International fish trade and exchange rates : an application to the trade with salmon and fishmeal
Original version
Tveterås, S.; Asche, F. (2008) International fish trade and exchange rates : an application to the trade with salmon and fishmeal. Applied Economics, 40(13), pp. 1745–1755 10.1080/00036840600905134Abstract
International fish trade is growing, and fish exports represent an important
source of foreign currency for many countries. For a few countries the
exports are also an essential part of the economy. We revisit the seminal
paper of Richardson (1978) that addresses the issue of exchange rate passthrough
in commodity markets, but in a multivariate cointegration
framework. The multivariate cointegration framework allows us to test
common assumptions like exchange rate pass-through, leading price,
central markets, and exogeneity of exchange rates. This approach is
particularly suited when studying markets for primary products. We
provide empirical examples using salmon imports to Japan and fish meal
exports from Peru to Germany
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Applied Economics in 2008 (online on 11 April 2011), available online: