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dc.contributor.advisorRønningstad, Sara Helene.
dc.contributor.authorKristiansen, Caroline Risheim.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the thesis was to explore a possible correlation between social background and investment behaviour. To do so, register data from Statistics Norway was used in making multiple linear regressions with over 1 million observations each. Parent`s education when the individuals were 16 years old was used as an indication of social background. Key findings show that both Generation X and Millennials are more likely to be invested in securities if their parents have higher education. The effects of parents’ education is slightly higher for Millennials. The explanatory power of the study is low at 5%, which is expected due to the many possible explanations on whether or not one invests in securities. Contrary to other studies on parents’ education and financial literacy, this study did not find notable differences between mother and fathers’ education.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the thesis was to explore a possible correlation between social background and investment behaviour. To do so, register data from Statistics Norway was used in making multiple linear regressions with over 1 million observations each. Parent`s education when the individuals were 16 years old was used as an indication of social background. Key findings show that both Generation X and Millennials are more likely to be invested in securities if their parents have higher education. The effects of parents’ education is slightly higher for Millennials. The explanatory power of the study is low at 5%, which is expected due to the many possible explanations on whether or not one invests in securities. Contrary to other studies on parents’ education and financial literacy, this study did not find notable differences between mother and fathers’ education.
dc.titleGenerasjonell finansiell kunnskap: Er det en korrelasjon mellom foreldres utdanning og om Generasjon X og Millennials investerer i verdipapirer?
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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