• Detection and Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells in Early Breast Cancer 

      Tidwell, Tia (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMN/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06)
      Background: Detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) has demonstrated prognostic significance in metastatic breast cancer. This is less studied in early breast cancer due to the rarity of such cells in early disease and ...
    • Detection and localization of melanoma skin cancer in histopathological whole slide images 

      Kanwal, Neel; Amundsen, Roger; Hardardottir, Helga; Tomasetti, Luca; Undersrud, Erling Sandøy; Janssen, Emiel; Engan, Kjersti (European Signal Processing Conference;, Chapter; Conference object, 2023)
      If melanoma is diagnosed and treated in its early stages can increase the survival rate. A projected increase in skin cancer incidents and a shortage of dermatopathologists have emphasized the need for computational pathology ...
    • Detection and quantification of pharmaceuticals in sediment, seawater, and wastewater treatment plant samples 

      Bøe, Susanne (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-15)
      Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are increasingly occurring in nature. Their presence is posing a concern about antibiotic resistance in bacteria and other effects on the ecosystem, which are not yet fully understood. ...
    • Detection of Borrelia bacteria using real-time PCR 

      Horneland, Christine (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMN/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)
      Lymes disease (LD) caused by bacteria in the Borrelia genus is the most commonly known vector borne disease on the northern hemisphere. There are at least 10 human pathogenic Borrelia species known to date, five of which ...
    • Detection of chest compressions in resusciatation data 

      Wali, Shahnaz (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2012;, Master thesis, 2012)
      Cardiac arrest is the most common reason of death for thousands of people every year. Immediate treatment of cardiac arrest can reduce the rate of death. The treatment of the cardiac arrest involves cardiopulmonary ...
    • Detection of interest points 

      Thangalingam, Niroshan (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-14)
      This thesis reviews methods for interest point detectors to detect salient points that have an expressive structure such as corners or blob features. Properties of good interest point detectors are that interest points are ...
    • Detection of MITM using AI 

      Fernandez, Alistar Thomas Cyril (Master thesis, 2023)
      In the current digital era, there is a rising need for interconnected networks and communication systems, which raises the risk of cyberattacks, notably the Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. An adversary intercepts and ...
    • Detection of NPT and Drilling Events on the NCS from Depth-based Drilling Mechanics 

      Blikra, Håvard. (Master thesis, 2021)
      Drilling events are subsurface related events that result in non-productive time (NPT) and increased costs. The aim of this thesis was to improve the understanding of drilling events to help mitigate non-productive time ...
    • Detection of Nrf2 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: comparison and application of two methods 

      Nguyen, Phuong Tuyet (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-11-01)
      Protein nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a transcription factor that regulates expression of numerous proteins. These proteins protect cells against oxidative stress and reinstate cellular homeostasis. ...
    • Detection of oxidative stress in tissue homogenate from krill exposed to oil 

      Bærheim, Linda (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMN/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-07-14)
      Krill are small crustacean animals, living all over the world. They are key organisms in the marine food web. The petroleum industry releases oil to the sea with the produced water and by accidental oil spill, and there ...
    • Detection of replay attacks in autonomous vehicles using a bank of QPV observers 

      Sanchez, Helem; Rotondo, Damiano; Puig, Vicenc; Escobet, Teresa; Quevedo, Joseba (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper addresses the problem of replay attack detection in autonomous vehicles. Due to the strong presence of nonlinearities, traditional approaches based on linear approximations of the dynamics would not work ...
    • Deteksjon av brystkompresjon i hjertestansdata 

      Eikeland, Håvard (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)
      Denne oppgaven omhandler deteksjon av brystkompresjoner i impedansmålinger gjort over hjertestanspasienters brystkasse. Til å begynne med redegjøres det for tidligere arbeid, grunnleggende teori om innsamling av ...
    • Deteksjon av kompresjoner ved bruk av lydopptak fra smarttelefon under trening på hjerte- lungeredning 

      Stensland, Øyvind (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06-09)
      Trening på hjerte- lungeredning (HLR) utføres ofte i skolesammenheng med MiniAnne-dukker. Disse lager dobbel klikkelyd når det komprimeres dypt nok. Dersom elevene kan få en tilbakemelding på hvor bra HLR utføres, kan dette ...
    • Deteksjon av lesjoner i MR-bilder ved bruk av watershedsegmentering 

      Klingsheim, Roald (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)
      Denne rapporten tar for seg deteksjon av lesjoner i MR-bilder av hjernen til demenspasienter ved bruk av watershedsegmentering. Rapporten vil først gi en kort innføring om demens og magnetresonanstomografi (MR) for at ...
    • Deteksjon av pustefrekvens fra video 

      Myklatun Tveit, Daniel (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)
      Hensikten med denne rapporten er å finne en robust metode for å detektere pustefrekvensen til en baby fra videoopptak. Deteksjon av pustefrekvens krever vanligvis en invasiv metode, men med videoovervåking kan dette gjøres ...
    • Deteksjon av serielysbue ved bruk av digital signalbehandling i Easee-ladere 

      Myrset, Espen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Serielysbuer kan oppstå i en krets ved feil installert, skadet eller aldrende elektrisk utstyr. Det er den vanligste elektriske årsaken til brann, og realisering av serielysbue deteksjon kan forbedre sikkerheten til ...
    • Deteksjon og dekoding av strekkoder i digitale bilder 

      Øygarden, Jostein (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2011;, Master thesis, 2011-06)
      Denne masteroppgaven, gitt av Verico AS, presenterer løsninger på både deteksjon og dekoding av strekkoder i digitale bilder. I forbindelse med Vericos verktøy for lagring og systematisering av utstyrsdata, prosesserer de ...
    • Determinants and impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility: a market centric approach 

      Laudal, Thomas (PhD thesis UiS;124, Doctoral thesis, 2011-03-07)
      Aims The main research aims of this PhD project is to contribute to a better understanding of three themes related to corporate social responsibility (CSR): First, how should we understand CSR by taking into account the ...
    • Determinants of capital structure in the hospitality industry: Impact of clustering and seasonality on debt and liquidity 

      Sikveland, Marius; Xie, Jinghua; Zhang, Dengjun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Volatile seasonal demand and geographic clustering of firms are two important factors affecting the capital structure of hospitality firms. In this paper, we investigate the capital structure determinants of hospitality ...
    • Determinants of cost overruns – A mixed-method study investigating the causes leading to cost overruns in five sectors of the energy industry. 

      Metli, Tolunay (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-ISØP/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-01)
      This thesis focuses on the causes leading to cost overruns in energy projects. The motivation to write about this subject arose from discovering the fact that most companies avoid releasing accurate information surrounding ...