Browsing PhD theses (HV) by Title
Now showing items 50-59 of 59
Quality and safety in hospital cancer care : A mixed methods study of next of kin involvement
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021-04)Introduction: Next of kin involvement in cancer care services is complex, challenging and influenced by factors related to the organisation of the healthcare service, the resources of the next of kin, and the patient’s ... -
Resuscitation of term and near-term newborns in low-resourced settings : Studies of positive end-expiratory pressure and expired CO2 during bag-mask ventilation at birth
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Background: An estimated 0.7 million newborns die due to perinatal asphyxia each year, most are born at or near term. The major burden of preventable newborn deaths occur in low-resourced settings. A self-inflating bag is ... -
Safe clinical practice for patients hospitalised in mental healthcare during a suicidal crisis
(PhD thesis UiS;542, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10)Preventing suicides is a major issue for patient safety in mental health wards. Safety is assumed to be achieved for suicidal inpatients in clinical practice when procedures are well implemented, without any gaps between ... -
Self-realization and its significance for school nurses remaining in practice: A qualitative study
(PhD thesis UiS;756, Doctoral thesis, 2024)English abstract Background: Realizing self is indicated as related to nurses’ remaining in practice. However, there is a need for a more comprehensive understanding of self-realization in daily nursing practice and its ... -
Simulation-based team training of non-technical skills for anaesthesia personnel – Significance and transfer of learning to clinical practice
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)NORSK SAMMENDRAG Hensikt: hovedhensikten med dette ph.d. prosjektet var å studere anestesipersonells erfaringer med bruk av simuleringsbasert team trening (SBTT) av ikke-tekniske ferdigheter, og overføring av læring til ... -
Simulation-based training and data-guided feedback for neonatal resuscitation in rural Tanzania
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Summary Background: Globally, 1.4 million newborns die every year due to intrapartum related events and fresh stillbirths, nearly all occurring in low and middle-income countries. Many of these deaths could be prevented ... -
Succeeding with Rapid Response Systems in Hospitals: A mixed methods research project
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Background: Modern hospital care is both advanced and complicated with multiple opportunities for medical errors including serious adverse events. Rapid Response Systems (RRSs) have been implemented in hospitals globally ... -
Tett på døden: En etnografisk studie av hvordan pleiepersonell i flerkulturelle arbeidsfellesskap i sykehjem opplever og håndterer møtet med døden
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Døden er en del av arbeidshverdagen for pleiepersonell ved norske sykehjem, ettersom det er der om lag halvparten av alle dødsfall i Norge skjer. Pleierne på sykehjemmet må derfor kontinuerlig håndtere denne delen ... -
‘Verbalising the tacit’ : Development and validation of the Non-Technical Skills for Operating Room Nurses (NOTSORN) tool
(PhD theses UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background: The surgical team collaborates to provide the patient with the best care and treatment possible. The application of well-developed non-technical skills (cognitive and social skills) are essential for preventing ... -
Voluntary and involuntary hospitalizations in acute psychiatric wards in Norway
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-10)ENGLISH ABSTRACT Background and aim The use of coercion in mental health care services has been widely debated, and it is agreed that the level of coercive hospitalizations should be as low as possible. In 2004-2005, ...