Now showing items 426-445 of 534

    • Salting-Out Assisted Liquid-Liquid Extraction for UPLC-MS/MS Determination of Thyroxine and Steroid Hormones in Human Serum and Fish Plasma 

      Urge, Alemnesh Yirda; Pampanin, Daniela Maria; Martino, Maria Elena; Knudsen, David Lausten; Brede, Cato (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Measuring the level of steroid and thyroxine hormones is key to understanding organism health conditions. Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry has become the method of choice for such hormone analyses ...
    • Sample Preparation Strategies for Antibody-Free Quantitative Analysis of High Mobility Group Box 1 Protein 

      Kvivik, Ingeborg; Jonsson, Grete; Omdal, Roald; Brede, Cato (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06)
      Sickness behavior and fatigue are induced by cerebral mechanisms involving inflammatory cytokines. High mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) is an alarmin, and a potential key player in this process. Reliable quantification methods ...
    • Sauehelse og skjulte patogener som kan forårsake sykdom 

      Sobon, Camilla (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      For den norske kulturen spiller sauer en stor rolle for kulturen, landskapet så vel for økonomien. Kjøtt, melk og ullproduksjon er noen av inntektene til Norge og er derfor viktig for å ha god helse for den norske ...
    • Seaweed-based Films for Potential Food Packaging Applications 

      Dysjaland, Hege (Master thesis, 2022)
      The focus on environmental issues and the challenges related to traditional plastic materials has triggered the use of bio-based packaging materials. Alginate is a natural biopolymer with good film-forming properties. In ...
    • Seed Amplification Assay as a Diagnostic Tool in Newly-Diagnosed Parkinson's Disease 

      Oftedal, Linn Silje Wathne; Maple-Gørdem, Jodi; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Alves, Guido Werner; Lange, Johannes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Seed amplification assays (SAA) are the first credible molecular assay for Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, the value of SAA to support the clinicians’ initial diagnosis of PD is not clear. In our study, we analyzed ...
    • Selective Recovery of Nickel and Cobalt from Spent Battery Waste (Black Mass) by Adsorption: Resin and MOF Case Study 

      Fernando, John Senth Ravishan (Master thesis, 2022)
      In recent years, metal recycling and recovery from spent battery waste has become an area receiving much attention from the research community and environmentalists. With the rapid electrification of vehicles, battery ...
    • Sensitivity analysis of a pathway with respect to fast and small temperature change 

      Zakhartsev, Maksim; Ruoff, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Temperature affects all enzymes simultaneously in a metabolic system. The enzyme concentration in a biochemical system can be considered as invariant under fast and small temperature change. Therefore, the total sensitivity ...
    • Smart Water for Enhanced Oil Recovery from Seawater and Produced Water by Membranes 

      Nair, Remya Ravindran (PhD thesis UiS;442, Doctoral thesis, 2019-03)
      Sustainable use of scarce water resources and stringent environmental regulations are currently moving the focus towards environmentally friendly and cost-effective injection methods in the offshore oil industry. Water ...
    • Solvent Synergists for Improved Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor Performance of Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) 

      Kelland, Malcolm Andrew; Dirdal, Erik Gisle; Ree, Lilian Helene Strand (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The synergetic effect of a range of different solvents on the kinetic hydrate inhibitor (KHI) performance of poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) (PVCap) has been investigated. The equipment used was a high-pressure (76 bar) rocking ...
    • Spatial analyses of immune cell infiltration in cancer: current methods and future directions. A report of the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer 

      Page, David B; Broeckx, Glenn; Jahangir, Chowdhury Arif; Verbandt, Sara; Gupta, Rajarsi R; Thagaard, Jeppe; Khiroya, Reena; Kos, Zuzana; Abduljabbar, Khalid; Acosta Haab, Gabriela; Acs, Balazs; Akturk, Guray; Almeida, Jonas S; Alvarado-Cabrero, Isabel; Azmoudeh-Ardalan, Farid; Badve, Sunil; Baharun, Nurkhairul Bariyah; Bellolio, Enrique R; Bheemaraju, Vydehi; Blenman, Kim RM; Botinelly Mendonça Fujimoto, Luciana; Bouchmaa, Najat; Burgues, Octavio; Cheang, Maggie Chon U; Ciompi, Francesco; Cooper, Lee AD; Coosemans, An; Corredor, Germán; Dantas Portela, Flavio Luis; Deman, Frederik; Demaria, Sandra; Dudgeon, Sarah N; Elghazawy, Mahmoud; Ely, Scott; Fernandez-Martín, Claudio; Fineberg, Susan; Fox, Stephen B; Gallagher, William M; Giltnane, Jennifer M; Gnjatic, Sacha; Gonzalez-Ericsson, Paula I; Grigoriadis, Anita; Halama, Niels; Hanna, Matthew G; Harbhajanka, Aparna; Hardas, Alexandros; Hart, Steven N; Hartman, Johan; Hewitt, Stephen; Hida, Akira I; Horlings, Hugo M; Husain, Zaheed; Hytopoulos, Evangelos; Irshad, Sheeba; Janssen, Emiel; Kahila, Mohamed; Kataoka, Tatsuki R; Kawaguchi, Kosuke; Kharidehal, Durga; Khramtsov, Andrey I; Kiraz, Umay; Kirtani, Pawan; Kodach, Liudmila L; Korski, Konstanty; Kovács, Anikó; Laenkholm, Anne-Vibeke; Lang-Schwarz, Corinna; Larsimont, Denis; Lennerz, Jochen K; Lerousseau, Marvin; Li, Xiaoxian; Ly, Amy; Madabhushi, Anant; Maley, Sai K; Manur Narasimhamurthy, Vidya; Marks, Douglas K; McDonald, Elizabeth S; Mehrotra, Ravi; Michiels, Stefan; Minhas, Fayyaz ul Amir Afsar; Mittal, Shachi; Moore, David A; Mushtaq, Shamim; Nighat, Hussain; Papathomas, Thomas; Penault-Llorca, Frederique; Perera, Rashindrie D; Pinard, Christopher J; Pinto-Cardenas, Juan Carlos; Pruneri, Giancarlo; Pusztai, Lajos; Rahman, Arman; Rajpoot, Nasir Mahmood; Rapoport, Bernardo Leon; Rau, Tilman T; Reis-Filho, Jorge S; Ribeiro, Joana M; Rimm, David; Vincent-Salomon, Anne; Salto-Tellez, Manuel; Saltz, Joel; Sayed, Shahin; Siziopikou, Kalliopi P; Sotiriou, Christos; Stenzinger, Albrecht; Sughayer, Maher A; Sur, Daniel; Symmans, Fraser; Tanaka, Sunao; Taxter, Timothy; Tejpar, Sabine; Teuwen, Jonas; Thompson, E Aubrey; Tramm, Trine; Tran, William T; van der Laak, Jeroen; van Diest, Paul J; Verghese, Gregory E; Viale, Giuseppe; Vieth, Michael; Wahab, Noorul; Walter, Thomas; Waumans, Yannick; Wen, Hannah Y; Yang, Wentao; Yuan, Yinyin; Adams, Sylvia; Bartlett, John Mark Seaverns; Loibl, Sibylle; Denkert, Carsten; Savas, Peter; Loi, Sherene; Salgado, Roberto; Specht Stovgaard, Elisabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Modern histologic imaging platforms coupled with machine learning methods have provided new opportunities to map the spatial distribution of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. However, there exists no standardized ...
    • Spatial and temporal axes impact ecology of the gut microbiome in juvenile European lobster (Homarus gammarus) 

      Holt, Corey C.; Van der Giezen, Mark; Daniels, Carly L.; Stentiford, Grant D.; Bass, David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Microbial communities within the gut can markedly impact host health and fitness. To what extent environmental influences affect the differential distribution of these microbial populations may therefore significantly ...
    • Specific PP2A Catalytic Subunits Are a Prerequisite for Positive Growth Effects in Arabidopsis Co-Cultivated with Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas simiae 

      Averkina, Irina Orestovna; Paponov, Ivan; Lillo, Cathrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12)
      Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) stimulate plant growth, but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. In this study, we asked whether PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2A (PP2A), a regulatory molecular component of ...
    • Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG) Valorization: Applications and Management Practices in the Stavanger Region 

      Bhatt, Neha (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-12)
      The environmental impact of food waste has been growing in interest among various environmental organizations as well as communities in the last decade. Coffee has been one of the largest consumed drinks worldwide that ...
    • Spent coffee grounds anaerobic digestion: Investigating substrate to inoculum ratio and dilute acid thermal pretreatment 

      Semaan, Georgeio; Atelge, M.R.; Dune Cayetano, Roent; Kumar, Gopalakrishnan; Kommedal, Roald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Spent coffee grounds have the potential of being used in further bioprocesses to produce materials and fuels. In Norway, the relative abundance and ease of collection of this waste substrate make it a candidate for ...
    • Spread of Antibiotic Resistant Genes in Wastewater 

      Uzuegbu, Nkemjika (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)
      The spread of antibiotic resistant genes is of great public health concern. Wastewater treatment plants have been identified as a possible reservoir for these genes. This review gives an overview on the spread of antibiotic ...
    • Statistical Approaches for Dissolution Profile Comparisons of Metformin Film-Coated Tablets 

      Mitrevska, Ivana; Pejov, Ljupco; Trajkovikj, Stefan; Brezovska, Katerina; Dimitrovska, Aneta; Ugarkovic, Sonja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The objective of this work was to apply several statistical approaches to profile comparison on dissolution data of Metformin immediate release film-coated tablets to assure that the developed formulation of the test product ...
    • Stochastic simulations as a tool for assessing signal fidelity in gene expression in synthetic promoter design 

      Righetti, Elena; Uluseker, Cansu; Kahramanoğulları, Ozan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07)
      The design and development of synthetic biology applications in a workflow often involve connecting modular components. Whereas computer-aided design tools are picking up in synthetic biology as in other areas of engineering, ...
    • Stool Microbiota Diversity Analysis of Blastocystis-Positive and Blastocystis-Negative Individuals 

      Stensvold, Christen Rune; Sørland, Brede Aksdal; Berg, Rebecca P. K. D.; Andersen, Lee O’Brien; van der Giezen, Mark; Bowtell, Joanna L.; El-Badry, Ayman A.; Belkessa, Salem; Kurt, Özgür; Nielsen, Henrik Vedel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Blastocystis is a unicellular eukaryote found in the gastrointestinal tract of both human and other animal hosts. The clinical significance of colonic Blastocystis colonization remains obscure. In this study, we used ...
    • A strategy to characterize chlorophyll protein interaction in LIL3 

      Mork-Jansson, Astrid Elisabeth; Eichacker, Lutz Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The function of proteins is at large determined by cofactors selectively bound to protein structure. Without chlorophyll specifically bound to protein, light harvesting and photosynthesis would not be possible. The binding ...