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dc.contributor.advisorYildirim, Tevfik Murat
dc.contributor.authorStein, Hanne Randulff
dc.contributor.authorDalvik, Marthine Frantzen
dc.description.abstractThis bachelor thesis examines China's rise as a global power through its strategic use of hard and soft power. The paper explores the concept of international hegemonic stability and its relationship with the power strategies of China and the United States. Using a theoretical framework that draws on international relations scholarship, the paper argues that hegemonic stability theory offers a helpful lens for understanding the evolving power dynamics between China and the US in the global order. The paper reviews the key features of hegemonic stability theory, including the role of the dominant power in providing stability and the conditions that lead to instability. It then analyses the power strategies China and the US pursued, focusing on their respective economic and military approaches to global leadership. The paper analyses how the international system reacts to the power strategies and how it affects the international system. The paper concludes by assessing the potential consequences of these strategies for the future of the international system and the prospects for hegemonic stability in a world increasingly shaped by the competition between China and the US
dc.titleKinas Utvikling: Den Internasjonale Hegemoniske Stabiliteten og Konsekvensene av Kinesiske og Amerikanske Maktstrategier
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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  • Studentoppgaver (SV-IMS) [1384]
    Master- og bacheloroppgaver i Endringsledelse / Kunst og kulturvitenskap / Samfunnssikkerhet / Dokumentarproduksjon

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