Now showing items 1-20 of 933

    • Coloring GPenSIM 

      Hatlevold, Jens Otto (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2008, Master thesis, 2008)
      The object of this report is to present a solution on how to implement color functionality in GPenSIM. Current version of GPenSIM is based on Place/Transition nets (PT-nets). When creating systems with PT-nets there are ...
    • IT infrastruktur i en global organisasjon 

      Rasmussen, Dagfinn (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2008, Master thesis, 2008)
      I næringslivet er møtevirksomhet og arbeid rundt et møte viktig, men til tider unødvendig tidkrevende. UniSea AS har tidligere utviklet en modul for hendelses- og møterapportering ment for bruk ute på Offshore-skip. ...
    • Mobile control system for location based alarm activation 

      Tjensvold, Jan Magne (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2008, Master thesis, 2008)
      This report describes the design and implementation of a system that can automatically control various services based on the location of one or more mobile devices. These services can also be controlled manually through ...
    • SAWSDL in Oil & Gas 

      Torbjørnsen, Odd Frode (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2008, Master thesis, 2008)
      SAWSDL, The Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema, is a W3C recommendation that defines mechanisms to link semantics to the description of web services. These semantics when expressed in formal languages can help ...
    • Gene splice site prediction using Artificial Neural Networks 

      Johansen, Øystein (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2008, Master thesis, 2008)
      Gene prediction is the process of finding the location of genes and other meaningful subsequences in DNA sequences. This process is time consuming and expensive when done by biochemical methods and genetics. An other approach ...
    • Grafisk presentasjon av GPenSim-simulering 

      Hofsmo, Karsten (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      GPenSim er et verktøy for modellering og simulering av diskret hendelsesystemer (DES). GPenSim er integrert i Matlab-plattformen, og har dermed tilgang til innebygde Matlabfunksjoner som plot etc. I GPenSim blir Petri ...
    • Bruk av webtjenester for automatisk prosessering av DICOM medisinske bilder 

      Stangeland, Børje (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      Forskningsarbeid på digitale radiologiske bilder er ofte svært tidkrevende, ettersom det i dag ikke eksisterer gode verktøy til å lete frem ønskede bildeserier fra undersøkelser som er lagret i de stadig økende ...
    • Collection and use of uncertain data in a mobile GIS 

      Stølsmark, Ragnar (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      This study looked into the possibility of saving power in mobile geographical information systems by extending the interval between GPS updates. A J2ME application has been developed to test this theory. Via a map it can ...
    • Data fusion algorithms for assessing sensors’ accuracy in an oil production well : a Bayesian approach 

      Esteves, Rui Máximo (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      Oil industry faces an underutilization problem of the captured data during the extracting process. This issue is a consequence of the lack of information regarding sensors’ accuracy. One effect can be a serious obstacle ...
    • Bruk av sonar for å bedre deteksjonssikkerhet og feilalarmrate i bassengovervåkningssystem 

      Eriksen, Bjørnar Lingjerde (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
    • Sammenligning av EKF- og UKF- kalmanfilter anvendt på totankprosess 

      Gjengedal, Atle (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      Denne masteroppgaven er todelt. Del I går ut på å sammenligne ytelsen til et utvidet Kalmanfilter (EKF) og et "unscented" Kalmanfilter (UKF) på et prosessanlegg bestående av to tanker, ved Universitetet i Stavanger (UIS). ...
    • Ulineær analyse av Brusselatorens dynamiske egenskaper 

      Sandve, Inger Lende (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      Denne rapporten beskriver arbeidet med å analysere Brusselatoren og dens dynamiske egenskaper. Brusselatoren er en autokatalyserende og oscillerende fiktiv kjemisk prosess. Målet har vært å gjennomføre en analyse av ...
    • Improving the signal processing path for online heartbeat estimation by using Ultra Wideband radar 

      kvalvaag, Petter Moe (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      A number of companies, research establishments and universities worldwide are currently researching the use of Ultra Wideband radar technology to conduct non-contact and non-invasive measurements of heartbeat. Both ...
    • Bruk av nevrale nettverk for avansert deteksjon av objekter under vann. 

      Lunde, Gaute Dirdal (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2009;, Master thesis, 2009-06)
      SwimEye er et system for å øke sikkerheten mot drukningsulykker i basseng. Det er ønskelig å gjøre SwimEyes deteksjon enda bedre, og denne masteroppgaven kommer frem til en løsning på dette problemet ved bruk av et nevralt ...
    • Dynamic redundancy scaling for client load dynamics 

      Wu, Yinjun (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)
      This paper presents the mechanism and implementation of dynamically redun- dancy scaling for client load dynamics. The scaling is about the control of max- imum and minimum counter of replicas which provide identical ...
    • Utvikling av et Zigbee-sensornettverk 

      Causevic, Emir; Gomsrud, Per Olaf (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)
    • Dependability evaluation of the spread/distributed autonomous replication management framework in a realistic deployment scenario 

      Andersen, Kristian Nesvik (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)
      DARM is a middleware framework for managing and distributing services through replication. It is based on the underlying group communication framework Spread, which delivers fast and reliable group communication, with ...
    • Data acquisition in hadoop system 

      Jia, Baodong (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)
      Data has become more and more important these years, especially for big companies, and it is of great bene t to dig out useful information inside. In Oil & Gas industry, there are a lot of data available, both in ...
    • Efficient implementation and evaluation of methods for the estimation of motion in image sequences 

      Hegner, Robert (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)
    • Reasoning techniques used for data processing 

      Kou, Jing (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)
      In the oil industry, it is very important to know the current status of drilling processes which can be obtained by analyzing the data from sensors on the drilling engines. The data which oil companies get is complicated, ...