social workers experiances working with unacompanied minors
AIM OF THE STUDYIn this thesis I will analyze the existing knowledge regarding the unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and the way social workers approach them. I will look at different conventions and treaties that Norway is obliged to follow in terms of children rights and refugees. Norway is signatory to these conventions which make it a binding on the country to follow the protocol. I developed my interest in this area after a visit in 2017 to EMBO - Stavanger based organization working with unaccompanied minor asylum seekers. It’s not that simple that an unaccompanied minor comes and in the blink of an eye settles down in a society, starting life from zero. A child who comes to a strange country without prior knowledge about it is faced with many challenges, and the baggage of the past is very heavy to carry. There are many barriers they face while they integrate into the Norwegian society. Language, societal difference, culture, food, weather everything plays a vital role. It is important to study these barriers for better understanding of the issues. Here it is important to mention that it all varies from child to child. There can be many different factors creating barriers and adjustments. The unaccompanied minors can also be considered resilient because they have overcome many obstacles during their journey to a safe place. To be part of a new society is demanding. Thus, their effort to learn a new language, contribute to the new society and help others should be validated. My aim in this thesis is to create new knowledge and also to reflect upon the existing knowledge in the specific are