Magnus Olsens forskning om dei norske staðir- og land-namna
Original version
Særheim, I. (2010) Magnus Olsens forskning om dei norske stadir- og land-namna. Namn og Nemne : Tidsskrift for norsk namnegransking, 27Abstract
The topic of this article is Magnus Olsen's study of settlement names ending in -stad (ON - staðir) and - land. In NG as well as in Olsen's book Ættegård og helligdom (1926), published in English in 1928 with the title Farms and Fanes of ancient Norway) it is stated that the first element in most of the Norwegian -staðir-names is a personal name or a nickname, and that names of this type were nade in the Viking age and the two preceeding centuries. In recent times these views have been questioned by several Norwegian onomasts and historians who have studied staðir-names in certain areas.