Studentoppgaver (TN-IMF): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 120
Gradient Descent Methods for Training Neural Networks
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)This thesis explore algorithms to optimize the training process of a neural network for deep learning purposes, where the focus will be on gradient descent algorithms such as SGD ("Stochastic Gradient Descent") and ADAM ... -
Fra topologi til algebra til analyse
(Master thesis, 2023) -
Sammenheng mellom dentalt plakk og forkalkninger i arterievegger
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Scalar Nonlinear Conservation Laws
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis delves deeply into numerical solutions to nonlinear conservation laws. It focuses largely on the Method of Characteristics, its application in solving conservation laws, and the implementation of solutions in ... -
The Unicity of a Blow-down.
(Master thesis, 2023)In algebraic geometry, projective varieties are classified up to isomorphism. This involves classifying the varieties up to birational equivalence and classifying nonsingular varieties in each equivalence class up to ... -
Dybdelæring og tverrfaglighet
(Master thesis, 2023)Da ny læreplan av 2020 ble introdusert, var det spesielt et begrep som stod i fokus - dybdelæring. Hvor tidligere læreplan ønsket at elevene skulle kunne utføre oppgaver gjennom en instrumentell forståelse, skulle elevene ... -
Syntese og fotonedbrytningsevaluering av aminoalkoholer og oksazolidiner
(Master thesis, 2023)Synteseforskning på etanolaminer og deres derivater, oksazolidiner, representerer bare en del av den større innsatsen for å bekjempe antibiotikaresistens og utvikle nye strategier for behandling. Antibiotikaresistens er ... -
Modified Kerr and Black Hole Ringdowns
(Master thesis, 2023)In the post-merger phase of a black hole binary system, the remnant object is a perturbed black hole emitting gravitational radiation in the form of Gravitational Waves (quasi-normal modes) before admitting a stable state. ... -
Harmonic Phonon Transport in Strontium Titanate: experiment vs computation
(Master thesis, 2023)Thermoelectric materials can be a boon for the temperature regulation industry, however, before its popular use as a green energy management solution, it is imperative that we uncover thermal transport in these materials. ... -
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis has undertaken the task of clearly defining the full heterotic moduli space for E_8 x E_8 heterotic string theory in standard embedding while utilizing the mathematical tools offered by the deformation theory ... -
Transversality, Intersection Theory and Sheaf Theory
(Master thesis, 2023)In this thesis we present the theory of transversality and intersection theory on manifolds. Thereafter we present the theory of sheaves with the goal of using sheaf theory on manifolds together with intersection theory ... -
Dybdelæring i matematikk
(Master thesis, 2023)This study examines deep learning in mathematics and investigates whether a focus on deep learning can lead to deep understanding of a mathematical topic. Deep learning proves to be a diverse concept with various interpretations ... -
An exploration of combinatorics and combinatorial geometry from a pedagogical perspective
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis explores combinatorics and combinatorial geometry and how it can be used in the classroom, with a particular focus on using these sorts of tasks with younger students. There are 4 different types of combinations ... -
Paradokser i sannsynlighetsregning og statistikk, og bruk av disse i undervisningssammenheng
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne oppgaven presenteres ulike paradokser innenfor sannsynlighetsregning og statistikk. Et paradoks er en påstand som er sann, men som virker absurd eller selvmotsigende. Vi kan møte på mange typer paradokser i ... -
The card game SET and finite geometry
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the underlying mathematics of the card game SET, which is a fast-paced pattern recognition game played with 81 cards. The game involves making SETs of three cards with certain compatibility conditions ... -
The card game SET and finite geometry
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the underlying mathematics of the card game SET, which is a fast-paced pattern recognition game played with 81 cards. The game involves making SETs of three cards with certain compatibility conditions ... -
Multivariate Statistics
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)This bachelor thesis provides an introduction to multivariate statistics, which is the analysis of data with multiple variables using statistical methods. The thesis focuses on the generalization of the normal distribution ... -
Tidserier for finansiell data
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)The motivation for this thesis is to grasp general theory and principles for modeling time series, for the application to financial data. By going through the theory that makes up this field and bringing that perception ... -
Differential equations and some of their applications in chemistry
(Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Connecting analysis, algebra, and topology; Generalizing Maxwell's equations
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the mathematical concepts of differential forms and their applications in higher dimensional geometries, known as manifolds. We will see how the topological invariants of a geometry are related to ...