Masterforum som arena for veiledning og profesjonsfaglig samarbeid : erfaringer fra SUKIP
Original version
Ohna, S. E. & Moen, V. (2023). Masterforum som arena for veiledning og profesjonsfaglig samarbeid – erfaringer fra SUKIP. I M. Mjøs, S. Hillesøy, V. Moen og S. E. Ohna (red.), Kompetanse for inkluderende praksis. Et innovasjonsprosjekt om samarbeid mellom barnehage/skole og PP-tjeneste (Kap. 11, s. 247–266). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 10.23865/noasp.186.ch11Abstract
This chapter describe how the SUKIP-project has involved master’s students in the research. It explains how the students have gained access to SUKIP-data from kindergarten and school and how guidance and collaboration between the students and researchers is organized within a monthly master forum. Two questions are eluci dated in the chapter: What is the focus of the master’s theses and how do they reflect the purpose of SUKIP? What are the students’ experiences from participating in the master’s forum? Although inclusion has been a fundamental principle in Norwegian education policy for several decades, research that focuses on teacher training for inclusion has not received the same attention. The chapter therefore seeks to contribute to the devel opment of knowledge about teacher education for inclusion.