Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IKS)
Recent Submissions
Everyday Interpretations of Transitions to Electricity in Colonial Calcutta c. 1875–1940s
(Journal article, 2024)This paper explores some of the ways in which a range of elite and non-elite individuals and social groups in late-nineteenth and early twentieth cetury colonial Calcutta mapped their conceptions of everyday life, material ... -
Avian architects: Technology, domestication, and animal minds in urban America
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-03)In the mid-nineteenth century, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) was introduced to the United States, quickly spreading across the country. For a brief period in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the ... -
Nation of Mechanics: Automobility, Animality, and Indigeneity in John Joseph Mathews's Sundown (1934)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the early twentieth century, American national identity became increasingly associated with automobility and the move from “a nation of horsemen to a nation of mechanics,” as automotive periodical Horseless Age described ... -
Iconic solidarity with death: On Steffens Kvernelands A Voluntary Death
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In A voluntary death (2018), comics writer Steffen Kverneland thematizes the suicide of his father. This contribution examines the interaction between the verbal text and the visual design. It turns out that the compound ... -
Hvordan forske på religion og dataspill? En metodeveileder med Spirit of the North som eksempel
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Hvordan kan man forske på religion og dataspill? Intensjonen med denne artikkelen er å lage en metodeveileder på norsk til én fremgangsmåte blant mange mulige. Eksempelet som brukes er Spirit of the North (Infuse Studio ... -
A Cross-Country Comparison: Plurilingual Teaching Across Educational Curricula in Finland, Germany, and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-12)Due to globalization and migration, societies are increasingly more linguistically and culturally diverse. This change necessitates a growing awareness and understanding of linguistic and cultural diversity. Beyond awareness, ... -
The decline of feminine gender: a cross-dialectal study of seven Norwegian dialects
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper presents a cross-dialectal study of grammatical gender in Norwegian nominal phrases. Specifically, we investigate the decline of the feminine gender in three age groups across seven different dialects. The ... -
ON THE COVER Invasive Sparrows and the American Bird Box
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The cover image for this issue of Technology and Culture depicts how bird boxes became contested technologies in the United States. The early twentieth-century image shows a pair of house sparrows (Passer domesticus)— an ... -
Bird Boxes and Sparrow Traps: The Technological Regulation of Avian Life in the United States
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-07)Only a few decades after its introduction to the United States in the mid-nineteenth century, the house sparrow was considered a pest that drove away native birds. Its downfall is representative of a story familiar to ... -
The decline of feminine possessives in Norwegian: An empirical and theoretical investigation of gender and declension class
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper reports results from a large cross-dialectal study, showing that feminine forms are changing in several dialects. These results suggest that the Norwegian three-gender system may be in the process of becoming a ... -
Epistemic beliefs of Norwegian history student teachers: Testing and assessing two measurement instruments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Since teachers’ and students’ epistemic beliefs about history are believed to significantly impact teachers’ practices, students’ performance and the ability to think historically of both, investigating such beliefs is ... -
Cars, Cans, and Crying Indians: Automobility, Littering, and Indigeneity in 1970s US Environmental Literature
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)A white American man hurls a bag of litter out of a speeding car. It explodes at the feet of Iron Eyes Cody, “America’s most famous Native American” (Andersen 403), standing next to a bustling interstate highway, and he ... -
Rhetorics of Species Revivalism and Biotechnology – A Roundtable Dialogue
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This informal dialogue contextualises and explores contemporary practices of nonhuman animal gene modification in de-extinction projects. Looking at recent developments in biotechnology’s role in de extinction sciences and ... -
Manual and Electrical Energies in the Visualisation of “Electrical Calcutta”, c. 1890-1925
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-04)Through examinations of domestic servants in electrical advertisements and writings this article looks at the imaginations and realities of visions of an “Electrical Calcutta” at the turn of the twentieth century. It argues ... -
Shifting Narratives of Electricity and Energy in Periods of Transition
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This special issue aims at providing nuanced and multi-layered understandings of historical choices regarding, and perceptions of, electric supply and electrical technologies, by taking into consideration diverse groups, ... -
Definiteness marking in American Norwegian: a unique pattern among the Scandinavian languages
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-12)This paper examines definiteness marking in American Norwegian (AmNo), a heritage variety of Norwegian spoken in the US. The description adds another language to the much-studied variation within Scandinavian nominal ... -
(Den) eneste måten - When the prenominal determiner can be omitted from Norwegian double definite phrases
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-06)Norwegian, like Swedish and Faroese, exhibits double definiteness: modified definite phrases normally contain both a prenominal determiner and a suffixed definite article on the noun. However, exceptions—phrases with only ... -
Discipline-specific attitudinal differences of EMI students towards translanguaging
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study examines discipline-specific attitudinal differences in translanguaging when studying through English Medium Instruction following a mixed methods research design. The quantitative data for this study came from ... -
Education Outside the Classroom in Norway: The prevalence, provision, and nature of uteskole
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents data from a national survey on the prevalence, provision, and nature of education outside the classroom (“uteskole”) in Norway. Uteskole can broadly be defined as the practice of relocating traditional ... -
Uppbyggjingi av Fagrskinna B og sunnmørsættleggene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Den handskrifti som hev vorte kjend som B-handskrifti av Fagrskinna (Fsk B), gjekk tapt i bybranden i København i 1728. Likevel fanst det gode avskrifter av handskrifti, og attåt hev me varveitt eit brotstykke av eit blad ...