Browsing PhD theses (SV-IS) by Document Types "Doctoral thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Akuttsaker i barnevernet: En kvalitativ studie av barneverntjenestens praksis i akutte tvangssaker
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Hensikt og problemstilling: Akutt tvangsvedtak med hjemmel i § 4–6, annet ledd i lov om barneverntjenester er et av de mest inngripende tiltak barneverntjenesten kan benytte. Vedtaket medfører at barnet umiddel-bart flytter ... -
Assessment in child protection : A comparative study Norway - England
(PhD thesis UiS;280, Doctoral thesis, 2016-01-12)Aims: The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the phenomenon of assessment in child protection by comparing two different assessment practices, the Norwegian and the English. Additional aims have been to generate ... -
Balansekunst: Skolens rådgivning i møter mellom kontekstuelle, relasjonelle og politiske forventninger
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Rådgivning i skolen er viktig for at elevene skal få informasjon, veiledning, oppfølging og hjelp til å finne seg til rette på skolen og bestemme seg for fremtidige yrkes- og utdanningsvalg (jf. Forskrift til opplæringslova ... -
Beyond fear of child welfare services : An ethnographic study among Norwegian-Somali parents
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-03)In many countries, migrants and ethnic minorities express fear of child welfare service (CWS). This is reflected in Norwegian research and media, where fear and mistrust surround the debate on migrants’ relationship with ... -
Certification for Quality in Hospitals. Exploring adoption, approaches and processes of ISO 9001 quality management system certification
(PhD thesis UiS;549, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10)Introduction: ISO 9001 quality management system certification programs are used internationally to ensure, regulate and drive quality improvement in healthcare. Certifications are often described interchangeably with ... -
Developing a novel tool for assessing olfactory dysfunction: The parosmia, phantosmia, and anosmia test (PARPHAIT)
(PhD thesis UiS; 818, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background Symptoms of olfactory dysfunction (OD) apply to different conditions, one of which is COVID-19. OD may manifest as a loss or reduction of smell, called quantitative OD, or as a change in the perception of odours, ... -
Enacting intermunicipal strategy: Multi-tranche strategizing in governance networks
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-05)Entering into interorganizational collaborations is one approach to handling the complex challenges faced by the public sector (Eriksson et al., 2020; Poister et al., 2013; Roberts, 2000; Torfing, 2019). Such collaborations ... -
Exploring collaboration within and between criminal justice and welfare systems: The perspective of front-line Liaison and Diversion workers
(PhD thesis UiS;552, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10)Background and aims. Offender rehabilitation is a key strategy wielded by criminal justice system to engender reintegration of offenders into society (Armstrong, 2012; Ministry of Justice UK, 2013). As the vast majority ... -
Factors facilitating recovery in first-episode psychosis : A multi-method approach
(PhD thesis UiS;;367, Doctoral thesis, 2017-12)Background: Predictors of recovery are crucial to the successful tailoring of treatment in first episode psychosis. There is a lack of service-user investigations with regard to factors driving recovery and experiences ... -
Frontline policy implementation in public organizations : A sociological analysis of the ‘how and why’ of implementation gaps
(PhD thesis UiS;416, Doctoral thesis, 2018-10)Background and aims Innovation is promoted in politics and public service organizations as an essential factor for meeting the demands of society. How new policies or strategies can be implemented as intended in complex ... -
How a dental anxiety service for torture, abuse and dental phobia patients works and why: A realist evaluation
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023-08)Background. Neglecting one’s oral health can negatively impact one’s general health, quality of life and well-being. Attending dental examinations is good step toward maintaining and attaining good oral health. However, ... -
Kunnskapsdeling på NAV-kontor
(PhD thesis UiS;528, Doctoral thesis, 2020-08)Bakgrunnen for denne studien er interesse for hvordan kunnskap blir delt mellom medarbeidere innenfor arbeids- og velferdstjenesten. I denne avhandlingen undersøker jeg hvilke prosesser og strukturer som utgjør vilkår for ... -
The making of immigrant clients: An ethnographic study of categorisation work in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021-12)In this study, I contribute to our understanding of the welfare services provided to immigrants. How street-level bureaucrats make sense of and categorise immigrant clients determines the services provided to them. This ... -
Managing the tension between trust and security: A qualitative study of Norwegian social workers’ experience with preventing radicalisation and violent extremism
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021-09)In Norway, social workers play a formalised part in the national strategy to prevent radicalisation and violent extremism. This part is played out by engaging with other services and organisations, such as the schools, ... -
Mulighetsrom i aktiveringsprosesser med unge: En studie av samtaler mellom Nav-veiledere og unge voksne i marginale arbeidsmarkedsposisjoner
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-10)Denne avhandlingen presenterer en kvalitativ casestudie av veileder-bruker-samtaler i Norsk arbeids- og velferdsadministrasjon (Nav), med unge voksne, som av ulike årsaker befinner seg i marginale arbeidsmarkedsposisjoner. ... -
A Narrative Study of the Best Interest of Young Women in Out-of-Home Care: Towards a More Sustainable Social Work Practice
(PhD thesis UiS; 776, Doctoral thesis, 2024)At the time of this research, Norwegian Child Welfare had recently undergone reform, and a new Child Welfare Act came into force on 1 January and 1 July 2023. The need to update the 30-year-old law was inspired by Norwegian ... -
Navigering mellom ambivalent anerkjennelse, betydningsfulle relasjoner og hverdagsforpliktelser : En studie av unge, enslige flyktningers psykososiale helse og deltakelse fra et erfaringsnært og kritisk perspektiv
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Psykiske helseproblemer, sårbarhet og risikofaktorer er sentrale stikkord i forskning knyttet til barn og unge med fluktbakgrunn. Det vi vet mindre om, er disse ungdommenes egne perspektiver på hva som har betydning for ... -
Perspektiver på omsorgsovertakelser : En kvalitativ studie av foreldre og barnevernsarbeideres erfaringer med omsorgsovertakelsesprosesser med tilknyttede problemområder
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-09)Omsorgsovertakelser er et inngripende tiltak med store konsekvenser for familielivet. Avhandlingen tilslutter seg det samfunnsvitenskapelige forskningsfeltet og utforsker hvordan omsorgsovertakelsesprosessen kan erfares ... -
Praksisveiledning i sosionomutdanningen: En kvalitativ studie av sosionomstudenters og praksisveilederes erfaringer og opplevelser med praksisveiledning
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Veiledning i praksisperioder er en viktig del av praksisplassers ansvar for den daglige oppfølgingen av studenter. Praksisveiledningen er med på å avgjøre om utdanningen holder høy faglig kvalitet og relevans (Forskrift ... -
Samanhengen mellom arbeid og integrering : Ein kvalitativ studie av innvandrarar sitt møte med norsk arbeidsliv
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023-01)Denne avhandlinga er ein kvalitativ studie av samanhengen mellom arbeid og integrering, eit samfunnsvitskapleg sentralt og aktuelt tema. Avhandlinga sin tematikk blei aktualisert av dei auka straumane av flyktningar gjennom ...