Now showing items 250-252 of 252

    • 'You've got to love her' - Perceptions of births mothers among children in long-term foster care 

      Ie, Judite; Ellingsen, Ingunn Tollisen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-08)
      Research shows differences in gendered caring expectations between mothers and fathers across countries and how they are affected by the development of different family forms and cultural practices. In this study, we explore ...
    • Young, unaccompanied refugees’ expectations of social workers and social worker roles 

      Borho, Linda Natalie; Hovland, Wenche; Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-06)
      Background: Young people who have travelled to another country, unaccompanied and with refugee status, are a both resilient and vulnerable group with specific needs. Supporting them is often challenging for social workers, ...
    • Ytringsfridom og hat 

      Tuastad, Svein (Journal article, 2012-02)
      I motsetnad til det Sindre Bangstad og Arne Johan Vetlesen hevdar i Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (4/2011), lir vår reguleing av ytringsfridomen av eit liberalt underskot.1 Ytringsfrihetskommisjonens førearbeid viser at ...