Generalized vs Specialized activity recognition system for newborn resuscitation videos using Deep Neural Networks.
Birth asphyxia is a global problem which has resulted in a high mortality rate ofnewborn babies all over the globe, it is a newborn’s inability to establish breathingat birth. A notable breakthrough is the marrying of medical technology with information technology in an attempt to tackle this global health problem. An exampleof this is the Safer Births project which is focused on establishing technologicaladvancement to curb newborn deaths. In the year 2013, the Safer Births projectstarted and has till date gathered a lot of data captured during resuscitation sessions. The Haydom data used for the Safer Births project and additional data fromNepal and SUS will be used with the aim of comparing a specialized and generalizedmodel trained on activity recognition system I3D and RGB stream excluding optical flow. With focus on only the newborn region, the reason for this is to simplifythe existing model. The experiment was conducted in view of the possibility ofachieving a system that can generalize or specialize with a combination of differenthospital data on some specific activities of interest namely Ventilation, Suction,Stimulation. A new simplified pipeline, which is a reduction of the previous workdone by the saferbirth group, showed a very poor performance when generalized.