Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (SV-IS) by Title
Now showing items 114-133 of 251
Kant i lys av den «lingvistiske vending». Hva om Kant fortolkes alternativt? En kommentar til «Fornuftens selvinnhenting og selvbegrunnelse» av Audun Øfsti.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)I siste nummer av NFT, rett før årsskifte, har Professor Audun Øfsti en nekrolog over Karl-Otto Apel. Her tar han opp noen sentrale tema i Apels arbeider. Særlig legger han vekt på Apels bidrag til den lingvistisk-pragmatiske ... -
Karbonfangst i lys av generasjonsrettferdighet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09)Ideen om karbonfangst som klimaløsning forutsetter lagring av CO2 i geologiske formasjoner over flere tusen år. Med dette tidsperspektivet står karbonfangst i en særstilling blant aktuelle klimatiltak. Dette gjør spørsmål ... -
Latin American perspectives on Indigenous social work: in search of mind, body, and soul
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-12-09)Despite sharing different cultures, customs, and pasts, Indigenous peoples in Latin America often face similar problems such as eviction from their ancestral lands, persecution, cultural genocide, and loss of their ... -
Law Versus Morality: Cases and Commentaries on Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article examines two cases that present ethical challenges encountered by social workers in making decisions either to maintain professional boundaries or fulfil moral obligations while working with service users in ... -
Leading transformation in an uncertain world: A case for strategic speculative design
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Strategic speculative design is an uncertainty-oriented approach to perceptually bridge today with envisioned futures through knowledge-seeking design practices such as User experience design. As such, it may complement ... -
Liberating Bodies: Sexualities and Critiques of Capital
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This special issue provides a platform for critical analysis and debates that shed light on the complex and often contradictory ways through which sexualities and capital are related to, shaped by, and constitutive of each ... -
Little Norway in Somalia–Understanding Complex Belongings of Transnational Somali Families
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article explores Norwegian-Somali parents’ motivation for returning to Somalia, how life has unfolded in the face of their return and how they are preparing for their future return to Norway. The article is a result ... -
Liv, død – evig liv. Liv, død og evig liv drøftet med bakgrunn i Kant og nykantianismen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen diskuterer oppfatninger av livet, døden og muligheter for evig liv. Tradisjonelle før-moderne religiøse og mer moderne verdslige og religiøst relaterte oppfatninger blir drøftet. Muligheter for at døden og liv ... -
The Lived Experience of Motherhood after Prison: A Qualitative Systematic Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02)Despite the increasing number of women experiencing incarceration internationally, their experiences of motherhood after prison rarely studied. This review aims to explore and synthesize current research on the nature of ... -
Lived experience of vulnerability from a Gypsy Roma Traveller perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03)Aims and objectives To describe the lived experience of vulnerability of individuals within a Gypsy Roma Travelling community. Background People experience vulnerability whenever their health or usual functioning is ... -
Locating oneself in the past to influence the present: Impacts of Neolithic landscapes on mental health well-being
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12)There are well-established links between mental health and the environment. Mental illness is a global issue, and international policies increasingly focus on promoting mental health well-being through community-based ... -
Lost in translation i møte med det offentlige
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-12)By examining material from a sociological study of face-to-face interaction taking place in social welfare offices in Norway, questions linked to different contextual aspects within these contexts are targeted in this ... -
Making sense of interactions between mental health and criminal justice services : the utility of cultural historical activity systems theory
(Journal article, 2017-01)Purpose Effective collaboration between mental health (MHS) and criminal justice services (CJS) impacts on mental illness and reduces reoffending rates. This paper proposes the Change Laboratory Model (CLM) of workplace ... -
Making sense of interactions between mental health and criminal justice services : the utility of cultural historical activity systems theory
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Making the Umwelt Bubble of the Modern Synthesis Burst
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05)Noble rightly emphasizes that some modern evolutionary biologists´ neglect of agency is consequential with regard to our understanding of the natural world and real-world ecological developments. I elaborate on biosemiotic ... -
The management (or lack thereof) of COVID-19 in Brazil: implications for human rights and public health
(Journal article, 2021-06-04)Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has been managed in Brazil, especially at the Federal Administrative level, with the focus being on the implications for human rights and public ... -
Mary Mee-Yin Yuen, Solidarity and Reciprocity with Migrants in Asia: Catholic and Confucian Ethics in Dialogue
(Journal article, 2021-02-09)Book review: Mary Mee-Yin Yuen, Solidarity and Reciprocity with Migrants in Asia: Catholic and Confucian Ethics in Dialogue, Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland, 2020; xiv 1 239 pp.; ISBN 978-3- 030-33364-5; eBook ISBN ... -
"Maybe I can go back to school in a few weeks." Childrens expereinces of everyday life during COVID-19 lockdown in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study explores everyday life from the perspective of children during school lockdown in Norway. The outbreak of Covid-19 greatly impacts societies on all levels. Studies have revealed a drastic change in children’s ... -
Mental imagery of nature induces positive psychological effects.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Exposure to natural environments promotes positive psychological effects. Experimental studies on this issue typically have not been able to distinguish the contributions of top-down processes from stimulus-driven bottom-up ... -
Mentoring in practice : Rebuilding dialogue with mentees stories
(Chapter, 2021)The voluntary and community sector (VCS) is a key player in the support of prisoners and ex-prisoners in the English and Welsh criminal justice system. Organisational learning and innovation is urgently required in this ...