Centre for Learning Environment
Recent Submissions
Fostering children’s agency in their learning futures: Exploring the synergy of generative AI and sensory learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The discourse surrounding the potential educational transformation brought about by generative AI has largely neglected the sensory aspect of learning. In this position paper, I emphasize the significance of sensory studies ... -
The Relations of Teacher Use of Anti-bullying Components at Classroom and Individual Levels with Teacher and School Characteristics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025-01)In the literature about bullying prevention and intervention, still little is known about teacher and school characteristics possibly affecting an implementation of a whole-school approach anti-bullying programme. This ... -
'It sort of goes hand in hand the academic and the social': Teachers’ experiences working with the inclusion of immigrant students in mainstream lower secondary school classes in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Schools today are multicultural organisations that are expected to promote equitable education for all students, and where teachers play a significant role in promoting inclusion. Students from immigrant backgrounds must ... -
Teacher Bullying—Does It Have an Impact on Peer Bullying Victimization?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Peer bullying in schools is well-documented through international research. There is, however, limited knowledge about teachers who bully students and how this is related to peer bullying. In the school hierarchy, the ... -
Teachers’ instructional support and students’ peer relationships in the classroom
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-08)The study aimed to investigate the association between teachers’ instructional support and peer relationships among Norwegian students in grades 5–10 (ages 10–15). The mediating role of student engagement was investigated. ... -
Academic engagement: The potential role of social–emotional competencies: A study conducted among Norwegian lower secondary school students
(PhD thesis UiS;817, Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-27)Background: Academic engagement is widely considered to be a key determinant of student success and overall healthy development. As such, it is particularly alarming that recent studies have raised concerns about declining ... -
Fidelity, dosage, and quality of delivery in implementation of the Resilient intervention : The importance of a well-functioning support system for high-quality implementation
(PhD thesis UiS; 797, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background and aim: By researching the complex phenomena of implementation fidelity, dosage, and quality of delivery in the intervention of the Resilient randomized controlled trial (RCT), the research in this thesis embarks ... -
Læreres rolle i skolens psykiske helsearbeid: erfaringer fra SEL-tiltaket ROBUST
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Elevers økte rapportering om skolerelatert stress har blitt koblet til økningen i psykiske helseplager hos barn og unge. Denne kvalitative studien utforsker læreres erfaringer med et tiltak som skal styrke elevers sosiale ... -
Post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of bullying at work and at school. A literature review and meta-analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Bullying has been established as a prevalent traumatic stressor both in school and at workplaces. It has been claimed that the mental and physical health problems found among bullied persons resembles the symptomatology ... -
Ett steg fram og to tilbake : Demokratiforståelse, holdninger og deltakelse blant norske ungdomsskoleelever
(Research report, 2023)Rapporten presenterer sentrale funn fra den norske delen av ICCS 2022, avgrenset til 1) utviklingstrekk for demokratisk kompetanse – det vil si hvordan norske elever og grupper av elever skårer på ICCS-kunnskapsskalaen, ... -
Association between Intention to Quit School and Youth Depression: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of a Group CBT Course
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-02)We investigated changes in youths’ intentions to quit school after following a group-based cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based intervention for depressed adolescents in upper secondary school: the Adolescent Coping ... -
Teacher evaluations of interethnic bullying of an Arab student: The role of perceiving refugees as a threat or benefit
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-06)Interethnic bullying that targets ethnic minority students has serious consequences for the lives of victimized students. Teachers’ evaluations of the bullying are critical because teacher intervention can stop bullying ... -
Associations between students’ reading performance and literacy instruction in first grade: a cross-lagged study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This cross-lagged study examined the classroom-level associations between the reading performance of first-grade students (N = 537) and observed literacy instruction activities in classrooms (N = 30) in the autumn and ... -
The effectiveness of the Conversation Analytic Role-Play Method (CARM) on interactional awareness: A feasibility randomized controlled trial with student teachers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study tested the effectiveness of communication skills training intervention CARM (Conversation Analytic Role-play Method) on student teachers at a university in Norway. A feasibility randomized controlled trial (n = ... -
Children’s basic needs : How do we create resilience in children, so they can thrive and sustain positive development?
(Chapter, 2023)What are children’s basic needs and how can we create a resilient environment? In this chapter the factors that are needed to create a safe and positive, healthy development for children will be presented. Some of these ... -
Higher-Order Thinking in Early Childhood Education and Care: Mediating young children's higher-order thinking skills. The role of mathematics, coding toys and educators
(PhD thesis UiS;745, Doctoral thesis, 2024-02-23)Background: Higher-order thinking skills are those skills that allow children to not only acquire but also to process knowledge as they prepare to meet the challenges posed by the 21st century. Research to date has highlighted ... -
Prestige norms of moral disengagement, prejudice, and ethnic bullying: a study among Italian early adolescents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study aimed to explore the association between prestige norms of moral disengagement and ethnic bullying among Italian early adolescents. Prestige norms of moral disengagement were also examined as possible moderator ... -
Sex differences in cyberbullying behavior and victimization and perceived parental control before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study explores the associations between social media user sex and cyberbullying and victimization before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parental control was examined as a possible moderator of these associations, ... -
Children's Multisensory Experiences in Museums: How Olfaction Interacts with Colour
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-12)This case study was designed to engage children’s sense of smell through a story-related museum exhibition. Children’s responses to the exhibition, with particular attention to their olfactory perceptions of the odors at ... -
Beyond Personalisation: Embracing Democratic Learning within Artificially Intelligent Education Systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This essay explains how, from the theoretical perspective of Basil Bernstein's three “conditions for democracy,” the current pedagogy of artificially intelligent personalized learning seems inadequate. Building on Bernstein's ...