• Elevenes oppfatning av en dyktig lærer i videregående skole 

      Nilsen, Kari Anne (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-05)
      I denne eksplorerende studien er elever i videregående skoles oppfatning av den dyktige lærer blitt undersøkt, analysert og tolket. Det er også diskutert hvordan elevenes oppfatning kan gi et bidrag til å forstå rollen ...
    • How can destructive leadership affect young workers in the tourism industry? 

      Underdal, Maren Helene Osnes (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-17)
      Leadership is essential in every organization, but what happen when the leader is working against the organization or the subordinates? The aim of this thesis was to investigate how young workers in the tourism and hospitality ...
    • Identification and comparison of food management in public sector nursing homes in Norway 

      Skulstad, Ingeborg; Røhmesmo Dahlmann, Thea Marie (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-07-08)
      The Norwegian government has in recent years increased their focus on challenges regarding elderly care in municipalities nationwide, this is due to the increase and the expected further increase in the population aged 60 ...