Keren Kaplan; Kaya, Ilker; Kaya, Ozgur; Khachatryan, Narine; Klas, Anna; Klein, Colin; Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus; Koppel, Lina; Kosachenko, Alexandra I.; Kothe, Emily J.; Krebs, Ruth; Krosch, Amy R.; Krouwel, Andre P M; Kyrychenko, Yara; Lagomarsino, Maria; Cunningham, Julia Lee; Lees, Jeffrey; Leung, Tak Yan; Levy, Neil; Lockwood, Patricia L.; Longoni, Chiara; Ortega, Alberto López; Loschelder, David D.; Lu, Jackson G.; Luo, Yu; Luomba, Joseph; Lutz, Annika E.; Majer, Johann M.; Markowitz, Ezra; Marsh, Abigail A.; Mascarenhas, Karen Louise; Mbilingi, Bwambale; Mbungu, Winfred; McHugh, Cillian; Meijers, Marijn H C; Mhagama, Fenant Laurent; Michalaki, Katerina; Mikus, Nace; Milliron, Sarah G.; Mitkidis, Panagiotis; Monge-Rodríguez, Fredy S.; Mora, Youri L.; Morais, Michael J.; Moreau, David; Motoki, Kosuke; Moyano, Manuel; Mus, Mathilde; Navajas, Joaquin; Nguyen, Tam Luong; Nguyen, Dung Minh; Nguyen, Trieu; Niemi, Laura; Nijssen, Sari R R; Nilsonne, Gustav; Nitschke, Jonas P.; Nockur, Laila; Okura, Ritah; Öner, Sezin; Özdoğru, Asil Ali; Palumbo, Helena; Panagopoulos, Costas; Panasiti, Maria Serena; Pärnamets, Philip; Paruzel-Czachura, Mariola; Pavlov, Yuri G.; Payán-Gómez, César; Pearson, Adam R.; da Costa, Leonor Pereira; Petrowsky, Hannes M.; Pfattheicher, Stefan; Pham, Nhat Tan; Ponizovskiy, Vladimir; Pretus, Clara; Rêgo, Gabriel G.; Reimann, Ritsaart; Rhoads, Shawn A.; Riano-Moreno, Julian; Richter, Isabell; Röer, Jan Philipp; Rosa-Sullivan, Jahred; Ross, Robert M.; Sabherwal, Anandita; Saito, Toshiki; Sarrasin, Oriane; Say, Nicolas; Schmid, Katharina; Schmitt, Michael T.; Schoenegger, Philipp; Scholz, Christin; Schug, Mariah G.; Schulreich, Stefan; Shreedhar, Ganga; Shuman, Eric; Sivan, Smadar; Sjåstad, Hallgeir; Soliman, Meikel; Soud, Katia; Spampatti, Tobia; Sparkman, Gregg; Spasovski, Ognen; Stanley, Samantha K.; Stern, Jessica A.; Strahm, Noel; Suko, Yasushi; Sul, Sunhae; Syropoulos, Stylianos; Taylor, Neil C.; Tedaldi, Elisa; Tinghög, Gustav; Travaglino, Giovanni Antonio; Tsakiris, Manos; Tüter, İlayda; Tyrala, Michael; Uluğ, Özden Melis; Urbanek, Arkadiusz; Valko, Danila; van der Linden, Sander; van Schie, Kevin; van Stekelenburg, Aart; Vanags, Edmunds; Västfjäll, Daniel; Vesely, Stepan; Vintr, Jáchym; Vranka, Marek; Wanguche, Patrick Otuo; Willer, Robb; Wojcik, Adrian Dominik; Xu, Rachel; Yadav, Anjali; Zawisza, Magdalena; Zhao, Xian; Zhao, Jiaying; Żuk, Dawid; Van Bavel, Jay Joseph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Climate change is currently one of humanity’s greatest threats. To help scholars understand the psychology of climate change, we conducted an online quasi-experimental survey on 59,508 participants from 63 countries ...
    • International Organisations, NGOs, and Evidence-Based Programmes in Preventing School Violence and Bullying 

      Bozic, Aleksandar; Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Eveline (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Violence and bullying among children are global problems. They have numerous negative social implications, and collaborative efforts are required to find effective solutions. In order to address this issue, many international ...