Blar i PhD Theses (HF-LMS) på utgivelsesdato
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Teachers' priorities and beliefs : a venture into beliefs, methodologies, and insights
(PhD thesis UiS, Doctoral thesis, 2009-01-30)This study focuses on Norwegian preschool- and schoolteachers’ priorities, beliefs and their subjective opinions about discipline and behavior management, group/classroom practices, beliefs about children, and ... -
Pupil aggressiveness, teacher authority, and disruptive classroom behaviour
(PhD thesis UiS;315, Doctoral thesis, 2016-11-24)Background: Pupil behaviour is important for academic and social learning in school. Disruptive behaviour conflicts with learning and may cause teachers to experience stress and even burnout. Although some knowledge is ... -
Relational aggression in adolescents; Exploring the associations with status goals, status stress, perspective taking and empathic concern within the framework of social goal theory
(PhD thesis UiS;395, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Background Relational aggression (RA) is a well-known phenomenon that involves behaviours that intentionally harm others’ interpersonal relationships (e.g., spreading negative gossip, purposefully excluding people, sending ... -
Early Childhood Executive Function, Literacy, and Mathematics: Direction of Effects and Domain-Specificity Across the Transition to School
(PhD thesis UiS;543, Doctoral thesis, 2020-09)Across the lifespan, early childhood is a time of tremendous and rapid learning. The executive functions (ability to inhibit responses, update working memory, and flexibly shift attention) and early academic skills (literacy ... -
Traditional and cyber victimization: Emotional problems and perceived teacher support
(PhD thesis UiS;566, Doctoral thesis, 2021-01)Background: The lives of children in school is rapidly changing and their off-line and on-line lives are becoming more and more interwoven, this is also making the field of bullying more complex. Although bullying is a ... -
Development of self-regulation and academic skills: The role of child factors, socioeconomic status, and cultural context
(PhD thesis UiS;611, Doctoral thesis, 2021-11)Early childhood is a period of rapid learning and development, and research has made us increasingly aware of how crucial children’s early experiences are both for their current well-being and for their future adjustment, ... -
Supported to Stay in School: How Students’ Perceptions of the Psychosocial Learning Environment are Related to Intentions to Quit Upper Secondary School
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-03)Background: National and international research has repeatedly shown that many late adolescents have poor motivation for school. Moreover, the fact that a considerable proportion of youth do not complete upper secondary ... -
The Role of Social and Emotional Competencies in Academic Efficacy Beliefs, Emotional Distress, and Academic Stress: A Study Among Lower Secondary School Students
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-04)Background: Adolescence is a time of significant social and emotional changes, including changes in school and learning environment. Adolescents report high levels of academic stress, and mental health difficulties typically ... -
Exploring professionals’ perceptions of a districtwide implementation of a CLASS-related intervention in the Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care System
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Given that 98% of Norwegian children attend early childhood education and care (ECEC) centres (Statistics Norway, 2023), ECEC quality influences children’s development considerably (Burchinal et al., 2008a; Yoshikawa et ... -
Systemrettet sakkyndighetsarbeid i pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste (PPT) - en eksplorerende studie av samarbeidsutfordringer
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Systemretting av sakkyndighetsarbeidet handler om å knytte det sakkyndige utredningsarbeidet i pedagogisk-psykologisk tjeneste (PP-tjenesten) til utvikling av skolen, i én helhetlig arbeidsoppgave. Avhandlingens hensikt ... -
Fidelity, dosage, and quality of delivery in implementation of the Resilient intervention : The importance of a well-functioning support system for high-quality implementation
(PhD thesis UiS; 797, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background and aim: By researching the complex phenomena of implementation fidelity, dosage, and quality of delivery in the intervention of the Resilient randomized controlled trial (RCT), the research in this thesis embarks ... -
Higher-Order Thinking in Early Childhood Education and Care: Mediating young children's higher-order thinking skills. The role of mathematics, coding toys and educators
(PhD thesis UiS;745, Doctoral thesis, 2024-02-23)Background: Higher-order thinking skills are those skills that allow children to not only acquire but also to process knowledge as they prepare to meet the challenges posed by the 21st century. Research to date has highlighted ... -
Academic engagement: The potential role of social–emotional competencies: A study conducted among Norwegian lower secondary school students
(PhD thesis UiS;817, Doctoral thesis, 2024-11-27)Background: Academic engagement is widely considered to be a key determinant of student success and overall healthy development. As such, it is particularly alarming that recent studies have raised concerns about declining ...